Software Engineer, New Grad 申请职位

This position is based in Beijing/Shanghai or Mountain View (United States).

The area: Software Engineering
Google's Software Engineers develop the next-generation technologies for which we've become world-renowned. In addition to revolutionizing search technology, we use our world-class programming skills to innovate in a number of other areas as well. Our projects include working on advanced information-retrieval algorithms, massive scalability and storage solutions, and large-scale applications that enrich the user experience. We also work extensively on networking systems, advertising systems and complex transaction systems in consumer applications.

The role: Software Engineer, New Grad
Google's software engineers develop the next-generation technologies which have changed how millions interact, making the world's information accessible and useful. Our ambitions reach far beyond just Search. To handle information at the scale of the web requires ideas from every areas of computer science, including information retrieval, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, distributed computing, large-scale system design, networking, security, data compression and user interface design; the list goes on and is growing every day. As a software engineer, you work on small team and can switch teams and projects as our fast-paced business grows and evolves. We need our engineers to be versatile and always eager to tackle new problems as we continue to push technology forward. 
As a key member of a small and versatile team, you design, test, deploy and maintain software solutions.

 ● BS degree in Computer Science or related technical field, MS and PhD degrees preferred
 ● Experience with UNIX/Linux or Windows environments, distributed systems, machine learning, information retrieval and TCP/IP 
 ● Extensive experience programming in C, C++, Java and/or Python 
 ● Experience in network programming and/or developing/designing large software systems


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