
Need a quick and easy way to tell if a website is bad news for you to visit?  With a quick installation, WOT (Web of Trust) provides security and peace of mind while browsing the Internet.

需要快速简便的方法来判断网站是否是您访问的坏消息吗? 通过快速安装,WOT (信任网络)可在浏览Internet时提供安全性和安心。

Update: Web of Trust has been found to track and sell users’ browsing history to third parties. This is a serious breach of…well, trust, so we no longer recommend using the Web of Trust extension, under any circumstances.

更新 :已找到Web of Trust来跟踪用户的浏览历史记录并将其出售给第三方。 这是对……信任的严重违反,因此,在任何情况下,我们都不建议使用Web of Trust扩展。

Setup in Firefox


The extension for Firefox installs in the same method as other extensions and once you have restarted your browser, you will see the following window asking you to accept the “WOT End-User Software License Agreement”. Click “Accept” to activate the WOT extension.

Firefox扩展程序的安装方法与其他扩展程序相同,重新启动浏览器后,将显示以下窗口,要求您接受“ WOT最终用户软件许可协议”。 单击“接受”以激活WOT扩展名。

Once you have accepted the license agreement and Firefox has started, the WOT button will be located at the left side of the address bar (default location). As with other aspects of the Firefox interface, you can easily move the WOT button to a new location that best suits your needs.

接受许可协议并且Firefox启动后,WOT按钮将位于地址栏的左侧(默认位置)。 与Firefox界面的其他方面一样,您可以轻松地将WOT按钮移动到最适合您需求的新位置。

The first thing that you will see in your browser window is the option to choose the level of protection that you desire. For our example, we have gone with the Basic (recommended) level. Click “Next”.

您将在浏览器窗口中看到的第一件事是选择所需保护级别的选项。 对于我们的示例,我们采用了基本(推荐)级别。 点击下一步”。

After choosing the level of protection that you desire, you will be given the option to create a WOT account. Not only will this give you access to all features, it will also give you the opportunity to rate websites that you browse or run across in your searches on the internet.

选择所需的保护级别后,您将可以选择创建WOT帐户。 这不仅使您能够使用所有功能,而且还使您有机会对您在Internet搜索中浏览或运行的网站进行评级。

Note: You may click on the Red X to close the second window and WOT will still work without problems, but you will not have access to all available features.


For our Firefox example, here is the rating shown when visiting the How-To Geek website. All green and definitely all good!

对于我们的Firefox示例,这是访问How-To Geek网站时显示的评分。 全都是绿色,绝对都不错!

For a more comprehensive look at how a website has been rated, click on the WOT button to show the WOT ratings window.


Setup in Internet Explorer

在Internet Explorer中设置

The setup process for Internet Explorer is similar to Firefox and uses an msi file. Before you can begin installation, you will have to accept the “End-User License Agreement”. The install process is then very quick and easy to finish up.

Internet Explorer的设置过程类似于Firefox,并使用msi文件。 在开始安装之前,您必须接受“最终用户许可协议”。 这样,安装过程非常快速且容易完成。

As with Firefox above, Internet Explorer will start and you will be asked to choose the level of protection that you desire. Click “Next”.  The location of the WOT button can be moved around the same as other toolbars on the Internet Explorer interface. For our example, it has been located on the right side below the address bar.

与上述Firefox一样,Internet Explorer将启动,并且将要求您选择所需的保护级别。 点击下一步”。 WOT按钮的位置可以与Internet Explorer界面上的其他工具栏相同地移动。 对于我们的示例,它位于地址栏下方的右侧。

As above, you will have the opportunity to create a WOT account.


Note: You may click on the Red X to close the second window and WOT will still work without problems, but you will not have access to all available features.


Instead of visiting a singular website after installing WOT in Internet Explorer, we used Bing to conduct a web search for “anti spyware” in our example. As you can see, WOT is displaying a rating for each link shown in the search window (extremely nice!). This can certainly save you from getting an ugly surprise with a less than reputable website.

在Internet Explorer中安装WOT之后,我们没有使用单个网站,而是使用Bing在示例中对“反间谍软件”进行了网络搜索。 如您所见,WOT正在为搜索窗口中显示的每个链接显示一个评分( 非常好! )。 当然,这可以避免您因信誉不佳的网站而受到丑陋的惊喜。

Here you can see the whole range of colors displaying with the links (green for the 1st, white for the 2nd, red for the 3rd & 5th, and yellow for the 4th).


Note: WOT also works nicely with other search engines as well (i.e. Google)!


A look at the WOT ratings window for Bing.


Setup in Opera and Safari


To add WOT to Opera and Safari, visit the link provided below and drag the bookmarklet into your browser’s Bookmarks Toolbar. In our example, the bookmarklet was added to Opera’s regular Bookmarks Menu and to the Bookmarks Toolbar in Safari.

