
  • 0.environment
  • 1. compile
    • 1.1 download SDK
    • 1.2 setup environment (if necessary)
    • 1.3 compile steps
      • 1.3.1 compile u-boot
      • 1.3.2 compile kernel
      • 1.3.3 complie android
      • 1.3.4 build system.img
      • 1.3.5 build update.img
  • 2. burning
    • 2.1 use 'AndroidTool.exe' (designed by Rocdchip)
      • 2.1.1 use FW img
  • change list
    • 1. change CHIP INFO for update.img
    • 2. ADD cmd like vim / xxx (busybox)
    • 3. ADD ALSA/I2C/SOUND/USB (kernel module)
  • issue list

  • proting busybox
  • porting ALSA
  • porting I2C
  • porting SOUND
  • porting PI5USB
  • porting RTL5640 codecs/DSP


ubuntu 1804 PX30 win10

1. compile


1.1 download SDK


1.2 setup environment (if necessary)

cd SDK
source build/envsetup.sh

1.3 compile steps

1.3.1 compile u-boot

  1. remove old files
  2. recompile uboot (use profile : u-boot/configs/px30_defconfig)
cd u-boot/
#make clean    # Remove most generated files but keep the config and enough build support to build external modules
make mrproper # Remove all generated files + config + various backup files
#make distclean # mrproper + remove editor backup and patch files
./make.sh px30   # use profile : ./configs/px30_defconfig

1.3.2 compile kernel

  1. remove old files
  2. recompile kernel
    2.1 use profile : ./arch/arm64/configs/rockchip_defconfig
cd kernelmake ARCH=arm64 rockchip_defconfig  # use profile : ./arch/arm64/configs/rockchip_defconfig
rm -rf arch/arm64/boot/dts/rockchip/px30-evb-ddr3-v10-avb.dtb   # remove the old compiled files first,
make ARCH=arm64 px30-evb-ddr3-v10-avb.img                       # and then recompile the kernel files we need

1.3.3 complie android

  1. invoke ‘. build/envsetup.sh’ from your shell to add some functions to your environment
  2. select a reference board and export global variables for other subsequent
  3. recomile files
source SDK/build/envsetup.sh        # invoke '. build/envsetup.sh' from your shell to add some functions to your environment
lunch rk3326_m2g-userdebug          # select a reference board and export global variables for other subsequent
make -j20                           # compile android

1.3.4 build system.img

  1. source cmd from evnsetup.sh
  2. select a reference board
  3. rebuild system.img
source SDK/build/envsetup.sh
lunch rk3326_m2g-userdebug

1.3.5 build update.img

1, Copy the new imgs to FW/
2. rebuild update.img

cp -rf rockdev/Image-rk3326_m2g RKTools/linux/Linux_Pack_Firmware/rockdev     # copy the generated img to FW/
cd RKTools/linux/Linux_Pack_Firmware/rockdev/                   # change list to FW/
rm -rf Image                                                    # remove the old Images first.
# sed -i 's/RK3326/RKPX30/g'  mkupdate.sh  // change CHIP INFO
./mkupdate.sh                                                   # and then rebuild update.img
#cp update.img xxxx  # if necessary

2. burning

2.1 use ‘AndroidTool.exe’ (designed by Rocdchip)

  1. install ROCKUSB driver in windows PC first
    1.1 extract ‘’DriverAssitant_Vxxx.zip‘
    1.2 click "DriverInstall.exe’ ,then install this deiver.
  1. install ADB tool
    2.1 extract ‘AndroidTool_xxx.zip’
    2.2 add the dirctory of adb.exe into the win environment veriable path
    2.3 restart the windows of CMD.

2.1.1 use FW img

file name like : xxxxx_update.img

steps :

  1. power up your board.
  2. start ‘AndroidTool.exe’ and click '切换’ to enter ‘loader’mode
  3. click’固件’ , then select the file to upgrade.

change list

1. change CHIP INFO for update.img

sed -i 's/RK3326/RKPX30/g'  RKTools/linux/Linux_Pack_Firmware/rockdev/mkupdate.sh

then rebuilg updage.img, use cmd like :

2. ADD cmd like vim / xxx (busybox)

3. ADD ALSA/I2C/SOUND/USB (kernel module)

issue list

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