It happens each October. Spring hits Sydney town, the flowers bloom and the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre takes on the pungent aroma of all things web. Yes, Web Directions South 2012 has come and gone for another year.

它发生在每年的十月。 春天到了悉尼镇,花开了,悉尼会展中心呈现出所有物联网的辛辣气味。 是的,Web Directions South 2012又来又去了一年。

Two weeks later, here are the talks that I’m still thinking about.


Lea Verou的十件事(@leaverou) (Lea Verou’s Ten Things (@leaverou))

I heart Lea. She’s one of those super-rare web people with both serious technical skills AND a wonderful eye for design.

我心里。 她是那些同时具备严格的技术技能和出色的设计眼光的超稀有网络人士之一。

Last year she gave a series of great talks titled “CSS3 Secrets: 10 things you might not know about CSS“. Any front-end person who watches this talk will find something useful in there, and frankly, I would have happily enjoyed that talk again ‘live’, as opposed to that grainy video I originally watched.

去年,她进行了一系列精彩的演讲,标题为“ CSS3的秘密:您可能不了解CSS的10件事 ”。 观看此演讲的任何前端人员都可以在其中找到有用的东西,坦率地说,与我最初观看的那段颗粒感视频相反,我很乐意再次“现场”欣赏该演讲。

But that’s not Lea’s style. She nonchalantly rolled out ‘ANOTHER 10 things you might not know about CSS’ and promptly had hardcore CSS ninjas audibly ‘whoooaaaing’ and passing out in aisles.

但这不是Lea的风格。 她毫不留情地推出了“您可能不知道的关于CSS的另外10件事”,并Swift让顽固CSS忍者听到“呼啸而过”的声音,并在过道中传出。

For me, the diamond was her demo using background-attachment:local. Now I don’t mind admitting I didn’t even know this CSS value existed, let alone seen it applied in a useful real-world application.

对我来说,钻石是她使用background-attachment:local演示。 现在我不介意承认我什至不知道这个CSS值的存在,更不用说将其应用于有用的现实应用程序中了。

Cue Lea, who pointed out that Google Reader’s content panels use a subtle shadow effect at top and bottom (see image right) to indicate when content is out of sight – an elegant alternative to scrollbars. Note how the shadow disappears as you reach the end the available content.

Cue Lea指出,Google阅读器的内容面板在顶部和底部使用微妙的阴影效果(请参见右图)来指示何时看不见内容,这是滚动条的一种优雅替代方案。 请注意,当您到达可用内容的末端时,阴影如何消失。

While Google needs JavaScript to execute this little trick, Lea showed us how to use background-attachment:local to create the effect in pure CSS. If you’re intrigued, she outlines it in her blog here too.

虽然Google需要JavaScript才能执行此小技巧,但Lea向我们展示了如何使用background-attachment:local在纯CSS中创建效果。 如果您感兴趣,她也会在此处的博客中概述它。

And that was but one of her ten death-defying CSS wonders.


Another interesting sidebar: Lea noted that IE10 actually supported more of these bleeding-edge specs used in her demos than any of Chrome, Safari, Firefox or Opera.


There’s a sentence I never expected to write — but hats off to MS.


本·哈默斯利(@benhammersley):田野,花和栈 (Ben Hammersley (@benhammersley): The Field, the Flower and the Stack)

If I were to write an action spy thiller where the protagonist was a rugged but charming web geek, I suspect that character might be very like Ben Hammersley. Imagine Doctor Who meets Daniel Craig.

如果我要写一个动作间谍惊悚片,而主人公是一个崎but但迷人的网络极客,我怀疑角色可能很像本·哈默斯利。 想象谁会见丹尼尔·克雷格。

Damn it, even his bio makes a cracking fireside read: Wired editor-at-large, the Prime Minister’s Ambassador super hero for tech city, Afghanistan war zone blogger, BBC and Guardian reporter and O’Reilly-published author.


And like any action hero worth their salt, Ben laughs at danger. Walking straight off a 19-hour flight, Ben talked for a hour without the aid of a single slide. Nevertheless, he held an audience with 140-character attention spans enthralled for an hour. That’s no mean feat.

