※ 图片资源 来源于CreateJs官方Project
地图来源 自然资源部地图技术审查中心承办的标准地图服务网站 世界地图 小8开 审图号:GS(2016)1663号
想要了解和下载更多关于 标准地图 的内容,欢迎访问中国地图出版集团官网和中国地图出版集团官方微博


  • 效果演示
  • 代码分释
  • 全部代码






  • sky 背景地图层
  • ground 下方地面层
  • hill & hill2 后方绿山层
  • grant 动画人物层


  • jump & direct & text_jump & text_direct 按钮形状和按钮文字
  • mark 地图标识

0 加载资源

manifest = [{ src: "spritesheet_grant.png", id: "grant" },{ src: "sky_map.png", id: "sky" },{ src: "ground.png", id: "ground" },{ src: "hill1.png", id: "hill" },{ src: "hill2.png", id: "hill2" },{ src: "map_mark.png", id: "mark" }
]loader = new createjs.LoadQueue(false)
loader.addEventListener("complete", handleComplete)
loader.loadManifest(manifest, true, "../_assets/img/")


LoadQueue([preferXHR=true], [basePath=""], [crossOrigin=""])

  • preferXHR 确定预加载实例是否倾向于使用XHR(XML HTTP请求)或HTML标签进行加载。如果为false,则队列将在可能的情况下使用标签加载,并在必要时使用XHR。
  • basePath 加载之前,队列中所有项目的source参数之前的路径。以诸如http://或相对路径作为协议开头的源…/ 将不会接收基本路径。
  • crossOrigin 不推荐使用crossOrigin参数。改用LoadItem.crossOrigin


  • manifest 要加载的文件列表
  • loadNow 启动立即加载 or 等待加载调用
  • basePath 在每个文件之前添加基本路径

1 sky元素

sky = new createjs.Shape()
sky.graphics.beginBitmapFill(loader.getResult("sky")).drawRect(-1000, 0, 3000, h)
sky.cache(-1000, 0, 3000, h)



  • value id或者src
  • rawResult 返回原始结果而不是格式化结果

2 ground元素

var groundImg = loader.getResult("ground")
ground = new createjs.Shape()
ground.graphics.beginBitmapFill(groundImg).drawRect(-groundImg.width, 0, w + groundImg.width * 2, groundImg.height)
ground.tileW = groundImg.width
ground.y = h - groundImg.height
ground.cache(-groundImg.width, 0, w + groundImg.width * 2, groundImg.height)

地面图像宽度81,设定层宽度为960 + 81 * 2


  • image 用作图案的图像
  • repetition 重复类型,默认为repeat
  • matrix 指定位图填充转换矩阵

3 hill&hill2元素

hill = new createjs.Bitmap(loader.getResult("hill"))
hill.setTransform(Math.random() * w, h - hill.image.height * 4 - groundImg.height, 4, 4)
hill.alpha = 0.5hill2 = new createjs.Bitmap(loader.getResult("hill2"))
hill2.setTransform(Math.random() * w, h - hill2.image.height * 3 - groundImg.height, 3, 3)


setTransform([x=0], [y=0], [scaleX=1], [scaleY=1], [rotation=0], [skewX=0], [skewY=0], [regX=0], [regY=0])

  • x,y 水平垂直位移
  • scaleX,scaleY 水平垂直比例
  • rotation 旋转度数
  • skewX,skewY 水平垂直偏斜系数
  • regX,regY 水平垂直配准点

4 grant元素

var spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet({framerate: 30,"images": [loader.getResult("grant")],"frames": { "regX": 82, "height": 292, "count": 64, "regY": 0, "width": 165 },"animations": {"run": [0, 25, "run", 1.5],"jump": [26, 63, "run"]}
grant = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheet, "run")
grant.y = 35



  • data:{images,frames,animations,framerate}
  • images 雪碧图资源
  • frameate 帧率
  • frames 镜框
    • widthheight 为必填项,并指定框架的尺寸
    • regXregY 指示框架的注册点或“原点”
    • spacing 指示帧之间的间隔
    • margin 指定图像周围的边距
    • count 允许您指定子画面中的帧总数;如果省略,将根据源图像和帧的尺寸进行计算。将根据帧在源图像中的位置(从左到右,从上到下)为帧分配索引。
  • animations 动画 定义要作为命名动画播放的帧序列
    • start 开始针,end 结束帧,next 动画完成后进行的动画,和speed 播放速度。

