[A micro Lie theory for state estimation in robotics] (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.01537.pdf)​


Abstract 摘要

A Lie group is an old mathematical abstract objectdating back to the XIX century,

when mathematician Sophus Lie laid the foundations of the theory of continuous transformation groups.
当时数学家 Sophus Lie 奠定了连续变换群理论的基础。

Its influence has spread over diverse areas of science and technology many years later.

In robotics, we are recently experiencing an important trend in its usage, at least in the fields of
estimation, and particularly in motion estimation for navigation.


Yet for a vast majority of roboticians, Lie groups are highly
abstract constructions and therefore difficult to understand and
to use.

In estimation for robotics it is often not necessary to exploit
the full capacity of the theory, and therefore an effort of selection
of materials is required.

In this paper, we will walk through the
most basic principles of the Lie theory, with the aim of conveying
clear and useful ideas, and leave a significant corpus of the Lie
theory behind.
在本文中,我们将介绍Lie 理论的最基本原理,旨在传达清晰而有用的想法,

Even with this mutilation, the material included
here has proven to be extremely useful in modern estimation
algorithms for robotics, especially in the fields of SLAM, visual
odometry, and the like.

Alongside this micro Lie theory, we provide a chapter with a few application examples, and a vast reference of formulas for the major Lie groups used in robotics, including most
Jacobian matrices and the way to easily manipulate them. We
also present a new C++ template-only library implementing all
the functionality described here.
除了这个micro Lie 理论,我们还提供了一章一些应用实例和大量公式参考用于机器人的主要Lie群,

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