

Many programming languages have sign available as a built-in function. Python doesn’t, but we can define our own!

In the cell below, define a function called sign which takes a numerical argument and returns -1 if it’s negative, 1 if it’s positive, and 0 if it’s 0.

# Your code goes here. Define a function called 'sign'
def sign(num):if num > 0:num = 1elif num < 0:num = -1else:num = 0return num
# Check your answer


We’ve decided to add “logging” to our to_smash function from the previous exercise.

def to_smash(total_candies):"""Return the number of leftover candies that must be smashed after distributingthe given number of candies evenly between 3 friends.>>> to_smash(91)1"""print("Splitting", total_candies, "candies")return total_candies % 3to_smash(91)

Splitting 91 candies

What happens if we call it with total_candies = 1?


Splitting 1 candies

That isn’t great grammar!

Modify the definition in the cell below to correct the grammar of our print statement. (If there’s only one candy, we should use the singular “candy” instead of the plural “candies”)

def to_smash(total_candies):"""Return the number of leftover candies that must be smashed after distributingthe given number of candies evenly between 3 friends.>>> to_smash(91)1"""print("Splitting", total_candies, "candy" if total_candies == 1 else "candies")return total_candies % 3to_smash(91)

Splitting 91 candies
Splitting 1 candy

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