
The PencilKit framework was introduced by Apple in iOS 13. It gives developers the ability to easily add writing and drawing capabilities to their own apps via the Apple Pencil or touch. It’s the same low latency framework used by Apple across their apps (such as Notes).

PencilKit框架是Apple在iOS 13中引入的。它使开发人员能够通过Apple Pencil或touch轻松向自己的应用程序添加书写和绘图功能。 这与Apple在其应用程序(例如Notes)中使用的低延迟框架相同。

PencilKit makes it easy to incorporate hand-drawn content into your iPadOS or macOS apps. PencilKit provides a drawing environment for your iOS app that receives input from Apple Pencil or the user’s finger, and turns it into images you display in iPadOS, iOS, or macOS. The environment comes with tools for creating, erasing, and selecting lines. — PencilKit, Apple Developer

PencilKit使将手绘内容轻松整合到iPadOS或macOS应用程序中变得容易。 PencilKit为您的iOS应用程序提供了一个绘图环境,该环境可以接收来自Apple Pencil或用户手指的输入,并将其转换为您在iPadOS,iOS或macOS中显示的图像。 该环境附带了用于创建,擦除和选择线条的工具。 — Apple Developer PencilKit

You just need three lines of code to start off


The PKCanvasView handles all information being added to your app through Apple Pencil and touch via the tool specified. All this information and data is stored in a PKDrawing object, which you can save and load within your app, or export to an image. You can either setup your own tools or use Apple’s native PKToolPicker.

PKCanvasView处理通过Apple Pencil添加到您的应用中的所有信息,并通过指定的工具进行触摸。 所有这些信息和数据都存储在PKDrawing对象中,您可以在应用程序中保存和加载该对象,或者将其导出到图像。 您可以设置自己的工具,也可以使用Apple本地的PKToolPicker 。

Drawing on the canvas is seamless, and is a very enjoyable user experience.


On to a simple example: a cute drawing app aimed at creative kids.


Create a new project in Xcode 12, select the App template and Storyboard for the interface. Set the Device Orientation to be Landscape Left in the project’s target General tab.

在Xcode 12中创建一个新项目,选择App模板和Storyboard作为界面。 在项目的目标“常规”选项卡中,将“设备方向”设置为“横向向左”。

We will use an Asset Catalog to manage the colors. Add a new file to your project, scroll to the Resources section and select Asset Catalog. Name it Colors.

我们将使用资产目录来管理颜色。 将新文件添加到您的项目,滚动到“资源”部分,然后选择“资产目录”。 命名为颜色。

Select Asset Catalog

At the bottom of the Color Asset Catalog click on the add sign and select Color Set.


Two empty color sets will be created. These are to manage the colors for light and dark mode in your apps. However, since we are creating an app aimed at drawing we will not need to manage the colors in this way (unless you want to


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