国家给出了 8 岁男宝宝的标准身高为 130 厘米、标准体重为 27 公斤;8 岁女宝宝的标准身高为 129 厘米、标准体重为 25 公斤。


输入在第一行给出一个不超过 10 的正整数 N,随后 N 行,每行给出一位宝宝的身体数据:

性别 身高 体重
其中性别是 1 表示男生,0 表示女生。身高和体重都是不超过 200 的正整数。


如果太矮了,输出:duo chi yu!(多吃鱼);
如果太瘦了,输出:duo chi rou!(多吃肉);
如果正标准,输出:wan mei!(完美);
如果太高了,输出:ni li hai!(你厉害);
如果太胖了,输出:shao chi rou!(少吃肉)。
先评价身高,再评价体重。两句话之间要有 1 个空格。


0 130 23
1 129 27
1 130 30
0 128 27


ni li hai! duo chi rou!
duo chi yu! wan mei!
wan mei! shao chi rou!
duo chi yu! shao chi rou!
using namespace std;class Baby{public:int sex ;int height;int weight;
};int main(){Baby B[10];int N = 0;cin>>N;void heightpanduan (int flag, int height);void weightpanduan (int flag, int weight);for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){cin>>B[i].sex;cin>>B[i].height;cin>>B[i].weight;}for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){if (B[i].sex == 1){heightpanduan (130, B[i].height);weightpanduan (27, B[i].weight);} else {heightpanduan (129, B[i].height);weightpanduan (25, B[i].weight);}}return 0;
}void heightpanduan (int flag, int height) {if (height > flag) {cout<<"ni li hai! ";} else if (height == flag) {cout<<"wan mei! ";} else {cout<<"duo chi yu! ";}
void weightpanduan (int flag, int weight) {if (weight > flag) {cout<<"shao chi rou!"<<endl;} else if (weight == flag) {cout<<"wan mei!"<<endl;} else {cout<<"duo chi rou!"<<endl;}


import java.util.Scanner;class Baby{int sex ;int height;int weight;
}public class Main{public static void main(String[] args){Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);int N = sc.nextInt();void heightpanduan (int flag, int height);void weightpanduan (int flag, int weight);Baby[] B = new Baby[10];for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){B[i].sex = sc.nextInt();B[i].height = sc.nextInt();B[i].weight = sc.nextInt();}for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){if (B[i].sex == 1){heightpanduan (130, B[i].height);weightpanduan (27, B[i].weight);} else {heightpanduan (129, B[i].height);weightpanduan (25, B[i].weight);}}}void heightpanduan (int flag, int height) {if (height > flag) {System.out.print("ni li hai! ");} else if (height == flag) {System.out.print("wan mei! ");} else {System.out.print("duo chi yu! ");}}void weightpanduan (int flag, int weight) {if (weight > flag) {System.out.println("shao chi rou!");} else if (weight == flag) {System.out.println("wan mei!");} else {System.out.println("duo chi rou!");}}


Main.java:14: error: illegal start of expression
void heightpanduan (int flag, int height);
Main.java:14: error: ‘;’ expected
void heightpanduan (int flag, int height);
Main.java:14: error: expected
void heightpanduan (int flag, int height);
Main.java:14: error: not a statement
void heightpanduan (int flag, int height);
Main.java:14: error: ‘;’ expected
void heightpanduan (int flag, int height);
Main.java:15: error: illegal start of expression
void weightpanduan (int flag, int weight);
Main.java:15: error: ‘;’ expected
void weightpanduan (int flag, int weight);
Main.java:15: error: expected
void weightpanduan (int flag, int weight);
Main.java:15: error: not a statement
void weightpanduan (int flag, int weight);
Main.java:15: error: ‘;’ expected
void weightpanduan (int flag, int weight);
10 errors



Main.java:25: error: non-static method heightpanduan(int,int) cannot be referenced from a static context
heightpanduan (130, B[i].height);
^ Main.java:26: error: non-static method weightpanduan(int,int) cannot be referenced from a static context
weightpanduan (27, B[i].weight);
^ Main.java:28: error: non-static method heightpanduan(int,int) cannot be referenced from a static context
heightpanduan (129, B[i].height);
^ Main.java:29: error: non-static method weightpanduan(int,int) cannot be referenced from a static context
weightpanduan (25, B[i].weight);
^ 4 errors

于是在public void 函数名,public和void中间加了个static
小伙伴: Baby[] B = new Baby[10];,这个之后还要在for循环里来一下。于是加了个B[i] = new Baby();


Baby[] B = new Baby[10];**//这个在外面        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){B[i] = new Baby();//这个在里面
import java.util.Scanner;class Baby{int sex ;int height;int weight;
}public class Main{public static void main(String[] args){Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);int N = sc.nextInt();//void heightpanduan (int flag, int height);//void weightpanduan (int flag, int weight);Baby[] B = new Baby[10];for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){B[i] = new Baby();B[i].sex = sc.nextInt();B[i].height = sc.nextInt();B[i].weight = sc.nextInt();}for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){if (B[i].sex == 1){heightpanduan (130, B[i].height);weightpanduan (27, B[i].weight);} else {heightpanduan (129, B[i].height);weightpanduan (25, B[i].weight);}}}public static void heightpanduan (int flag, int height) {if (height > flag) {System.out.print("ni li hai! ");} else if (height == flag) {System.out.print("wan mei! ");} else {System.out.print("duo chi yu! ");}}public static void weightpanduan (int flag, int weight) {if (weight > flag) {System.out.println("shao chi rou!");} else if (weight == flag) {System.out.println("wan mei!");} else {System.out.println("duo chi rou!");}}


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