
Cortex-M0+ Devices
Generic User Guide
Copyright © 2012 ARM. All rights reserved.


1、 Introduction

1.1 About Cortex-M0+ processor and core peripherals

The Cortex-M0+ processor is an entry-level 32-bit ARM Cortex processor designed for a broad range of embedded applications. It offers significant benefits to developers, including:

  • A simple architecture that is easy to learn and program.
  • Ultra-low power, energy-efficient operation.
  • Excellent code density.
  • Deterministic, high-performance interrupt handling.
  • Upward compatibility with Cortex-M processor family.
  • Platform security robustness, with optional integrated Memory Protection Unit (MPU).

1.1.1 Cortex-m0+ processor features summary

1.1.2 Cortex-m0+ processor core peripherals

2、Cortex-M0+ processor

2.1 stacks

2.2 core registers

2.3 Exception & Interruptions

2.4 Data type

2.5 Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard(CMSIS)

2.6 Memory model

2.6.1 Memory regions & type & attributes

The default memory map and the programming of the optional MPU split the address space into regions. Each region has a defined memory type, and some regions have additional memory attributes. The memory type and attributes determine the behavior of accesses to the region.

2.6.2 Behavior of memory accesses

2.6.3 software ordering of memory accesses

2.6.4 Memory endianness

2.7 Exception model

2.7.1 Exception states

2.7.2 Exception types

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