
pankaj kumar潘卡·库玛


Aug 16 8月16

使用Spacy的Wikipedia文章中的命名实体识别 (Named Entity Recognition From Wikipedia article using Spacy)

Julian Rivera on 朱利安·里维拉 ( UnsplashUnderlash)摄

In this article we ‘ll try to find names of person in a wikipedia article using python spacy library. I assume that you have already installed spacy and wikipedia api libraries from pypi if you are planning to run source code from this article.

在本文中,我们将尝试使用python spacy库在Wikipedia文章中查找人名。 如果您打算运行本文的源代码,我假设您已经从pypi安装了spacy和Wikipedia api库。

Many a time articles are too long and we are only interested in certain information. We are either interested in summary or major events and major characters associated with the current. Here we are trying to just find person names from different articles. Determining whether a word is name of a person is done using pretrained models. Spacy does a good job of labeling these. We are going to explore that in this article.

很多时间文章太长,我们只对某些信息感兴趣。 我们对摘要或与当前事件相关的主要事件和主要特征感兴趣。 在这里,我们试图从不同的文章中查找人名。 使用预先训练的模型确定单词是否是人的名字。 Spacy在标记这些标签方面做得很好。 我们将在本文中进行探讨。

脚步 (Steps)

  1. Search for wikipedia articles搜索维基百科文章
  2. Use spacy to create document object使用spacy创建文档对象
  3. Iterate for entries and find the ones with label Person迭代条目并找到带有标签“ Person”的条目
  4. Count the frequency of person and plot them in descending order计算人的频率并按降序排列

In following section we list necessary imports. wikipedia api is python api used to get wikipedia content.

在以下部分中,我们列出了必要的进口。 Wikipedia api是用于获取Wikipedia内容的python API。

import wikipediaimport requestsimport spacyfrom collections import Counterimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport spacynlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_lg')

在特定页面上搜索 (Search on a specific page)

Here we are trying to search a page for a given article. I have choosen Lord Krishna as our starting point. Let’s see who all are the most frequently occurring persons in wikipedia article relate to Lord Krishna.

在这里,我们试图在页面上搜索给定的文章。 我选择克里希纳勋爵为起点。 让我们看看谁是与克里希纳勋爵相关的维基百科文章中最常出现的人。

result ="Krishna")result['Krishna', 'Krishna Krishna', 'Krishna Janmashtami', 'Krishna (Telugu actor)', 'Krishna Vamsi', 'Krishna Bhagavaan', 'International Society for Krishna Consciousness', 'Krishna-Krishna', 'Hare Krishna', 'Krishna (TV series)']

We get the page content corresponding to the first article related to the first search result of our search term.


page =[0], preload= True)

We get the parced document using spacy module.


doc = nlp(page.content)#from spacy import displacy

Lets try to find the page url corresponding to first result of our search query


page.url''#displacy.serve(doc, style="ent")

Lets explore the part of speech taggings of different terms in our page. For illustration purpose I am showing just 10 tokens here.

让我们探索页面中不同术语的语音标记部分。 为了说明目的,我在这里仅显示10个令牌。

max_token_display = 10 for idx , token in enumerate(doc):    # Print the token and its part-of-speech tag    print(token.text, "-->", token.pos_, )    if idx > max_token_display:        break;The --> DETMahābhārata --> PROPN( --> PUNCTUS --> PROPN: --> PUNCT, --> PUNCTUK --> PROPN: --> PUNCT; --> PUNCTSanskrit --> ADJ: --> PUNCTमहाभारतम् --> X

Here are some labels corresponding to the words appearing in the document.


for idx , ent in enumerate(doc.ents):    print(ent.text, ent.start_char, ent.end_char, ent.label_)    if idx>max_token_display:        breakMahābhārata 4 15 PERSONUS 17 19 GPEUK 23 25 GPESanskrit 29 37 LANGUAGEमहाभारतम् 39 48 CARDINALMahābhāratam 50 62 PERSONtwo 108 111 CARDINALSanskrit 118 126 NORPIndia 144 149 GPERāmāyaṇa 171 179 PERSONtwo 214 217 CARDINALthe Kurukshetra War 239 258 EVENT

In the below section we are trying to identify all the entries with label as person.


persons  = [ent.text for ent in doc.ents if ent.label_=='PERSON' ]

