TMMi Level 5: Optimization 优化级别

The achievement of all previous test improvement goals at levels 1 through 4 of TMMi has created an organizational infrastructure for testing that supports a completely defined and measured process. At TMMi maturity level 5, an organization is capable of continually improving its processes based on a quantitative understanding of statistically controlled processes. Improving test process performance is carried out through incremental and innovative process and technological improvements. The testing methods and techniques are constantly being optimized and there is a continuous focus on fine-tuning and process improvement. An optimizing test process, as defined by the TMMi, is one that is:


- managed, defined, measured, efficient and effective 管理级别,定义的,可测量的,高效且有用

- statistically controlled and predictable 统计地控制和预测

- focused on defect prevention 聚焦缺陷预防

- supported by automation as much as is deemed an effective use of resources 用自动化来支持被视为有效利用资源的方式

- able to support technology transfer from the industry to the organization 能够支持技术转化从行业到组织

- able to support re-use of test assets 支持测试资产重用

- focused on process change to achieve continuous improvement.聚焦过程改变来达到持续提升

To support the continuous improvement of the test process infrastructure, and to identify, plan and implement test improvements, a permanent test process improvement group is formally established and is staffed by members who have received specialized training to increase the level of their skills and knowledge required for the success of the group. In many organizations this group is called a Test Process Group. Support for a Test Process Group formally begins at TMMi level 3 when the test organization is introduced. At TMMi level 4 and 5 the responsibilities grow as more high level practices are introduced, e.g., identifying reusable test (process) assets and developing and maintaining the test (process) asset library.


The Defect Prevention process area is established to identify and analyze common causes of defects across the development lifecycle and define actions to prevent similar defects from occurring in the future. Outliers to test process performance, as identified as part of process quality control, are analyzed to address their causes as part of Defect Prevention.


The test process is now statistically managed by means of the Quality Control process area. Statistical sampling, measurements of confidence levels, trustworthiness, and reliability drive the test process. The test process is characterized by sampling-based quality measurements.


At TMMi level 5, the Test Process Optimization process area introduces mechanisms to fine-tune and continuously improve testing. There is an established procedure to identify process enhancements as well as to select and evaluate new testing technologies. Tools support the test process as much as is effective during test design, test execution, regression testing, test case management, defect collection and analysis, etc. Process and testware reuse across the organization is also common practice and is supported by a test (process) asset library.


The three TMMi level 5 process areas, Defect Prevention, Quality Control and Test Process Optimization all provide support for continuous process improvement. In fact, the three process areas are highly interrelated. For example, Defect Prevention supports Quality Control, e.g., by analyzing outliers to process performance and by implementing practices for defect causal analysis and prevention of defect re-occurrence. Quality Control contributes to Test Process Optimization, and Test Process Optimization supports both Defect Prevention and Quality Control, for example by implementing the test improvement proposals. All of these process areas are, in turn, supported by the practices that were established when the lower level process areas were implemented. At TMMi level 5, testing is a process with the objective of preventing defects.


The process areas at TMMi level 5 are:

5.1 Defect Prevention

5.2 Quality Control

5.3 Test Process Optimization

Each of these is discussed in more detail in the sections hereafter.


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