create an analog clock in C using graphics. This tutorial is written in a way that a beginner C graphics programmer can also understand.Before getting into the main let me explain the functions I have used in the program.创建模拟时钟 。 本教程是以C语言初学者也可以理解的方式编写的。在进入主要内容之前,让我解释一下我在程序中使用的功能。

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另请参阅: 用于创建数字秒表的C / C ++程序 另请参见: 用于使用图形创建圆形加载条的简单程序

clockLayout() I’ve used this function to print the clock layout i.e. clock dial and the markings on the clock. If we observe clearly, the clock has hours marking each separated by 30 degrees and each hour is divided into 5 markings each making an angle of 6 degrees. So, iterating the markings for every 30 degrees gives hours and iterating markings with 6 degrees give minutes markings on the clock. The clock would look like this after executing this function.

clockLayout()我已经使用此函数来打印时钟布局,即时钟刻度盘和时钟上的标记。 如果我们清楚地观察到,时钟上的小时标记彼此分开30度,每个小时分为5个标记,每个标记成6度角。 因此,每30度迭代一次标记会产生数小时,而每6度迭代一次标记会产生数分钟的时钟标记。 执行此功能后,时钟将如下所示。

secHand() It is clear from the name that this gonna do something with the seconds hand. This function is going to get the present second from the system clock and incline the line according to a particular angle. Eg: if the present seconds is 5 then the angle of the seconds hand with respect to the vertical must be 30 degrees, i.e. 5*6=30.

secHand()从名称中可以明显看出,这将使秒针起作用 。 此功能将从系统时钟中获取当前秒数,并根据特定角度倾斜线路。 例如:如果当前秒数是5,则秒针相对于垂直线的角度必须为30度,即5 * 6 = 30。

minHand() This function fulfills the task of moving the minutes hand based on the system clock. The minutes hand must be inclined 6 degrees for every minute passing. Eg: if the elapsed minutes are 30 then the minutes hand angle must be making 180 degrees with the vertical.

minHand()此函数完成根据系统时钟移动分针的任务。 分针每经过一分钟必须倾斜6度。 例如:如果经过的分钟数为30,则分钟指针的角度必须与垂直方向成180度。

hrHand() This function is going to print an inclined hours line. The function is designed to get the present hour and also the no. of elapsed minutes from the system clock and incline the line according to a particular angle. For every hour elapsed the hour hand moves 30 degrees and every 12 minutes it moves 6 degrees.

hrHand()此函数将打印倾斜的小时线。 该功能旨在获取当前时间以及编号。 从系统时钟开始经过的分钟数,并根据特定角度倾斜线路。 时针每小时移动30度,每12分钟移动6度。

main() The first lines in main are graphic initialization, you must change the path “c:\turboc3\bgi\” to your compiler’s BGI file path otherwise program will not work. Coming to the while loop, the while loop iterates for every 100 milliseconds reprinting all the functions. This program is like getting the static picture of clock every second and combining all the pictures to make a moving analog clock.

main()main的第一行是图形初始化,必须将路径“ c:\ turboc3 \ bgi \”更改为编译器的BGI文件路径,否则程序将无法工作。 进入while循环时,while循环每隔100毫秒迭代一次,以重新打印所有功能。 该程序就像每秒获取时钟的静态图片,然后将所有图片合成一个移动的模拟时钟一样。

Also Read: Simple program to create a moving car in graphics

另请阅读: 用于在图形中创建移动汽车的简单程序

C语言模拟时钟程序 (Program for Analog Clock in C)

/* Graphical Analog Clock designed in C*/
/*Note press ctrl+pause break to stop the clock while executing in TC*/#include<stdio.h>
#include<time.h>#define PI 3.147void clockLayout();
void secHand();
void hrHand();
void minHand();
int maxx,maxy;void main()
{int gdriver=DETECT,gmode,error;initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,"c:\turboc3\bgi\");error=graphresult();if(error!=grOk){printf("Error in graphics, code= %d",grapherrormsg(error));exit(0);}while(1){clockLayout();secHand();minHand();hrHand();sleep(1);                /* pausing the outputscreen for 1 sec */cleardevice();           /* clearing the previous picture of clock */}
}void clockLayout()
{int i,x,y,r;float j;maxx=getmaxx();maxy=getmaxy();for(i=1;i<5;i++){                   /* printing a round ring with outer radius of 5 pixel */setcolor(YELLOW);circle(maxx/2,maxy/2,120-i);}pieslice(maxx/2,maxy/2,0,360,5);    /* displaying a circle in the middle of clock */x=maxx/2+100;y=maxy/2;r=100;setcolor(BLUE);for(j=PI/6;j<=(2*PI);j+=(PI/6)){    /* marking the hours for every 30 degrees */pieslice(x,y,0,360,4);x=(maxx/2)+r*cos(j);y=(maxy/2)+r*sin(j);}x=maxx/2+100;y=maxy/2;r=100;setcolor(RED);for(j=PI/30;j<=(2*PI);j+=(PI/30)){  /* marking the minutes for every 6 degrees */pieslice(x,y,0,360,2);x=(maxx/2)+r*cos(j);y=(maxy/2)+r*sin(j);}
}void secHand()
{struct time t;int r=80,x=maxx/2,y=maxy/2,sec;float O;maxx=getmaxx();maxy=getmaxy();gettime(&t);                     /*getting the seconds in system clock */sec=t.ti_sec;O=sec*(PI/30)-(PI/2);           /* determining the angle of the line with respect to vertical */setcolor(YELLOW);line(maxx/2,maxy/2,x+r*cos(O),y+r*sin(O));
}void hrHand()
{int r=50,hr,min;int x,y;struct time t;float O;maxx=getmaxx();maxy=getmaxy();x=maxx/2,y=maxy/2;gettime(&t);                     /*getting the seconds in system clock */hr=t.ti_hour;min=t.ti_min;/* determining the angle of the line with respect to vertical */if(hr<=12)O=(hr*(PI/6)-(PI/2))+((min/12)*(PI/30));if(hr>12) O=((hr-12)*(PI/6)-(PI/2))+((min/12)*(PI/30));setcolor(BLUE);line(maxx/2,maxy/2,x+r*cos(O),y+r*sin(O));
}void minHand()
{int r=60,min;int x,y;float O;struct time t;maxx=getmaxx();maxy=getmaxy();x=maxx/2;y=maxy/2;gettime(&t);  /*getting the seconds in system clock */min=t.ti_min;O=(min*(PI/30)-(PI/2)); /* determining the angle of the line with respect to vertical */setcolor(RED);line(maxx/2,maxy/2,x+r*cos(O),y+r*sin(O));

Coment down below if you have any queries related to above program.




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