
Measures of shape describe the distribution (or pattern) of the data within a dataset.
The distribution shape of quantitative data can be described as there is a logical order to the values, and the ‘low’ and ‘high’ end values on the x-axis of the histogram are able to be identified.
The distribution shape of a qualitative data cannot be described as the data are not numeric.





A distribution of data item values may be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Two common examples of symmetry and asymmetry are the ‘normal distribution’ and the ‘skewed distribution’.

In a symmetrical distribution the two sides of the distribution are a mirror image of each other. A normal distribution is a true symmetric distribution of observed values.

数据项值的分布可以是对称的或不对称的。 对称性和不对称性的两个常见例子是“正态分布”和“偏态分布”。

在对称分布中,分布的两侧是彼此的镜像。 正态分布是观测值的真实对称分布。

In an asymmetrical distribution the two sides will not be mirror images of each other. Skewness is the tendency for the values to be more frequent around the high or low ends of the x-axis.



Other distributions include uni-modal, bi-modal, or multimodal.

A uni-modal distribution occurs if there is only one ‘peak’ (a highest point) in the distribution, as seen in the previous histograms. This means there is one mode (a value that occurs more frequently than any other) for the data item (variable).


The shape of the distribution can assist with identifying other descriptive statistics, such as which measure of central tendency is appropriate to use.


If the data are normally distributed, the mean, median and mode are all equal, and therefore are all appropriate measure of centre central tendency.


If data are skewed, the median may be a more appropriate measure of central tendency.



Measures of Shape

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