Madfinger Games have prepared the “Game Master’s Kit” – a special edition of their online multiplayer hit SHADOWGUN:DeadZone. The complete game project is now available as a free download on the Unity Asset Store.

Madfinger Games已经准备了“游戏大师工具包”,这是他们在线多人游戏 SHADOWGUN:DeadZone 的特别版 完整的游戏项目现在可以 在Unity Asset Store上免费下载

Some multiplayer games have mod support that allows people to modify or add various parts of the game like maps, game assets, scripts or configurations files. But SHADOWGUN:DeadZone Game Master’s Kit goes further than that. It is a snapshot of a real Unity 5.1 project with game sources and assets.

一些多人游戏具有mod支持,使人们可以修改或添加游戏的各个部分,例如地图,游戏资产,脚本或配置文件。 但是SHADOWGUN:DeadZone游戏大师工具包的作用远不止于此。 它是带有游戏源和资产的真实Unity 5.1项目的快照。

You can modify everything, even port the game to a new platform. Or you can just learn from the project and play around with it by changing the gameplay as you wish. You can use it as any other asset from the store, as long as you respect the SG:Deadzone public license agreement.

您可以修改所有内容,甚至可以将游戏移植到新平台。 或者,您也可以从项目中学习并通过根据需要更改游戏玩法来进行操作。 只要遵守SG:Deadzone公共许可协议 ,您就可以将其用作商店中的任何其他资产。

The game was released on Unity 3.5 around Christmas 2011 and it’s now available on Android, iOS and Facebook. Over the years, the studio has polished the game and provided dozens of server side stability and security improvements and fixes. Now they’ve decided to share the result of the whole experience with the Unity community.

该游戏于2011年圣诞节前后在Unity 3.5上发布 ,现已在Android , iOS和Facebook上提供 。 多年来,工作室一直在完善游戏,并提供了数十种服务器端稳定性和安全性改进与修复。 现在,他们决定与Unity社区分享整个体验的结果。

Please play with it, modify it and have fun. If you ever want to share a really good modification to the game or if you would like to help the development process, join the game community here.

请使用它,对其进行修改并从中获得乐趣。 如果您想对游戏进行真正的修改,或者想帮助开发过程,请在此处加入游戏社区 。

What the project includes:


What we’ve added (not in the official version of the game):


What is missing (compared to the official version):


The networking part is powered by MuchDifferent’s uLink technology. The game is implemented around the authoritative server concept, where the server has everything under control.

网络部分由MuchDifferent的uLink技术提供支持。 该游戏围绕权威的服务器概念实施,在该概念中,服务器使一切都处于受控状态。

Since the game doesn’t use the new Unity Multiplayer technology, it’s NOT a good place to learn it. However, the authoritative server concept is supported by both technologies. So, it should not be too difficult to port the game to Unity Multiplayer. Actually, uLink has evolved from a system similar to the old Unity networking system.

由于该游戏未使用新的Unity Multiplayer技术,因此不是学习它的好地方。 但是,两种技术都支持权威的服务器概念。 因此,将游戏移植到Unity Multiplayer并不难。 实际上,uLink是从类似于旧Unity网络系统的系统演变而来的。

Make sure to read Madfinger’s installation and compilation guide before getting started.

在开始之前,请务必阅读Madfinger的安装和编译指南 。



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