要将WOT添加到Opera和Safari,请访问下面提供的链接,并将小书签拖到浏览器的“书签工具栏”中。 在我们的示例中,小书签已添加到Opera的常规“书签菜单”和Safari中的“书签工具栏”中。

To use the WOT bookmarklet, you will need to click on the WOT Bookmark to activate the WOT ratings window and then click on the WOT Bookmark again to deactivate it. Simple as that!

要使用WOT书签,您需要单击WOT书签以激活WOT评级窗口,然后再次单击WOT书签以将其停用。 就那么简单!

Note: The WOT bookmarklet worked very well whether it was located in the Bookmarks Toolbar or in the regular bookmarks in our example.


Here is a quick look at the bookmarklet version of WOT in Opera…


And in Safari…


An Experiment in Google Chrome

Google Chrome浏览器中的实验

Out of curiosity, we decided to see if we could get the WOT bookmarklet to work in Google Chrome. The result? Success!

出于好奇,我们决定看看是否可以让WOT小书签在Google Chrome中运行。 结果? 成功!

To get the bookmarklet to work in Chrome, right click on the Bookmarks Toolbar and select “Add page…”. You will see the following window open up. Name the new bookmark “WOT”, copy the link address for the Opera/Safari bookmarklet, and paste it into the URL area. Click “OK”.

要使小书签在Chrome中工作,请右键单击“书签工具栏”,然后选择“添加页面…”。 您将看到以下窗口打开。 将新书签命名为“ WOT”,复制Opera / Safari小书签的链接地址,然后将其粘贴到URL区域。 点击“确定”。

Here is our new WOT bookmarklet working very nicely in Chrome! The bookmarklet works on the same “click to activate and click to deactivate” principle as in Opera and Safari.

这是我们的新WOT小书签,可在Chrome中很好地运行! 书签与Opera和Safari中的“单击激活并单击禁用”原理相同。

Note: This works equally well in the newest release of Iron Browser (version!

注意:在最新版本的Iron Browser(版本3.0.189.0)中,此方法同样有效!

Different Levels of Warnings


As you visit different websites, you will run across different color ratings for those sites. What can you expect to see when the website in question causes the WOT button to display a different color than green? Here is a quick color reference guide…

当您访问不同的网站时,您将在这些网站上遇到不同的颜色评级。 当相关网站导致WOT按钮显示的颜色与绿色不同时,您会看到什么? 这是快速的颜色参考指南。

If you see a Yellow color for a website, the page will display normally as shown below. You can continue to browse the website in question or close that particular tab or window. It will be a matter of your personal comfort levels with the website in question.

如果您看到网站为黄色,则该页面将正常显示,如下所示。 您可以继续浏览有问题的网站,或关闭特定的标签或窗口。 所涉及的网站将取决于您的个人舒适程度。

A quick look at the WOT ratings window for the website shown above.


If you happen to visit a website that displays a Red color, the entire browser window will look like the one below. This is a lot like the User Account Control window shading in Windows Vista and Windows 7.

如果您碰巧访问一个显示红色的网站,则整个浏览器窗口将如下图所示。 这很像Windows Vista和Windows 7中的“用户帐户控制”窗口底纹。

Here you can see a display of the individual category ratings and the options to “Rate the site as safe” or “Ignore the warning and continue”. The best thing to do is close that particular tab or window and stay away from the website.

在这里,您可以看到各个类别等级的显示以及“将网站评为安全”或“忽略警告并继续”的选项。 最好的办法是关闭特定的选项卡或窗口,并远离网站。

A quick look at the WOT ratings window for the problem website shown above. Ouch! Not good at all!

快速浏览上面显示的问题网站的WOT评级窗口。 哎哟! 一点都不好!

Here you can see a website that displays the White/Unknown color rating. Expanding the WOT ratings window shows that some categories have already been rated, but not enough ratings data has been collected on the website yet to give it a full color rating on the WOT button itself.

在这里您可以看到一个显示白色/未知颜色等级的网站。 展开WOT评级窗口显示已对某些类别进行了评级,但是网站上尚未收集到足够的评级数据,因此无法在WOT按钮本身上对其进行全彩色评级。



WOT is an extremely easy to use and valuable addition to any browser that only takes a few minutes to set up. Your peace of mind is definitely worth it. Relax and enjoy safer browsing!

WOT是一种非常易于使用的工具,它是对任何仅需几分钟即可设置的浏览器的宝贵补充。 您省心绝对是值得的。 放松身心,享受更安全的浏览!



Download the WOT Extension for Firefox (Mozilla Add-ons)


Download the WOT Extension for Firefox (WOT Website)


Download WOT for Internet Explorer (WOT Website)

下载Internet Explorer的WOT(WOT网站)

Get the WOT Bookmarklet for Opera and Safari Browsers


If you would like to help add to WOT’s website database, sign up for an account!


Register for a WOT Account (Not required to use WOT)


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/2200/enjoy-safer-web-browsing-with-wot/



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