
推荐兼容 IE、 FireFox 的 javascript 日历控件


此日历控件是 CSDN 网友 KimSoft  的作品:http://blog.csdn.net/kimsoft/archive/2006/05/24/753225.aspx   。界面清爽,纯脚本运行,实现了日期的回显功能,最重要的是兼容 FireFox 。
          1、返回日期的输出格式,我改成了由用户以参数形式指定 Style
          2、关于 IE 中 <select> 下拉框的处理,不调用隐藏,而是用<iframe>直接覆盖
          3、不使用  //this.panel.style.visibility = "hidden"; 因为它在 FireFox 中会掩盖之前出现过地方下面的链接文字,而是改用 this.panel.style.display = "none";
          4、新增失去焦点后,整个 WebCalendar 即隐藏

此控件版权归属于  KimSoft    ,大家在使用过程中请勿删除文中的版权声明,谢谢!再次感谢  KimSoft   的开源。 [原作者 kimsoft 于2006-11-28 22:00:00 发表:此代码可以任意修改、欢迎传播]
2006 - 12- 03 ,我针对目前出现的 BUG 做了以下修正:
          1、把原控件中的 <form> 变成 <div>,解决不能在页面的 form 标签中引用该脚本的 BUG


以下是 WebCalendar.js 修改后的源码

<!-- var cal;
var isFocus = false ; // 是否为焦点 // 以上为  寒羽枫 2006-06-25 添加的变量 // 选择日期 → 由 寒羽枫 2006-06-25 添加 function SelectDate(obj,strFormat)
... {
var date = new Date();
var by = date.getFullYear() - 50 ; // 最小值 → 50 年前 var ey = date.getFullYear() + 50 ; // 最大值 → 50 年后 // cal = new Calendar(by, ey,1,strFormat);    //初始化英文版,0 为中文版 cal = (cal == null ) ? new Calendar(by, ey, 1 ) : cal; // 不用每次都初始化 2006-12-03 修正 cal.dateFormatStyle = strFormat;
/**/ /**/ /**/ /* *
 * 返回日期
 * @param d the delimiter
 * @param p the pattern of your date
 2006-06-25 由 寒羽枫 修改为根据用户指定的 style 来确定;
// String.prototype.toDate = function(x, p) { String.prototype.toDate = function (style) ... {
/**/ /**/ /**/ /*   if(x == null) x = "-";
  if(p == null) p = "ymd";
  var a = this.split(x);
  var y = parseInt(a[p.indexOf("y")]);
  //remember to change this next century ;)
  if(y.toString().length <= 2) y += 2000;
  if(isNaN(y)) y = new Date().getFullYear();
  var m = parseInt(a[p.indexOf("m")]) - 1;
  var d = parseInt(a[p.indexOf("d")]);
  if(isNaN(d)) d = 1;
  return new Date(y, m, d);
var y = this .substring(style.indexOf( ' y ' ),style.lastIndexOf( ' y ' ) + 1 ); // var m = this .substring(style.indexOf( ' M ' ),style.lastIndexOf( ' M ' ) + 1 ); // var d = this .substring(style.indexOf( ' d ' ),style.lastIndexOf( ' d ' ) + 1 ); // if (isNaN(y)) y = new Date().getFullYear();
if (isNaN(m)) m = new Date().getMonth();
if (isNaN(d)) d = new Date().getDate();
var dt ;
  eval (
" dt = new Date(' " + y + " ', ' " + (m - 1 ) + " ',' " + d + " ') " );
return dt;