Lets count the frequency of person names as identified by spacy on a particular wikipedia page


person_count = Counter(persons)print(person_count){'Pandavas': 31, 'Krishna': 25, 'Mahābhārata': 24, 'Mahabharata': 23, 'Pandu': 17, 'Dhritarashtra': 15, 'Yudhishthira': 14, 'Bhishma': 11, 'Kunti': 11, 'Kaurava': 8, 'Satyavati': 6, 'Madri': 6, 'Gandhari': 6, 'Vyasa': 5, 'Kuru': 5, 'Pandava': 5, 'Vichitravirya': 5, 'Vidura': 5, 'Kauravas': 5, 'Rāmāyaṇa': 4, 'Bhima': 4, 'Draupadi': 4, 'Jain': 4, 'Gupta': 3, 'Janamejaya': 3, 'Jaya': 3, 'Minkowski': 3, 'Parikshit': 3, 'Devavrata': 3, 'Amba': 3, 'Karna': 3, 'Yama': 3, 'Yayati': 3, 'Jarasandha': 3, 'Motilal Banarsidass': 3, 'BCE': 2, 'Ugraśrava Sauti': 2, 'Vasu': 2, 'Oberlies': 2, 'Kālidāsa': 2, 'Mahapadma Nanda': 2, 'Adhisimakrishna': 2, 'Shakuni': 2, 'Dushasana': 2, 'Ghatotkacha': 2, 'J. L. Fitzgerald': 2, 'P. Lal': 2, 'Bibek Debroy': 2, 'Shyam Benegal': 2, 'Vasudeva': 2, 'Jaini': 2, 'Oldenberg': 2}

sort the persons from maximum to minimum occurrences of a person on a page.


person_count = {k: v for k, v in sorted(person_count.items(), key=lambda item: item[1] , reverse=True) if v>1}print(person_count){'Pandavas': 31, 'Krishna': 25, 'Mahābhārata': 24, 'Mahabharata': 23, 'Pandu': 17, 'Dhritarashtra': 15, 'Yudhishthira': 14, 'Bhishma': 11, 'Kunti': 11, 'Kaurava': 8, 'Satyavati': 6, 'Madri': 6, 'Gandhari': 6, 'Vyasa': 5, 'Kuru': 5, 'Pandava': 5, 'Vichitravirya': 5, 'Vidura': 5, 'Kauravas': 5, 'Rāmāyaṇa': 4, 'Bhima': 4, 'Draupadi': 4, 'Jain': 4, 'Gupta': 3, 'Janamejaya': 3, 'Jaya': 3, 'Minkowski': 3, 'Parikshit': 3, 'Devavrata': 3, 'Amba': 3, 'Karna': 3, 'Yama': 3, 'Yayati': 3, 'Jarasandha': 3, 'Motilal Banarsidass': 3, 'BCE': 2, 'Ugraśrava Sauti': 2, 'Vasu': 2, 'Oberlies': 2, 'Kālidāsa': 2, 'Mahapadma Nanda': 2, 'Adhisimakrishna': 2, 'Shakuni': 2, 'Dushasana': 2, 'Ghatotkacha': 2, 'J. L. Fitzgerald': 2, 'P. Lal': 2, 'Bibek Debroy': 2, 'Shyam Benegal': 2, 'Vasudeva': 2, 'Jaini': 2, 'Oldenberg': 2}

Here we are trying to plot the counts corresponding to each person appearing on the page.


fig = plt.gcf()ax= plt.gca()fig.set_size_inches(25.5, 25.5)plt.barh(list(person_count.keys()), person_count.values())plt.xticks(rotation=0, fontsize=40)plt.yticks(rotation=0, fontsize=25)for i, v in enumerate(person_count.values()):    ax.text(v + 2, i + 0, str(v), color='black' ,fontsize = 20)

检查其他页面 (Check for the other page)

Following piece of code consolidates everything and uses a different search query for word ‘Jesus’


result ="Jesus")page =[0], preload= True)doc = nlp(page.content)persons  = [ent.text for ent in doc.ents if ent.label_=='PERSON' ]person_count = Counter(persons)person_count = {k: v for k, v in sorted(person_count.items(), key=lambda item: item[1] , reverse=True) if v>1}fig = plt.gcf()ax= plt.gca()fig.set_size_inches(25.5, 25.5)plt.barh(list(person_count.keys()), person_count.values())plt.xticks(rotation=0, fontsize=40)plt.yticks(rotation=0, fontsize=25)for i, v in enumerate(person_count.values()):    ax.text(v + 2, i + 0, str(v), color='black' ,fontsize = 20)
result ="Mahabharat")page =[0], preload= True)doc = nlp(page.content)persons  = [ent.text for ent in doc.ents if ent.label_=='PERSON' ]person_count = Counter(persons)person_count = {k: v for k, v in sorted(person_count.items(), key=lambda item: item[1] , reverse=True) if v>1}fig = plt.gcf()ax= plt.gca()fig.set_size_inches(25.5, 25.5)plt.barh(list(person_count.keys()), person_count.values())plt.xticks(rotation=0, fontsize=40)plt.yticks(rotation=0, fontsize=25)for i, v in enumerate(person_count.values()):    ax.text(v + 2, i + 0, str(v), color='black' ,fontsize = 20)

创建一个包含以上所有功能的函数 (Create a function including all above)

Finally we can create a function that plots all the names present on the first page from the list of pages from search result of a given term. Here the search title is given as an argument. Details for this Method can be found in previous sections.

