
import java.io.IOException;public class RuntimeTest {public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException{Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec("notepad.exe");p.waitFor();System.out.println("end!");}






    public Process exec(String[] cmdarray, String[] envp, File dir)throws IOException {return new ProcessBuilder(cmdarray).environment(envp).directory(dir).start();}


  public Process start() throws IOException {// Must convert to array first -- a malicious user-supplied// list might try to circumvent the security check.String[] cmdarray = command.toArray(new String[command.size()]);cmdarray = cmdarray.clone();for (String arg : cmdarray)if (arg == null)throw new NullPointerException();// Throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if command is emptyString prog = cmdarray[0];SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();if (security != null) {security.checkExec(prog);}String dir = directory == null ? null : directory.toString();try {return ProcessImpl.start(cmdarray,environment,dir,redirects,redirectErrorStream);} catch (IOException | IllegalArgumentException e) {String exceptionInfo = ": " + e.getMessage();Throwable cause = e;if ((e instanceof IOException) && security != null) {// Can not disclose the fail reason for read-protected files.try {security.checkRead(prog);} catch (AccessControlException ace) {exceptionInfo = "";cause = ace;}}// It's much easier for us to create a high-quality error// message than the low-level C code which found the problem.throw new IOException("Cannot run program \"" + prog + "\""+ (dir == null ? "" : " (in directory \"" + dir + "\")")+ exceptionInfo,cause);}}

可以看到,返回的是:ProcessImpl.start(cmdarray,environment,dir, redirects, redirectErrorStream);,那就再查看ProcessImpl类的源码。

package java.lang;import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileDescriptor;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.lang.ProcessBuilder.Redirect;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;/* This class is for the exclusive use of ProcessBuilder.start() to* create new processes.** @author Martin Buchholz* @since   1.5*/final class ProcessImpl extends Process {
<pre name="code" class="java">/*

// System-dependent portion of ProcessBuilder.start()    static Process start(String cmdarray[],                         java.util.Map<String,String> environment,                         String dir,                         ProcessBuilder.Redirect[] redirects,                         boolean redirectErrorStream)        throws IOException    {        String envblock = ProcessEnvironment.toEnvironmentBlock(environment);        FileInputStream  f0 = null;        FileOutputStream f1 = null;        FileOutputStream f2 = null;        try {            long[] stdHandles;            if (redirects == null) {                stdHandles = new long[] { -1L, -1L, -1L };            } else {                stdHandles = new long[3];                if (redirects[0] == Redirect.PIPE)                    stdHandles[0] = -1L;                else if (redirects[0] == Redirect.INHERIT)                    stdHandles[0] = fdAccess.getHandle(FileDescriptor.in);                else {                    f0 = new FileInputStream(redirects[0].file());                    stdHandles[0] = fdAccess.getHandle(f0.getFD());                }                if (redirects[1] == Redirect.PIPE)                    stdHandles[1] = -1L;                else if (redirects[1] == Redirect.INHERIT)                    stdHandles[1] = fdAccess.getHandle(FileDescriptor.out);                else {                    f1 = newFileOutputStream(redirects[1].file(),                                             redirects[1].append());                    stdHandles[1] = fdAccess.getHandle(f1.getFD());                }                if (redirects[2] == Redirect.PIPE)                    stdHandles[2] = -1L;                else if (redirects[2] == Redirect.INHERIT)                    stdHandles[2] = fdAccess.getHandle(FileDescriptor.err);                else {                    f2 = newFileOutputStream(redirects[2].file(),                                             redirects[2].append());                    stdHandles[2] = fdAccess.getHandle(f2.getFD());                }            }            return new ProcessImpl(cmdarray, envblock, dir,                                   stdHandles, redirectErrorStream);        } finally {            // In theory, close() can throw IOException            // (although it is rather unlikely to happen here)            try { if (f0 != null) f0.close(); }            finally {                try { if (f1 != null) f1.close(); }                finally { if (f2 != null) f2.close(); }            }        }
     public int waitFor() throws InterruptedException {        waitForInterruptibly(handle);        if (Thread.interrupted())            throw new InterruptedException();        return exitValue();    }    private static native void waitForInterruptibly(long handle);} 可以看出,ProcessImpl类是Process类的一个子类,start方法最后返回了一个ProcessImpl对象。而且ProcessImpl重写了waitFor方法。


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