/**/ /**/ /**/ /* *
 * 格式化日期
 * @param   d the delimiter
 * @param   p the pattern of your date
 * @author  meizz
Date.prototype.format = function (style) ... {
var o = ... {
" M+ " : this .getMonth() + 1 , // month " d+ " : this .getDate(), // day " h+ " : this .getHours(), // hour " m+ " : this .getMinutes(), // minute " s+ " : this .getSeconds(), // second " w+ " : " 天一二三四五六 " .charAt( this .getDay()), // week " q+ " : Math.floor(( this .getMonth() + 3 ) / 3 ), // quarter " S " : this .getMilliseconds() // millisecond }
if ( / (y + ) / .test(style)) ... {
= style.replace(RegExp.$ 1 ,
this .getFullYear() + "" ).substr( 4 - RegExp.$ 1 .length));
for ( var k in o) ... {
if ( new RegExp( " ( " + k + " ) " ).test(style)) ... {
= style.replace(RegExp.$ 1 ,
1 .length == 1 ? o[k] :
" 00 " + o[k]).substr(( "" + o[k]).length));
return style;

/**/ /**/ /**/ /* *
 * 日历类
 * @param   beginYear 1990
 * @param   endYear   2010
 * @param   lang      0(中文)|1(英语) 可自由扩充
 * @param   dateFormatStyle  "yyyy-MM-dd";
 * @version 2006-04-01
 * @author  KimSoft (jinqinghua [at] gmail.com)
 * @update
function Calendar(beginYear, endYear, lang, dateFormatStyle) ... {
this .beginYear = 1990 ;
this .endYear = 2010 ;
this .lang = 0 ; // 0(中文) | 1(英文) this .dateFormatStyle = " yyyy-MM-dd " ;

if (beginYear != null && endYear != null ) ... {
this .beginYear = beginYear;
this .endYear = endYear;
if (lang != null ) ... {
this .lang = lang

if (dateFormatStyle != null ) ... {
this .dateFormatStyle = dateFormatStyle

this .dateControl = null ;
this .panel = this .getElementById( " calendarPanel " );
this .container = this .getElementById( " ContainerPanel " );
this .form = null ;

this .date = new Date();
this .year = this .date.getFullYear();
this .month = this .date.getMonth();

this .colors = ... {
" cur_word " : " #FFFFFF " , // 当日日期文字颜色 " cur_bg " : " #00FF00 " , // 当日日期单元格背影色 " sel_bg " : " #FFCCCC " , // 已被选择的日期单元格背影色 2006-12-03 寒羽枫添加 " sun_word " : " #FF0000 " , // 星期天文字颜色 " sat_word " : " #0000FF " , // 星期六文字颜色 " td_word_light " : " #333333 " , // 单元格文字颜色 " td_word_dark " : " #CCCCCC " , // 单元格文字暗色 " td_bg_out " : " #EFEFEF " , // 单元格背影色 " td_bg_over " : " #FFCC00 " , // 单元格背影色 " tr_word " : " #FFFFFF " , // 日历头文字颜色 " tr_bg " : " #666666 " , // 日历头背影色 " input_border " : " #CCCCCC " , // input控件的边框颜色 " input_bg " : " #EFEFEF " // input控件的背影色 }

this .draw();
this .bindYear();
this .bindMonth();
this .changeSelect();
this .bindData();

/**/ /**/ /**/ /* *
 * 日历类属性(语言包,可自由扩展)
Calendar.language = ... {
" year " : [[ "" ], [ "" ]],
" months " : [[ " 一月 " , " 二月 " , " 三月 " , " 四月 " , " 五月 " , " 六月 " , " 七月 " , " 八月 " , " 九月 " , " 十月 " , " 十一月 " , " 十二月 " ],
" JAN " , " FEB " , " MAR " , " APR " , " MAY " , " JUN " , " JUL " , " AUG " , " SEP " , " OCT " , " NOV " , " DEC " ]
" weeks " : [[ " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " , " " ],
" SUN " , " MON " , " TUR " , " WED " , " THU " , " FRI " , " SAT " ]
" clear " : [[ " 清空 " ], [ " CLS " ]],
" today " : [[ " 今天 " ], [ " TODAY " ]],
" close " : [[ " 关闭 " ], [ " CLOSE " ]]

