


百度百科上的Project Tango介绍:

Project Tango的一个分析:

除了这款设备外,还有一款叫做Lenovo phab2 pro ,看下它的简单评测:




百度网盘地址:链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c1SYa6 密码:h88v

Tango is a platform that uses computer vision to give devices the ability to understand their position relative to the world around them. A Tango-enabled device is an Android device with a wide-angle camera, a depth sensing camera, accurate sensor timestamping, and a software stack that enables application developers to use motion tracking, area learning and depth sensing. Thousands of developers have purchased these devices to create experiences to explore physical space around the user, including precise navigation without GPS, windows into virtual 3D worlds, measurement and scanning of spaces, and games that know where they are in the room and what’s around them.

You will need a Tango-enabled device, like the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro, in order to run and test any apps you develop. In the meantime, you can familiarize yourself with our documentation and APIs to plan how you might create your Tango apps.

Tango的有三个版本,C,Java,SDK for Unity版本,下面的例子以Unity为案例

Tango主要有三个技术核心:Motion Tracking,Area Learning和Depth Perception

Motion Tracking 介绍:
Motion Tracking means that a Tango device can track its own movement and orientation through 3D space. Walk around with a device and move it forward, backward, up, or down, or tilt it in any direction, and it can tell you where it is and which way it’s facing. It’s similar to how a mouse works, but instead of moving around on a flat surface, the world is your mousepad。

Area Learning 介绍:
Human beings learn to recognize where they are in an environment by noticing the features around them: a doorway, a staircase, the way to the nearest restroom. Tango gives your mobile device the same ability. With Motion Tracking alone, the device “sees” the visual features of the area it is moving through but doesn’t “remember” them.

With Area Learning turned on, the device not only remembers what it sees, it can also save and recall that information. When you enter a previously saved area, the device uses a process called localization to recognize where you are in the area. This feature opens up a wide range of creative applications. The device also uses Area Learning to improve the accuracy of Motion Tracking.

Depth Perception 介绍:
With depth perception, your device can understand the shape of your surroundings. This lets you create “augmented reality,” where virtual objects not only appear to be a part of your actual environment, they can also interact with that environment. One example: you create a virtual character who jumps onto and then skitters across a real-world table top.


百度网盘地址:链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c1SYa6 密码:h88v





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