最后,我们可以创建一个函数,该函数从给定术语的搜索结果的页面列表中绘制出出现在首页上的所有名称。 在此,搜索标题作为参数给出。 该方法的详细信息可以在前面的部分中找到。

def plot_names_from_page(title = "Mahabharat"):    result =    page =[0], preload= True)    doc = nlp(page.content)    persons  = [ent.text for ent in doc.ents if ent.label_=='PERSON' ]    person_count = Counter(persons)    person_count = {k: v for k, v in sorted(person_count.items(), key=lambda item: item[1] , reverse=True) if v>1}    print(page.url)    fig = plt.gcf()    ax= plt.gca()    fig.set_size_inches(25.5, 25.5)    plt.barh(list(person_count.keys()), person_count.values())    plt.xticks(rotation=0, fontsize=40)    plt.yticks(rotation=0, fontsize=25)    #plt.title(page.url, fontdict={size:20})    for i, v in enumerate(person_count.values()):        ax.text(v + 2, i + 0, str(v), color='black' ,fontsize = 20)

Finally we can use above function to get occurrences of different names on a wikipedia page. I tried to find names in article for variety of topics. First one is related to the books Illiad by homer. Most of the names are characters in the book. It may also include writer’s name.

最后,我们可以使用上面的函数在Wikipedia页面上获取不同名称的出现。 我试图在文章中找到涉及多个主题的名称。 第一个与荷马的《伊利亚德》有关。 大部分名称是书中的字符。 它还可能包括作者的名字。


Following are the names corresponding to the article for great Hindu epic Ramayan. As we can expect name of Lord Rama appears most of the times here.

以下是与伟大印度教史诗《 Ramayan》的文章相对应的名称。 可以预见,拉玛勋爵的名字在这里经常出现。

plot_names_from_page('great depression')
plot_names_from_page('higgs boson')

References :





  • 产品读书《谷歌和亚马逊如何做产品》
  • 计算机英语(王艺)翻译(unit1-unit5)
  • 区块链知识转载博文1: 共识算法之争(PBFT,Raft,PoW,PoS,DPoS,Ripple)
  • 对马的幽灵是关于人的
  • 光子晶体的应用背景和研究历史
  • 如何用数据说话-《数据化决策(美)道格拉斯·W.哈伯德》笔记与心得
  • 软件随想录(年12月11日 程序设计领域的帕麦尔斯顿勋爵 - Lord Palmerston on Programming
  • 随手练——小米OJ 高弗雷勋爵
  • 小米全国高校编程大赛 高弗雷勋爵
  • mioj高弗雷勋爵
  • python 随机产生一个整数 并猜测该数字小游戏
  • 关于VSCode编码:自动猜测编码字符集
  • C语言 猜数游戏 首先由计算机产生一个随机数,并给出这个随机数所在的区间,然后有游戏者猜测这个数。猜中游戏结束,并可以重新挑战,猜错重新给出提示,如果猜测超过八次游戏失败。
  • 生成1-100随机数并进行猜测
  • VSCode猜测字符编码
  • 【Java】猜数字,程序随机分配给客户一个1-100之间的整数,用户在输入对话框中输入自己的猜测,程序返回提示信息,提示信息分别是:“猜大了”、“猜小了”和“猜对了”,用户可根据提示信息再次输入猜测
  • 猜测随机数
  • [java/初学者] 猜测随机数字的大小
  • 基于双服务器的抗关键词猜测攻击的公钥可搜索加密方案
  • 什么是错误猜测法?
  • 1090: 哥德巴赫猜测
  • Java模拟猜数字小游戏,有次数限制,并且输出猜测次数。
  • 猜数字游戏:随机生成一个1-100之间的数据,提示用户猜测,猜大提示过大,猜小提示过小,直到猜中结束游戏
  • 猜测商品价格小游戏
  • Python猜数字游戏(包含异常处理,可自定义随机数产生范围、最大猜测次数,如果用户猜错的话可根据输入情况缩小猜测范围)
  • 猜数游戏,随机生成一个1~100的数进行猜测。
  • 防止vps上SSH被猜测密码
  • 猜单词游戏。计算机随机产生一个单词,打乱字母顺序,供玩家去猜 a.准备一组单词,随机抽取一个b.将抽取的单词作为答案,打乱字母顺序,显示给玩家,供其猜测c.猜测错误继续猜测或以空字符串.
  • 【c语言】产生一个1到1000的随机整数,用户进行猜测
  • python实现猜测随机数


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