= function () ... {
= this ;

var mvAry = [];
// mvAry[mvAry.length]  = '  <form name="calendarForm" style="margin: 0px;">'; //因 <form> 不能嵌套, 2006-12-01 由寒羽枫改用 Div mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' <div name="calendarForm" style="margin: 0px;"> ' ;
= ' <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1"> ' ;
= ' <tr> ' ;
= ' <th align="left" width="1%"><input style="border: 1px solid ' + calendar.colors[ " input_border " ] + ' ;background-color: ' + calendar.colors[ " input_bg " ] + ' ;width:16px;height:20px;" name="prevMonth" type="button" id="prevMonth" value="&lt;" /></th> ' ;
= ' <th align="center" width="98%" nowrap="nowrap"><select name="calendarYear" id="calendarYear" style="font-size:12px;"></select><select name="calendarMonth" id="calendarMonth" style="font-size:12px;"></select></th> ' ;
= ' <th align="right" width="1%"><input style="border: 1px solid ' + calendar.colors[ " input_border " ] + ' ;background-color: ' + calendar.colors[ " input_bg " ] + ' ;width:16px;height:20px;" name="nextMonth" type="button" id="nextMonth" value="&gt;" /></th> ' ;
= ' </tr> ' ;
= ' </table> ' ;
= ' <table id="calendarTable" width="100%" style="border:0px solid #CCCCCC;background-color:#FFFFFF" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"> ' ;
= ' <tr> ' ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 7 ; i ++ ) ... {
= ' <th style="font-weight:normal;background-color: ' + calendar.colors[ " tr_bg " ] + ' ;color: ' + calendar.colors[ " tr_word " ] + ' ;"> ' + Calendar.language[ " weeks " ][ this .lang][i] + ' </th> ' ;
  mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' </tr> ' ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 6 ;i ++ ) ... {
= ' <tr align="center"> ' ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < 7 ; j ++ ) ... {
if (j == 0 ) ... {
= ' <td style="cursor:default;color: ' + calendar.colors[ " sun_word " ] + ' ;"></td> ' ;
else if (j == 6 ) ... {
= ' <td style="cursor:default;color: ' + calendar.colors[ " sat_word " ] + ' ;"></td> ' ;
else ... {
= ' <td style="cursor:default;"></td> ' ;
    mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' </tr> ' ;
  mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' <tr style="background-color: ' + calendar.colors[ " input_bg " ] + ' ;"> ' ;
= ' <th colspan="2"><input name="calendarClear" type="button" id="calendarClear" value=" ' + Calendar.language[ " clear " ][ this .lang] + ' " style="border: 1px solid ' + calendar.colors[ " input_border " ] + ' ;background-color: ' + calendar.colors[ " input_bg " ] + ' ;width:100%;height:20px;font-size:12px;"/></th> ' ;
= ' <th colspan="3"><input name="calendarToday" type="button" id="calendarToday" value=" ' + Calendar.language[ " today " ][ this .lang] + ' " style="border: 1px solid ' + calendar.colors[ " input_border " ] + ' ;background-color: ' + calendar.colors[ " input_bg " ] + ' ;width:100%;height:20px;font-size:12px;"/></th> ' ;
= ' <th colspan="2"><input name="calendarClose" type="button" id="calendarClose" value=" ' + Calendar.language[ " close " ][ this .lang] + ' " style="border: 1px solid ' + calendar.colors[ " input_border " ] + ' ;background-color: ' + calendar.colors[ " input_bg " ] + ' ;width:100%;height:20px;font-size:12px;"/></th> ' ;
= ' </tr> ' ;
= ' </table> ' ;
// mvAry[mvAry.length]  = '  </from>'; mvAry[mvAry.length] = ' </div> ' ;
this .panel.innerHTML = mvAry.join( "" );
/**/ /* ******* 以下代码由寒羽枫 2006-12-01 添加 ********* */ var obj = this .getElementById( " prevMonth " );
= function () ... {calendar.goPrevMonth(calendar);}   obj.onblur = function () ... {calendar.onblur();} this .prevMonth = obj;
= this .getElementById( " nextMonth " );
= function () ... {calendar.goNextMonth(calendar);}   obj.onblur = function () ... {calendar.onblur();} this .nextMonth = obj;

