1. 该技术与转发器,按照ISO规格,在宽度从10毫米到160毫米。

The technology works with transponders in accordance with ISO specifications, in widths from 10 mm to 160 mm.

2. 在这种情况下,需要解决方案,以使更有能力的存储信息的小和平均转发器。

Under these circumstances, solutions are needed in order to enable a greater capacity of storing information on small and average transponders.

3. 该系统涉及的车型沟通无线电转发器,是由人民的人身安全的目的。

The system involves vehicles communicating with radio transponders that are carried by people for personal safety purposes.

4. 转发器什么意思

4. 使用匿名服务器或匿名信件转发器向新闻组发送信件可生成匿名邮件。

Generally this is accomplished by using an anonymous server for newsgroup posts or an anonymous remailer for e-mail.

5. 介绍网络设备(HUB,网桥,交换机,路由,转发器等)及其基本原理

Introduction to networking equipments (HUB, Bridge, switch, router, repeater etc…) and its basic theory.

6. 尽管如此,M8JR是艰难的饼干,方便用户,设计,快速释放齿轮箱,尾翼,油箱和智能转发器的安装。

Still, the M8JR is tough cookie, user friendly, designed with quick-release gear box, rear wing, fuel tank and smart transponder mount.

7. 星载转发器的功率输出级是系统中的关键部件。

In particular, the prospect of achieving high-power MESFETs are reviewed.

8. 设想有N个转发器和M个后端,都独立运行,当邮件到达转发器,将发送到所有的后端。

When mail comes to forwarder, mail is sent to all, I repeat, all backend servers.

9. 一旦瞄准线的距离超过了,一有需要增加连接长度的飞跃,以包括一个卫星转发器。

Once line-of- sight distances are exceeded, one needs to increase link length by a quantum leap in order to include a satellite repeater.

10. 作为卫星的运行单元,卫星转发器的作用仅仅是接收上行链路频率上的信号、提高信号发射功率、清除信号、改变频率以及转发下行链路信号。

The satellite transponder, which is the operational element of the satellite, does little more that receive the signal over the uplink frequency, boost the signal power, clean up the signal, shift the frequency, and retransmit the signal over the downlink frequency.

11. 运用统计分析的方法,给出了转发器功放的非线性与交调干扰的关系,可在保证一定信噪比的情况下得到较高的功率利用率。

By using of analytic method of statistics, the relationship between nonlinear feature of power amplifiers and intermodulation is presented in this paper.

12. 有效载荷将包括一个连续遥测信标,线性转发器,调频转发器和一个数字存储转发应答。

Payloads will include a CW Telemetry Beacon, Linear Transponder, FM repeater and a Digital Store-forward Transponder.

13. 转发器的意思

13. 要約 为了以小的传输容量有效地传送EPG信息,在表示网络和接收的必要信息的总结构的NIT中,涉及到对应于各个转发器的SDT。

To transmit EPG information efficiently in a small volume of transmission, it is so disposed that SDTs corresponding to respective transponders are referred in an NIT stating the overall configuration of the network and necessary information for reception.

14. 转发器是一个物理层设备用于互连媒体部分的扩展网络。

A repeater is a physical layer device used to interconnect the media segments of an extended network.

15. 电报自动转发器是托马斯·爱迪生的第一个发明。

Thomas Edison's first invention was the automatic telegraph repeater.

16. 转发器的翻译

16. 电报转发器

TR? Telegraph Repeater?

17. 主要原因是DNS转发器卸下从DNS服务器转发查询到转发器的处理任务,!

DNS转发器ADNS forwarder is a DNS server that performs DNS queries on behalf ofanother DNS server.

18. 本文主要研究了电视伴音通道的作用及组成,并对伴音通道的电路进行了详细地分析,为红外转发器实现电视伴音信号的转发提供了应用依据;介绍了红外转发器的组成及工作原理,并详细地阐述了红外发射电路和红外接收电路的工作过程。

This article has mainly studied the aural channel's function and the composition, and carried on to sound channel's electric circuit has analyzed in detail, realized the aural signal repeater for the infrared transponder to provide the application basis; Introduced the infrared transponder's composition and the principle of work, and elaborated the infrared emission electric circuit and the infrared accepting circuit's work process in detail.

19. 本文主要研究了电视伴音通道的作用及组成,并对伴音通道的电路进行了详细地分析,为红外转发器实现电视伴音信号的转发提供了应用依据;介绍了红外转发器的组成及工作原理,并详细地阐述了红外发射电路和红外接收电路的工作过程。

This article has mainly studied theaural channel's function and the composition, and carried on tosound channel's electric circuit has analyzed in detail, realizedthe aural signal repeater for the infrared transponder to providethe application basis; Introduced the infrared transponder'scomposition and the principle of work, and elaborated the infraredemission electric circuit and the infrared accepting circuit's workprocess in detail.

20. 911查询·英语单词大全

20. 这就是使得它们看起来是静止的,因此可以将一个地面站转发器发送来的信息放大和传送到下一站。

This makes them appear stationary so they can amplify and relay microwave signals from one transmitter on the ground to another.


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