5 jumpdirecttext_directtext_jumpmark元素

jump = new createjs.Shape(new createjs.Graphics().beginFill('lightblue').drawCircle(w - 50, h - 50, 35)
jump.shadow = new createjs.Shadow('rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', 5, 5, 5)
jump.cache(0, 0, w, h)direct = new createjs.Shape(new createjs.Graphics().beginFill('lightgreen').drawCircle(w - 140, h - 50, 35)
direct.shadow = new createjs.Shadow('rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', 5, 5, 5)
direct.cache(0, 0, w, h)direct.addEventListener('mousedown', handleTurnDirection)
jump.addEventListener('mousedown', handleJumpStart)text_direct = new createjs.Text("Turn\nRound", "20px Arial", "#fff")
text_direct.set({ x: w - 140, y: h - 70 })
text_direct.textAlign = 'center'text_jump = new createjs.Text("Jump", "20px Arial", "#fff")
text_jump.set({ x: w - 50, y: h - 60 })
text_jump.textAlign = 'center'mark = new createjs.Bitmap(loader.getResult('mark'))
mark.setTransform(200, 50, 0.1, 0.1)

direct 设置鼠标点击事件 handleTurnDirection 转换方向
jump 设置鼠标点击事件 handleJumpStart 切换跳跃动画

6 鼠标点击事件handleTurnDirection&handleJumpStart

function handleJumpStart() {grant.gotoAndPlay("jump")
}function handleTurnDirection(event) {direction *= -1grant.scaleX = direction

direction1-1 ,分别代表向右和向左
7 计时tick事件

function tick(event) {var deltaS = event.delta / 1000var position = grant.x + 150 * deltaS * direction// 人物平移var grantW = grant.getBounds().width * grant.scaleX * directiongrant.x = (position >= w + grantW) ? -grantW : ((position < -grantW) ? w + grantW : position)// 地面平移ground.x = (ground.x - deltaS * 150 * direction) % ground.tileW// 山丘平移hill.x = (hill.x - deltaS * 30 * direction)if (hill.x + hill.image.width * hill.scaleX <= 0) {hill.x = w}if (hill.x >= w) {hill.x = - hill.image.width * hill.scaleX}    hill2.x = (hill2.x - deltaS * 45 * direction)if (hill2.x + hill2.image.width * hill2.scaleX <= 0) {hill2.x = w}if (hill2.x >= w) {hill2.x = - hill2.image.width * hill2.scaleX}// 背景平移sky.x = (sky.x - deltaS * 5 * direction)if (sky.x <= -1000) {sky.x = -2}if (sky.x >= 1000) {sky.x = 2}stage.update(event)