= this .getElementById( " calendarClear " );
= function () ... {calendar.dateControl.value = "" ;calendar.hide();} this .calendarClear = obj;
= this .getElementById( " calendarClose " );
= function () ... {calendar.hide();} this .calendarClose = obj;
= this .getElementById( " calendarYear " );
= function () ... {calendar.update(calendar);}   obj.onblur = function () ... {calendar.onblur();} this .calendarYear = obj;
= this .getElementById( " calendarMonth " );
with (obj)
... {
= function () ... {calendar.update(calendar);}     onblur = function () ... {calendar.onblur();}   }
this .calendarMonth = obj;
= this .getElementById( " calendarToday " );
= function () ... {
var today = new Date();
= today;
= today.getFullYear();
= today.getMonth();
= today.format(calendar.dateFormatStyle);
this .calendarToday = obj;
/**/ /* ******* 以上代码由寒羽枫 2006-12-01 添加 ********* */   
/**/ /*   //this.form = document.forms["calendarForm"];   
  this.form.prevMonth.onclick = function () {calendar.goPrevMonth(this);}
  this.form.nextMonth.onclick = function () {calendar.goNextMonth(this);}
  this.form.prevMonth.onblur = function () {calendar.onblur();}
  this.form.nextMonth.onblur = function () {calendar.onblur();}

  this.form.calendarClear.onclick = function () {calendar.dateControl.value = "";calendar.hide();}
  this.form.calendarClose.onclick = function () {calendar.hide();}
  this.form.calendarYear.onchange = function () {calendar.update(this);}
  this.form.calendarMonth.onchange = function () {calendar.update(this);}
  this.form.calendarYear.onblur = function () {calendar.onblur();}
  this.form.calendarMonth.onblur = function () {calendar.onblur();}
  this.form.calendarToday.onclick = function () {
    var today = new Date();
    calendar.date = today;
    calendar.year = today.getFullYear();
    calendar.month = today.getMonth();
    calendar.dateControl.value = today.format(calendar.dateFormatStyle);

// 年份下拉框绑定数据 Calendar.prototype.bindYear = function () ... {
// var cy = this.form.calendarYear; var cy = this .calendarYear; // 2006-12-01 由寒羽枫修改 cy.length = 0 ;
for ( var i = this .beginYear; i <= this .endYear; i ++ ) ... {
= new Option(i + Calendar.language[ " year " ][ this .lang], i);

// 月份下拉框绑定数据 Calendar.prototype.bindMonth = function () ... {
// var cm = this.form.calendarMonth; var cm = this .calendarMonth; // 2006-12-01 由寒羽枫修改 cm.length = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 12 ; i ++ ) ... {
= new Option(Calendar.language[ " months " ][ this .lang][i], i);

// 向前一月 Calendar.prototype.goPrevMonth = function (e) ... {
if ( this .year == this .beginYear && this .month == 0 ) ... { return ;} this .month -- ;
if ( this .month == - 1 ) ... {
this .year -- ;
this .month = 11 ;
this .date = new Date( this .year, this .month, 1 );
this .changeSelect();
this .bindData();

// 向后一月 Calendar.prototype.goNextMonth = function (e) ... {
if ( this .year == this .endYear && this .month == 11 ) ... { return ;} this .month ++ ;
if ( this .month == 12 ) ... {
this .year ++ ;
this .month = 0 ;
this .date = new Date( this .year, this .month, 1 );
this .changeSelect();
this .bindData();

// 改变SELECT选中状态 Calendar.prototype.changeSelect = function () ... {
// var cy = this.form.calendarYear; // var cm = this.form.calendarMonth; var cy = this .calendarYear; // 2006-12-01 由寒羽枫修改 var cm = this .calendarMonth;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < cy.length; i ++ ) ... {
if (cy.options[i].value == this .date.getFullYear()) ... {
= true ;
break ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < cm.length; i ++ ) ... {
if (cm.options[i].value == this .date.getMonth()) ... {
= true ;
break ;

