

  • 代码块
    • 1. code 插件
      • 1.1 安装
      • 1.2 配置
      • 1.3 效果
    • 2. copy-code-button 插件
      • 2.1 安装
      • 2.2 配置
      • 2.3 效果
    • 3. klipse 插件
      • 3.1 安装
      • 3.2 方法
      • 3.3 效果
    • 4. Prism 插件
      • 4.1 安装
      • 4.2 配置
        • 4.2.1 css
        • 4.2.2 lang
        • 4.2.3 ignore
      • 4.3 效果
        • 4.3.1 Prism Themes
        • 4.3.2 Atelierbram Themes
    • 5. prism-themes 插件
      • 5.1 安装
      • 5.2 配置
      • 5.3 效果
    • 6. ACE 插件
      • 6.1 安装
      • 6.2 配置
      • 6.3 效果
    • 7. Terminal 插件
      • 7.1 安装
      • 7.2 配置
      • 7.3 效果
    • 8. codesnippet 插件
      • 8.1 安装
      • 8.2 配置
      • 8.3 语法
      • 8.4 效果
      • 8.5 评价

1. code 插件

code 代码添加行号&复制按钮

1.1 安装

npm i gitbook-plugin-code-pro

1.2 配置


{"plugins" : [ "code" ]


"pluginsConfig": {"code": {"copyButtons": false}

1.3 效果


2. copy-code-button 插件

copy-code-button 插件功能是代码复制按钮

2.1 安装

npm i gitbook-plugin-copy-code-button

2.2 配置

{"plugins": ["copy-code-button"]

2.3 效果

3. klipse 插件

klipse 插件是嵌入类似IDE的功能

3.1 安装

npm i gitbook-plugin-klipse

3.2 方法

{"plugins": ["klipse"]

用法,在 markdown 中

print [x + 1 for x in range(10)]

3.3 效果

klipse 目前支持下面的语言:

  • javascript: evaluation is done with the javascript function eval and pretty printing of the result is done with pretty-format
  • clojure[script]: evaluation is done with Self-Hosted Clojurescript
  • ruby: evaluation is done with Opal
  • C++: evaluation is done with JSCPP
  • python: evaluation is done with Skulpt
  • scheme: evaluation is done with BiwasScheme
  • PHP: evaluation is done with Uniter
  • BrainFuck
  • JSX
  • EcmaScript2017
  • Google Charts: See Interactive Business Report with Google Charts.

4. Prism 插件

Prism 插件使用 Prism.js 为语法添加高亮显示,需要将 highlight 插件去掉。该插件自带的主题样式较少,可以再安装 prism-themes 插件,里面多提供了几种样式,具体的样式可以参考 这里,在设置样式时要注意设置 css 文件名,而不是样式名。

4.1 安装

npm i gitbook-plugin-prism

4.2 配置

{"plugins": ["prism","-highlight"]

4.2.1 css


"pluginsConfig": {"prism": {"css": ["prismjs/themes/prism-solarizedlight.css"]}

4.2.2 lang


"pluginsConfig": {"prism": {"lang": {"flow": "typescript"}}

4.2.3 ignore


"pluginsConfig": {"prism": {"ignore": ["mermaid","eval-js"]}

4.3 效果

4.3.1 Prism Themes


$ ls node_modules/prismjs/themes/
prism-coy.css      prism.css       prism-dark.min.css  prism-funky.min.css  prism-okaidia.css      prism-solarizedlight.css      prism-tomorrow.css      prism-twilight.css
prism-coy.min.css  prism-dark.css  prism-funky.css     prism.min.css        prism-okaidia.min.css  prism-solarizedlight.min.css  prism-tomorrow.min.css  prism-twilight.min.css

Okaidia prismjs/themes/prism-okaidia.css

Solarized Light prismjs/themes/prism-solarizedlight.css

Tomorrow prismjs/themes/prism-tomorrow.css

Dark prismjs/themes/prism-dark.css

Coy prismjs/themes/prism-coy.css

4.3.2 Atelierbram Themes


Base16 Ocean Dark syntax-highlighting/assets/css/prism/prism-base16-ocean.dark.css

