c++ cleartype

Many people have expressed to me their dislike of the default ClearType font smoothing in Windows Vista, and asked for a way to change the settings to something better. You have a couple of options here:

许多人向我表达了他们对Windows Vista中默认的ClearType字体平滑的不满意,并寻求一种将设置更改为更好的方法。 您可以在此处选择两个选项:

  • You can just Disable or Enable ClearType.  (Note that if you are still using a CRT monitor, you should not be using ClearType anyway.)

    您可以禁用或启用ClearType 。 (请注意,如果您仍在使用CRT监视器,则无论如何都不应使用ClearType。)

  • Install Microsoft’s ClearType Tuner PowerToy for XP (which works in Vista, even if it says it doesn’t)

    安装适用于XP的 Microsoft ClearType Tuner PowerToy (即使无法运行,也可在Vista中使用)

Once you download the setup program and start the install, you’ll get an error message, which you can ignore. You might want to create a restore point if you are really worried. Just click the Run Program button to start the install.

下载安装程序并开始安装后,您会收到一条错误消息,可以忽略。 如果您真的很担心,可能要创建一个还原点。 只需单击“运行程序”按钮即可开始安装。

After the install completed, it immediately launched the wizard for me. If it doesn’t, or you want to open the ClearType Tuning wizard again, just open up Control Panel and click on Appearance and Personalization. You should see ClearType Tuning near the bottom of the window.

安装完成后,它立即为我启动了向导。 如果不是,或者您想再次打开ClearType Tuning向导,只需打开“控制面板”,然后单击“外观和个性化”。 您应该在窗口底部附近看到ClearType Tuning。

Once you launch the utility, you can either run through the wizard, which isn’t a bad choice, or you can click the Advanced tab to directly change the settings.


Once you start the wizard, you’ll be taken through a couple of screens where you click the box that you feel is best. At the end of the wizard, it will change the settings and then close.

启动向导后,您将进入几个屏幕,在这些屏幕上单击感觉最佳的框。 在向导结束时,它将更改设置,然后关闭。

If you decided to click the Advanced tab instead, you can directly change the settings. The default value for me was 1.2, which is actually the value I prefer, but you might want it lighter or darker.

如果您决定单击“高级”选项卡,则可以直接更改设置。 我的默认值是1.2,实际上是我喜欢的值,但是您可能希望它更亮或更暗。

Once you are done tuning your settings, you will have to close an reopen any windows in order to have the new changes take effect. It’ll be worth it, though!

调整完设置后,必须重新打开所有窗口才能使新更改生效。 不过,这将是值得的!

Note that there are some registry hacks to accomplish the same thing… although why you’d use registry hacks instead of this sweet utility I just don’t know.


Download ClearType PowerToy from Microsoft

从Microsoft下载ClearType PowerToy

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/tune-your-cleartype-font-settings-in-windows-vista/

c++ cleartype

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