// 更新年、月 Calendar.prototype.update = function (e) ... {
// this.year  = e.form.calendarYear.options[e.form.calendarYear.selectedIndex].value; // this.month = e.form.calendarMonth.options[e.form.calendarMonth.selectedIndex].value; this .year = e.calendarYear.options[e.calendarYear.selectedIndex].value; // 2006-12-01 由寒羽枫修改 this .month = e.calendarMonth.options[e.calendarMonth.selectedIndex].value;
this .date = new Date( this .year, this .month, 1 );
this .changeSelect();
this .bindData();

// 绑定数据到月视图 Calendar.prototype.bindData = function () ... {
var calendar = this ;
var dateArray = this .getMonthViewArray( this .date.getYear(), this .date.getMonth());
var tds = this .getElementById( " calendarTable " ).getElementsByTagName( " td " );
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tds.length; i ++ ) ... {
// tds[i].style.color = calendar.colors["td_word_light"]; tds[i].style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " td_bg_out " ];
= function () ... { return ;}     tds[i].onmouseover = function () ... { return ;}     tds[i].onmouseout = function () ... { return ;} if (i > dateArray.length - 1 ) break ;
= dateArray[i];
if (dateArray[i] != " &nbsp; " ) ... {
= function () ... {
if (calendar.dateControl != null ) ... {
= new Date(calendar.date.getFullYear(),
this .innerHTML).format(calendar.dateFormatStyle);
      tds[i].onmouseover = function () ... {
this .style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " td_bg_over " ];
      tds[i].onmouseout = function () ... {
this .style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " td_bg_out " ];
if ( new Date().format(calendar.dateFormatStyle) == new Date(calendar.date.getFullYear(),
... {
// tds[i].style.color = calendar.colors["cur_word"]; tds[i].style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " cur_bg " ];
= function () ... {
this .style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " td_bg_over " ];
        tds[i].onmouseout = function () ... {
this .style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " cur_bg " ];
// continue; //若不想当天单元格的背景被下面的覆盖,请取消注释 →  2006-12-03 寒羽枫添加 }
// end if // 设置已被选择的日期单元格背影色 2006-12-03 寒羽枫添加 if (calendar.dateControl != null && calendar.dateControl.value == new Date(calendar.date.getFullYear(),
... {
= calendar.colors[ " sel_bg " ];
= function () ... {
this .style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " td_bg_over " ];
        tds[i].onmouseout = function () ... {
this .style.backgroundColor = calendar.colors[ " sel_bg " ];

// 根据年、月得到月视图数据(数组形式) Calendar.prototype.getMonthViewArray = function (y, m) ... {
var mvArray = [];
var dayOfFirstDay = new Date(y, m, 1 ).getDay();
var daysOfMonth = new Date(y, m + 1 , 0 ).getDate();
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 42 ; i ++ ) ... {
= " &nbsp; " ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < daysOfMonth; i ++ ) ... {
+ dayOfFirstDay] = i + 1 ;
return mvArray;

// 扩展 document.getElementById(id) 多浏览器兼容性 from meizz tree source Calendar.prototype.getElementById = function (id) ... {
if ( typeof (id) != " string " || id == "" ) return null ;
if (document.getElementById) return document.getElementById(id);
if (document.all) return document.all(id);
try ... { return eval(id);} catch (e) ... { return null ;} }

// 扩展 object.getElementsByTagName(tagName) Calendar.prototype.getElementsByTagName = function (object, tagName) ... {
if (document.getElementsByTagName) return document.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
if (document.all) return document.all.tags(tagName);

// 取得HTML控件绝对位置 Calendar.prototype.getAbsPoint = function (e) ... {
var x = e.offsetLeft;
var y = e.offsetTop;
while (e = e.offsetParent) ... {
+= e.offsetLeft;
+= e.offsetTop;
return ... { " x " : x, " y " : y} ;