Google Light syntax-highlighting/assets/css/prism/prism-base16-google.light.css

Xonokai syntax-highlighting/assets/css/prism/prism-xonokai.css

5. prism-themes 插件

当使用gitbook-plugin-prism时,prism-themes 插件提供了额外的主题。

5.1 安装

npm i gitbook-plugin-prism-themes


gitbook install

5.2 配置

{"plugins": ["-highlight", "prism", "prism-themes"]
}"pluginsConfig": {  "prism": {"css": ["prism-themes/themes/prism-duotone-dark.css"]}

5.3 效果

  • Available themes

6. ACE 插件

ACE插件是使 GitBook 支持ace

6.1 安装

npm i gitbook-plugin-ace

6.2 配置

默认情况下,line-height 为 1,会使代码显得比较挤,而作者好像没提供修改行高的选项,如果需要修改行高,可以到 node_modules -> github-plugin-ace -> assets -> ace.js 中加入下面两行代码 (30 行左右的位置):

editor.container.style.lineHeight = 1.25;

不过上面的做法有个问题就是,每次使用 gitbook install 安装新的插件之后,代码又会重置为原来的样子。另外可以在 website.css 中加入下面的 css 代码来指定 ace 字体的大小

.aceCode {font-size: 14px !important;


"plugins": ["ace"


// This is a hello world program for C.
#include <stdio.h>int main(){printf("Hello World!");return 1;

6.3 效果

7. Terminal 插件

Terminal 插件功能是模拟终端显示,主要用于显示命令以及多行输出,不过写起来有些麻烦。

7.1 安装

npm i gitbook-plugin-terminal

7.2 配置

terminal 支持下面 5 种样式,如果需要更换样式,在 pluginsConfig 里配置即可。

  • black: Just that good old black terminal everybody loves.
  • classic: Looking for green color font over a black background? This is for you.
  • flat: Oh, flat colors. I love flat colors. Everything looks modern with them.
  • ubuntu: Admit it or not, but Ubuntu have a good looking terminal.
  • white: Make your terminal to blend in with your GitBook.


{"plugins": ["terminal"],"pluginsConfig": {"terminal": {"copyButtons": true,"fade": false,"style": "flat"}}

现在支持 6 种标签:

command: Command "executed" in the terminal.
delimiter: Sequence of characters between the prompt and the command.
error: Error message.
path: Directory path shown in the prompt.
prompt: Prompt of the user.
warning: Warning message.


**[<tag_name> 内容]

为了使标签正常工作,需要在代码块的第一行加入 **[termial] 标记,下面是一个完整的示例:

**[prompt foo@joe]**[path ~]**[delimiter  $ ]**[command ./myscript]
Normal output line. Nothing special here...
You can add some colors. What about a warning message?
**[warning [WARNING] The color depends on the theme. Could look normal too]
What about an error message?
**[error [ERROR] This is not the error you are looking for]

7.3 效果

8. codesnippet 插件

codesnippet 插件可以轻松导入代码文件或在 GitBook 的代码块中使用变量。

8.1 安装

npm i gitbook-plugin-codesnippet

8.2 配置

{"plugins": ["codesnippet"]

8.3 语法

添加代码内容:This is a code snippet:{% codesnippet "./myfile.js" %}{% endcodesnippet %}


This is a code snippet, display as HTML:{% codesnippet "./myfile.ejs", language="html" %}{% endcodesnippet %}


This is a code snippet, display as HTML:{% codesnippet "./myfile.ejs", lines="2:5" %}{% endcodesnippet %}


This is a code snippet, display as HTML:{% codesnippet %}
curl {{ book.hostname|d("http://localhost") }}/myapi
{% endcodesnippet %}

8.4 效果


8.5 评价


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