就像任何动作英雄一样,本本都嘲笑危险。 本奔走了19个小时的飞行,只用了一张幻灯片就聊了一个小时。 尽管如此,他仍然吸引了140个字符的注意力,吸引了一个小时的观众。 这绝非易事。

Ben’s talk was ‘big picture’. It’s almost a cliche to talk about living in times of ‘unprecendented change’ but it’s easy to forget that only five years ago few of us had usable news and communications in our pockets. Now we’re rarely more than three feet away from our data lifeline.

本的讲话是“大局”。 谈论在“空前的变革”时代生活几乎是陈词滥调,但很容易忘记,仅五年前,我们中很少有人口袋里有可用的新闻和通讯。 现在,我们离数据生命线的距离很少超过三英尺。

It’s not just us geeks either. Chances are, your non-techy friends, your hairdresser, the guy at the sandwich shop, maybe even your dad carries the power of Facebook and Ebay on their person at all times.

这也不只是我们的怪胎。 您可能是,您的非技术性朋友,您的美发师,三明治店里的人,甚至您的父亲随时都在他们自己身上拥有Facebook和Ebay的力量。

In Ben’s view, that makes us the first generation of cyborgs — probably ‘slightly rubbish cyborgs’ but cyborgs none the less.


The thing is, in keeping with Moore’s Law, our cyborg parts keep doubling their power every 18 months or so, and governments don’t know how to deal with the changes that come along with this power.


At no time in history did arrows ever get twice as pointy over 18 months. Telegram networks didn’t double their range in a year. Horses didn’t double their top speeds.

在历史上,箭在任何时候都没有超过18个月的两倍。 电报网络的范围在一年内没有翻倍。 马的最高速度并没有翻倍。

Governments simply don’t work on those timescales. They think in 3-5 year terms that institute 10-20 year programs, and they’re ‘scared out of their tiny minds’ (Ben’s words) trying to adjust.

政府根本不在这些时间表上工作。 他们以3-5年的时间来考虑制定10-20年的课程,而他们被“吓坏了”(本的话),试图进行调整。

This is why we keep seeing government over-reactions like SOPA and PIPA.


As the designers and builders of this new world, it’s our job NOT just to make it, but to explain it, and advocate for it. Ben asks ‘How do we build cool stuff without freaking people out?’

作为这个新世界的设计师和建造者,我们的工作不仅是制造它,而且要解释它并倡导它。 本问道:“我们如何在不将人们吓到的情况下制造出有趣的东西?”

乔什·克拉克(@globalmoxie) (Josh Clark (@globalmoxie))

Josh Clark gave us two, bouncily engaging talks, but it was his ‘Beyond Mobile’ talk that really caught my attention. As web builders it’s easy to think about the web and it’s interfaces as a vast collection of screens and buttons.

乔希·克拉克(Josh Clark)给了我们两个有趣的谈话,但是他的“超越移动”谈话确实引起了我的注意。 作为Web建设者,很容易将Web及其界面视为大量的屏幕和按钮集合。

Josh focussed on the growing UI world outside this classic paradigm, and how people are designing for them.


He covered a lot of ground, but some of his coolest examples included:


1) Table Drum: We’ve all seen touch-based drumming apps before, but Table Drum makes the real-world your UI.

1) 桌鼓:之前我们都看过基于触摸的鼓应用,但是桌鼓使真实世界成为您的UI。

Rather than only playing the phone interface directly (which you can), Table Drum lets you tie real world items — glasses, books, cutlery — to particular drum sounds. For instance, striking your coffee cup might activate a high-hat while your book is the kick drum, and so on.

Table Drum不仅可以直接播放电话界面(您可以使用),还可以将现实世界中的物品(例如眼镜,书籍,餐具)与特定的鼓声联系起来。 例如,当您的书是脚鼓时,敲打咖啡杯可能会激活一个高帽,等等。

Welcome to augmented audio!


2) Skinvaders: Skinvaders is an innovative kids game for iPad. It uses live video of your face as the playing surface for the game. Creatures colonize the surface of your skin while you battle to keep them at bay.

2) Skinvaders :Skinvaders是一款创新的iPad儿童游戏。 它使用您面部的实时视频作为游戏的播放面。 当您努力将它们阻挡在外时,生物会殖民您的皮肤表面。

3) Grab Magic : Grab Magic is a project from Aral Balkan designed to give people super powers.

3) Grab Magic :Grab Magic是Aral Balkan的一个项目,旨在赋予人们超强的力量。

Cobbling together a projector, an iPhone, a computer and a Kinect, Aral built a system that allows you to literally grab a frame from the screen and throw it onto the phone screen.