// 显示日历 Calendar.prototype.show = function (dateObj, popControl) ... {
if (dateObj == null ) ... {
throw new Error( " arguments[0] is necessary " )
this .dateControl = dateObj;
// if (dateObj.value.length > 0){ // this.date = new Date(dateObj.value.toDate()); // this.date = new Date(dateObj.value.toDate(this.dateFormatStyle));//由寒羽枫修改,带入用户指定的 style this .date = (dateObj.value.length > 0 ) ? new Date(dateObj.value.toDate( this .dateFormatStyle)) : new Date() ; // 2006-12-03 寒羽枫添加 → 若为空则显示当前月份 this .year = this .date.getFullYear();
this .month = this .date.getMonth();
this .changeSelect();
this .bindData();
// } if (popControl == null ) ... {
= dateObj;
var xy = this .getAbsPoint(popControl);
this .panel.style.left = xy.x - 25 + " px " ;
this .panel.style.top = (xy.y + dateObj.offsetHeight) + " px " ;
// 由寒羽枫 2006-06-25 修改 → 把 visibility 变为 display,并添加失去焦点的事件 // this.setDisplayStyle("select", "hidden"); // this.panel.style.visibility = "visible"; // this.container.style.visibility = "visible"; this .panel.style.display = "" ;
this .container.style.display = "" ;
= function () ... {calendar.onblur();} this .container.onmouseover = function () ... {isFocus = true ;} this .container.onmouseout = function () ... {isFocus = false ;} }

// 隐藏日历 Calendar.prototype.hide = function () ... {
// this.setDisplayStyle("select", "visible"); // this.panel.style.visibility = "hidden"; // this.container.style.visibility = "hidden"; this .panel.style.display = " none " ;
this .container.style.display = " none " ;
= false ;

// 焦点转移时隐藏日历 → 由寒羽枫 2006-06-25 添加 Calendar.prototype.onblur = function () ... {
if ( ! isFocus) ... { this .hide();} }

// 以下由寒羽枫 2006-06-25 修改 → 用<iframe> 遮住 IE 的下拉框 /**/ /**/ /**/ /* //设置控件显示或隐藏
Calendar.prototype.setDisplayStyle = function(tagName, style) {
  var tags = this.getElementsByTagName(null, tagName)
  for(var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
    if (tagName.toLowerCase() == "select" &&
       (tags[i].name == "calendarYear" ||
      tags[i].name == "calendarMonth")){
    //tags[i].style.visibility = style;
    tags[i].style.display = style;
// document.write('<div id="ContainerPanel" style="visibility:hidden"><div id="calendarPanel" style="position: absolute;visibility: hidden;z-index: 9999;'); document.write( ' <div id="ContainerPanel" style="display:none"><div id="calendarPanel" style="position: absolute;display: none;z-index: 9999; ' );
' background-color: #FFFFFF;border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;width:175px;font-size:12px;"></div> ' );
if (document.all)
... {
' <iframe style="position:absolute;z-index:2000;width:expression(this.previousSibling.offsetWidth); ' );
' height:expression(this.previousSibling.offsetHeight); ' );
' left:expression(this.previousSibling.offsetLeft);top:expression(this.previousSibling.offsetTop); ' );
' display:expression(this.previousSibling.style.display);" scrolling="no" frameborder="no"></iframe> ' );
document.write( ' </div> ' );
// var calendar = new Calendar();  //此句被 寒羽枫注释,否则 IE 将报错 // 调用calendar.show(dateControl, popControl); // -->


1、引用 WebCalendar.js

< script src ="js/WebCalendar.js" type ="text/javascript" ></ script >


this .Txt_Date.Attributes[ " onclick " ] = " SelectDate(this,'yyyy-MM-dd') " ;
< input name ="Txt_Date" type ="text" maxlength ="10" id ="Txt_Date" onclick ="SelectDate(this,'yyyy/MM/dd')" />

兼容 IE、 FireFox 的 javascript 日历控件 原创作者:寒羽枫(cityhunter172)相关推荐

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  5. 支持IE,Firefox的日历控件

    <html> <head> <title>日期输入框演示-queyang.com</title> <meta http-equiv="C ...

  6. My97 DatePicker日历控件在火狐或IE下打不开

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  7. java日历控件开源_6种Google日历的开源替代方案

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  8. Selenium2+python自动化25-js处理日历控件(修改readonly属性)

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