




Attends to HR functional inquiries/requests/transactions as assigned (including inquiries or requests via telephone or email) in accordance with established policies and procedures

Ensures all transactions are processed, documented and delivered within defined SLAs and quality standards and that work instructions are diligently followed; escalates issues as needed

Ensures all new process updates are incorporated while processing transactions

Responds to customer needs and inquiries, exercises good judgment in applying concepts and guidelines

Follows through on commitments and takes responsibility for results; effectively prioritizes assignments; identifies and reports barriers and issues to Supervisor

Responds to emails and enquires in a timely manner

Prepares and contributes to reporting as directed

Actively participates and completes the performance management and development plan activities

Identifies potential areas for process improvements and makes recommendations to Supervisor

Assists with GSS initiatives and other projects as assigned

Ensures GSS organizational policies and processes are followed


College graduate and above

Good oral and written English skills(Fluent Cantonese Speaking for Cantonese position)

0-3 years’ work experience preferred including prior Shared Services/BPO and/or HR Operations experience

Good keyboarding and data entry skills

Good communication, interpersonal skills and customer orientation; works effectively with others

Command of spoken and written English (proficiency in other languages a plus)

Displays positive attitude; meets challenges and changes with an open mind, demonstrates commitment to the job

Good organization, analytical and problem solving skills; able to exercise judgment in day to day work activities

Takes initiative and follows through as appropriate; attentive to details; efficiently processes high volume of transactions

Flexible and dependable; willing to adjust work schedule as necessary to meet peak demands and customer requirements

Working knowledge of firm standard technology such as Lotus Notes, IE, Windows, Excel, Word, PowerPoint; experience with HR specific technology a plus








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