GemBox.Bundle v47.0.1012 

GemBox.Bundle Free提供与专业版相同的性能和功能集。但是,GemBox 组件的免费版本具有以下限制页数和行数限制

GemBox.Bundle is a package of .NET components for processing Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, PDF files, and email messages. With GemBox.Bundle you get fast and reliable components that are easy to use. They require only .NET, so you can deploy your applications quickly without considering other licenses.
GemBox.Bundle includes the following products:

GemBox.Spreadsheet: Read, write, convert, and print XLSX, XLS, XLSB, CSV, HTML, and ODS spreadsheets from .NET applications.

GemBox.Document: Read, write, convert, and print DOCX, DOC, PDF, RTF, HTML, and ODT documents from .NET applications.

GemBox.Pdf: Read, write, edit, and print PDF files from .NET applications.

GemBox.Presentation: Read, write, convert, and print PPTX, PPT, and PPSX presentations from .NET applications.

GemBox.Email: Read, write, and convert MSG, EML, and MHTML email files, or send and receive email messages using POP, IMAP, SMTP, and EWS from .NET applications.

GemBox.Imaging: Read, convert, and transform PNG, JPEG, and GIF images from .NET applications.

GemBox.Bundle is a package of .NET components that enable you to process office files (spreadsheets, documents, presentations, and emails) simply and efficiently.

With our components you get fast and reliable results in an easy–to–use format. Only the .NET is required, so you can deploy your application easily without having to think about other licenses. And they’re up to 20 times faster than Microsoft automation!

Download your free version or the trial version. For the professional version, which comes with 12 months of free bug fixes, new releases, and technical support, each developer needs a developer license. We offer a no–risk money back guarantee for 30 days. No need for a subscription; no need for server or OEM licenses.

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