
A good article by Anupam Chugh on Medium titled “Apple is killing a billion-dollar ad industry with one popup” provides some very interesting facts about the coming battle over targeted advertising after the launch of iOS 14, already available in public beta, which could create major problems for the sophisticated tracking systems used to manage it.

Anupam Chugh在Medium上发表的一篇好文章,标题为“ Apple通过一个弹出窗口杀死了一个十亿美元的广告产业 ” 提供了一些非常有趣的事实,说明在公开发布测试版iOS 14之后,针对定向广告的战斗即将到来,这可能会给用于管理它的复杂跟踪系统造成重大问题。

The arrival of iOS 13 severely restricted the impenitent and impertinent use of users’ geolocation information by third parties who had no justification for knowing where we were at any given time, but iOS 14 will serve users with a dialog box asking them to decide between “Allow Tracking” or “Ask the application not to track” their advertising identifiers (IDFA). Would anyone in their right mind choose the first option? Considering the misery that targeted advertising has inflicted on us for years, you’d have to be a masochist. And what will happen when the vast majority of users decide to hide their advertising identifiers, used by systems such as Google or Facebook, and which include more tan 100,000 apps within the App Store to capture your data and send it to data brokers?

iOS 13的到来严重限制了第三方(他们无权知道我们在任何给定时间的位置) 对用户的地理位置信息的不当使用和不当使用 ,但是iOS 14将为用户提供一个对话框,要求他们在“允许跟踪”或“要求应用程序不跟踪”其广告标识符(IDFA)。 谁会在他们的头脑中选择第一个选项? 考虑到定向广告多年来给我们带来的苦难,您必须成为受虐狂。 当绝大多数用户决定隐藏自己的广告标识符(由Google或Facebook等系统使用,并且在App Store中包含更多的tan 100,000个应用程序来捕获您的数据并将其发送给数据代理)时,将会发生什么?

What is Apple doing? It’s simply trying to put an end to a racket that should have been shut down years ago. The current state of online advertising has been described as deception, a bubble, a negative force destroying the internet and the world, responsible for making us increasingly unhappy, to the point that some voices are calling for a ban. The question is how we got here and why our patience and that of advertisers didn’t run out long ago.

苹果在做什么? 它只是想结束应该在几年前关闭的球拍。 在线广告的当前状态已被描述为欺骗 ,一个泡沫 ,负力破坏互联网和全世界 , 负责为使我们越发不满 ,以至于一些声音都点呼吁禁止 。 问题是我们如何到达这里以及为什么我们和广告客户的耐心在很久以前就没有用完。

The only way to fix a system that punishes users, deceives advertisers and only benefits a few is to introduce as much clarity and transparency into it as possible. Do you want to receive targeted advertising? Then say so expressly. On the other hand, do you want the apps you use to capture everything do on your device and send it to data brokers who will resell it? Say no and companies that have built business models based on such predatory abuse will have to find something else to do.

修复会惩罚用户,欺骗广告主并且仅使少数人受益的系统的唯一方法是在其中引入尽可能多的清晰度和透明度。 您想收到有针对性的广告吗? 然后这么明确地说。 另一方面,您是否想要用于捕获设备上所做的所有操作并将其发送给将转售该数据的数据代理的应用程序? 说不,基于这种掠夺性滥用建立业务模型的公司将不得不寻找其他事情。

The reaction of large organizations such as The New York Times has been to understand that they are capable of generating data about their own users by themselves, without resorting to intermediaries, and from this month, will exclude that data as harmful to privacy, focusing on what they obtain on their own platform. For a company with six million readers, the alternative makes sense, especially if those readers understand that their data is not being misused and that any advertising you receive will from the newspaper itself, not from an army of middlemen who prey on your information. In time, the idea of having to accept dozens of cookies to access a page will be seen for what it was: the product of a primitive era in which some people exploited a system far beyond any reasonable limit.

像《纽约时报》这样的大型组织的React是,他们知道自己能够自行生成有关自己用户的数据,而无需借助中介机构, 从本月开始 ,它将排除对隐私有害的数据,重点是他们在自己的平台上获得的东西。 对于拥有六百万读者的公司而言,替代方案是有道理的,尤其是在那些读者理解他们的数据没有被滥用并且您收到的任何广告将来自报纸本身,而不是来自掠夺您信息的中间人大军的情况下。 随着时间的流逝,必须接受数十个cookie才能访问页面的想法是这样的:原始时代的产物,在这个原始时代中,有些人利用远远超出任何合理限制的系统。

For smaller companies, unable to develop their own advertising platforms, the future will be difficult. But at least it will not be based on the unlimited exploitation of ignorance and asymmetric information by a few monopolies.

对于无法开发自己的广告平台的小型公司而言,未来将是困难的。 但是至少它不会基于少数垄断者 对无知和不对称信息的无限利用 。

Apple’s latest move reflects its commitment to its users’ privacy, potentially attracting people who value it. Time will tell if its leadership ends up extending the concept to the rest of the companies that participate in the ecosystem or if, on the contrary, it is simply a privilege for those who can afford it.

苹果公司的最新举措反映了其对用户隐私的承诺,有可能吸引重视它的人们。 时间会证明它的领导地位是否最终将概念扩展到了参与生态系统的其他公司,或者相反,对于负担得起的人来说,这仅仅是特权。

(En español, aquí)

( Enespañol aquí )

翻译自: https://medium.com/enrique-dans/how-apple-has-just-taken-the-war-against-targeted-advertising-to-a-new-level-47bc07d58438




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