Tony Stark eat your heart out. And this was all built in less than a day.

托尼·史塔克(Tony Stark)伤透了心。 而这一切都在不到一天的时间内建成。

Jon Kolko(@jkolko)–社会创新设计 (Jon Kolko (@jkolko) – Designing for Social Innovation)

If the web is built by geeks, then the natural question geeks ask is ‘How?’.


  • How can we access this database?我们如何访问该数据库?
  • How should we structure this navigation?我们应该如何构造这种导航?
  • How do we optimize this code?我们如何优化此代码?

‘How’ might be the question of scientists and it’s often our ‘home’ question.


‘Why’ is the question of philosophers, and is possibly one we ask less often.


  • Why are we building this? 我们为什么要建立这个?
  • Why is this a good idea?为什么这是个好主意?
  • Is it a good thing? 这是好事吗?

In his closing keynote, Jon Kolko from the Austin Center for Design (AC4D) challenged us to think more often about these whys.

奥斯丁设计中心(AC4D)的乔恩·科尔科(Jon Kolko)在闭幕式演讲中向我们提出挑战,要求我们更多地考虑这些原因

Like the diligent technicians in a Bond villian’s volcano lair, we don’t ALWAYS think to ask ‘So, boss, umm … why are we building this space-based death ray again?’. We might think ‘Woah, this death ray hardware is sweeeet! I’m totally gonna put a lightning bolt on the side!’.

就像邦德维利安的火山巢穴中勤奋的技术人员一样,我们永远也不会想问: “老板,嗯……为什么我们要再次建造这种基于太空的死亡射线?” 。 我们可能会想, “哇,这个死亡射线硬件太甜了! 我完全要在侧面放一个闪电!

To illustrate the point, Jon talked about the McDonald’s website as an example of excellent design execution. He followed this with two graphs showing the McDonalds shareprice since the 1960s and the rise of diabetes rates in the US. They mirror nicely.

为了说明这一点,乔恩(Jon)以麦当劳(McDonald's)网站为例,介绍了出色的设计执行力。 他紧随其后的是两张图表,显示了自1960年代以来麦当劳的股价以及美国糖尿病患病率的上升。 他们很好地反映了。

Does this mean McDonald’s is solely responsible for the US diabetes problem? Of course not, but Jon argued it is certainly an ‘amplifying factor’.

这是否意味着麦当劳全权负责美国糖尿病问题? 当然不是,但乔恩(Jon)认为这无疑是一个“放大因素”。

As a counterpoint, Jon talked about some of the programs his students had created to tackle social problems.


One of these programs was ‘Hour School‘ by Alex Pappas and Ruby Wu.

这些程序之一是Alex Pappas和Ruby Wu的“ 小时学校 ”。

Hour School is an online service that enables the chronically homeless to teach others about the things they know about. It turns out that often these people have high-level skills from their former lives — anything from motorcycle repair to foreign languages to system administration.

Hour School是一项在线服务,使长期无家可归的人可以向他人介绍他们所知道的事情。 事实证明,这些人通常拥有从前生活的高水平技能,从摩托车维修到外语再到系统管理。

Giving them the identity of ‘teacher/expert’ was often enough to kickstart other positive life changes.


This idea of ‘aiming design at social problems’ really resonated with me.


As web people, we all have a set of powerful skills and tools, we have global reach and scale. There are so many problems out there, big and small. Who knows, maybe you could solve one of them?

作为网络人员,我们都有一套强大的技能和工具,我们具有全球影响力和规模。 无论大小,都存在许多问题。 谁知道,也许您可​​以解决其中之一?

Those were the four talks that stuck with me, but I could have talked about many others. Even the coffee queues are always good places to pick up tips and fresh inspiration.

那是我的四个话题,但我本来可以谈论很多其他话题。 即使是咖啡队列,也总是可以获取技巧和新鲜灵感的好地方。

Either way, Sydney is mostly glorious in springtime and John and Maxine always pull together an amazing event. If you can afford to block out a couple of days in your October calendar, you won’t regret it.

无论哪种方式,悉尼的春天都是最光荣的,约翰和马克西恩总是在一起举办一场了不起的活动。 如果您有能力在十月份的日历中放几天,那么您就不会后悔。


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