


Q1: 这家度假村为什么颁布手机禁令?

Q2: “nomophobia”指的是什么?

Q3: “force”和“enforce”的区别是什么?(sb,sth)

Bali resort bans smartphones from poolside to enforce relaxation

Does a hotel pool even exist if you don’t put it on social media?

It’s a question one Bali resort is encouraging its guests to put to the test by banning phones and mobile devices by the pool, in a bid to encourage people to absorb their surroundings rather than staring at a screen.

The enforced “digital detox ruling” at Ayana Resort in Bali, which extends to all smartphones and digital devices, is an attempt to forcibly untether people from the global addiction of checking the news, compulsively taking photos, updating social media and replying to emails even when on holiday.

The phenomenon of being unable to switch off, or be parted from your phone, has even been given a name: nomophobia, now described as the “21st century disease”. Social media use has also been linked with depression, particularly among young people.

A recent survey of American holiday-makers by OnePoll found that more than 20% said they checked their smartphones once per hour during their most recent vacation. In a Deloitte survey in Britain in 2017, 38% of adults said they thought they were using their smartphone too much.

As a result, there has been a surge of interest in so-called digital detox holidays, as people look for ways to take a break from their phones, with travel companies and hotels cashing in people’s inability to switch off their devices unless forced.

Ayana resort’s no-phone policy is unlikely to be popular with everyone however. Another recent survey by Travelzoo found that 30% of respondents booked holiday destinations on the basis they would make great fodder for social media.





这种无法关机,或者与手机难舍难分的现象甚至已经有了一个名字:无手机焦虑症,它被描述为“21 世纪的疾病”。社交媒体的使用也和抑郁症有关联,而这种关联在年轻人中尤为常见。

OnePoll 最近对美国度假者进行的一项调查发现,超过 20%的人表示,他们在最近一次度假中每小时查看一次手机。2017 年,德勤在英国的一项调查显示,38%的成年人觉得自己用智能手机用得太频繁了。


然而,阿雅娜度假村的禁用手机政策不太可能受到所有人的欢迎。Travelzoo 最近的另一项调查就发现,在预定旅游目的地时,有 30%的受访者都是以其“好作为素材晒到社交媒体”为基准来预定的。


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