Github - SpriteSheet

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>EaselJS: Sprite Sheet Example</title><link href="../_assets/css/shared.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><script src="../_assets/js/shared.js"></script><script src="../lib/easeljs-NEXT.js"></script><!-- We also provide hosted minified versions of all CreateJS libraries.http://code.createjs.com --><script src="../lib/preloadjs-NEXT.min.js"></script><script id="editable">var stage, w, h, loadervar sky, grant, ground, hill, hill2var direct, jumpvar text_direct, text_jumpvar direction = 1function init() {shared.loading()stage = new createjs.Stage("examCanvas")w = stage.canvas.widthh = stage.canvas.heightmanifest = [{ src: "spritesheet_grant.png", id: "grant" },{ src: "sky_map.png", id: "sky" },{ src: "ground.png", id: "ground" },{ src: "hill1.png", id: "hill" },{ src: "hill2.png", id: "hill2" },{ src: "map_mark.png", id: "mark" }]loader = new createjs.LoadQueue(false)loader.addEventListener("complete", handleComplete)loader.loadManifest(manifest, true, "../_assets/img/")}function handleComplete() {shared.loaded()sky = new createjs.Shape()sky.graphics.beginBitmapFill(loader.getResult("sky")).drawRect(-1000, 0, 3000, h)sky.cache(-1000, 0, 3000, h)var groundImg = loader.getResult("ground")ground = new createjs.Shape()ground.graphics.beginBitmapFill(groundImg).drawRect(-groundImg.width, 0, w + groundImg.width * 2, groundImg.height)ground.tileW = groundImg.widthground.y = h - groundImg.heightground.cache(-groundImg.width, 0, w + groundImg.width * 2, groundImg.height)hill = new createjs.Bitmap(loader.getResult("hill"))hill.setTransform(Math.random() * w, h - hill.image.height * 4 - groundImg.height, 4, 4)hill.alpha = 0.5hill2 = new createjs.Bitmap(loader.getResult("hill2"))hill2.setTransform(Math.random() * w, h - hill2.image.height * 3 - groundImg.height, 3, 3)var spriteSheet = new createjs.SpriteSheet({framerate: 30,"images": [loader.getResult("grant")],"frames": { "regX": 82, "height": 292, "count": 64, "regY": 0, "width": 165 },"animations": {"run": [0, 25, "run", 1.5],"jump": [26, 63, "run"]}})grant = new createjs.Sprite(spriteSheet, "run")grant.y = 35stage.addChild(sky, hill, hill2, ground, grant)jump = new createjs.Shape(new createjs.Graphics().beginFill('lightblue').drawCircle(w - 50, h - 50, 35))jump.shadow = new createjs.Shadow('rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', 5, 5, 5)jump.cache(0, 0, w, h)direct = new createjs.Shape(new createjs.Graphics().beginFill('lightgreen').drawCircle(w - 140, h - 50, 35))direct.shadow = new createjs.Shadow('rgba(0,0,0,0.2)', 5, 5, 5)direct.cache(0, 0, w, h)direct.addEventListener('mousedown', handleTurnDirection)jump.addEventListener('mousedown', handleJumpStart)stage.addChild(direct, jump)text_direct = new createjs.Text("Turn\nRound", "20px Arial", "#fff")text_direct.set({ x: w - 140, y: h - 70 })text_direct.textAlign = 'center'text_jump = new createjs.Text("Jump", "20px Arial", "#fff")text_jump.set({ x: w - 50, y: h - 60 })text_jump.textAlign = 'center'mark = new createjs.Bitmap(loader.getResult('mark'))mark.setTransform(200, 50, 0.1, 0.1)stage.addChild(mark, text_direct, text_jump)createjs.Ticker.timingMode = createjs.Ticker.RAFcreatejs.Ticker.addEventListener("tick", tick)}function handleJumpStart() {grant.gotoAndPlay("jump")}function handleTurnDirection(event) {direction *= -1grant.scaleX = direction}function tick(event) {var deltaS = event.delta / 1000var position = grant.x + 150 * deltaS * direction// 得到的是人物的宽度var grantW = grant.getBounds().width * grant.scaleX * directiongrant.x = (position >= w + grantW) ? -grantW : ((position < -grantW) ? w + grantW : position)ground.x = (ground.x - deltaS * 150 * direction) % ground.tileWhill.x = (hill.x - deltaS * 30 * direction)if (hill.x + hill.image.width * hill.scaleX <= 0) {hill.x = w}if (hill.x >= w) {hill.x = - hill.image.width * hill.scaleX}hill2.x = (hill2.x - deltaS * 45 * direction)if (hill2.x + hill2.image.width * hill2.scaleX <= 0) {hill2.x = w}if (hill2.x >= w) {hill2.x = - hill2.image.width * hill2.scaleX}sky.x = (sky.x - deltaS * 5 * direction)if (sky.x <= -1000) {sky.x = -2}if (sky.x >= 1000) {sky.x = 2}stage.update(event)}</script>
</head><body onload="init()"><header class="Nora7aki"><h1>雪碧图列表动画 Sprite Sheets</h1><p>通过<code>SpriteSheet</code>构建一个可操作的动画,通过鼠标控制前进方向和跳跃</p><p><strong>Note:</strong> Some browsers can not load images or access pixeldata when running local files, and may throw a security error or notwork unless the content is running on a server.</p></header><div class="content" style="overflow: hidden;width: 960px;height: 400px"><canvas id="examCanvas" width="960" height="400"></canvas></div></body></html>

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