
The innovative artist and musician Bjork wanted to launch her Bjork Digital exhibit in London at the end of August. The catch? At the same time, she was needed in Reykjavik. Unable to join in person, Bjork sought a solution that would emulate her despite the distance. With just seven days to go, a team of talented collaborators solved the challenge and helped the artist push the limits of real-time motion capture and explore the not-so-distant possibilities for presence and intimacy that VR promises. This is a story of how the world’s first motion captured live streamed press conference came to be.

创新的艺术家和音乐家Bjork希望于8月底在伦敦启动她的Bjork Digital展览。 抓住? 同时,在雷克雅未克需要她。 由于无法亲自参加,Bjork寻求了一个能够与她相距遥远的解决方案。 仅剩7天的时间,一支才华横溢的合作者团队解决了这一难题,并帮助艺术家突破了实时运动捕捉的极限,并探索了VR所承诺的存在和亲密关系的可能性不大。 这是关于 世界上第 一个 捕捉到的现场直播新闻发布会 的故事 。

The day before, the atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation, excitement and technical challenges, not unlike my interactive arts final show 20 years ago. We were greeted by technical producer and event mastermind Andrew Melchior showed us to our temporary back-stage lab. Drafted in from Andy Brammall’s field team, I was on tap as the resident Unity expert, along with Robin Watson and James Dinsdale of the motion capture studios Imaginarium. Bjork was due to be in the capture suite of The Icelandic Multimedia School in only a few hours, to start testing.

前一天,气氛充满了期待,激动和技术挑战,这与我20年前的互动艺术决赛一样。 技术制作人和活动负责人安德鲁·梅尔基奥尔(Andrew Melchior)向我们致意,向我们展示了我们的临时后台实验室。 我是安迪·布拉玛(Andy Brammall)的野外团队的选拔人员,我是驻地Unity专家以及动作捕捉工作室Imaginarium的罗宾·沃森(Robin Watson)和詹姆斯·丁斯代尔(James Dinsdale)的邀请。 Bjork原本打算在几个小时内进入冰岛多媒体学校的捕获套件,然后开始测试。


As Andrew recounts, the idea for this press launch was born out of a brainstorm between Bjork, the director Andrew Huang, her manager Derek Birkett, Ben Lumsden at The Imaginarium and our own Marcos Sanchez here at Unity.

正如安德鲁所说,这次发布会的想法源于比约克,导演安德鲁·黄(Andrew Huang),经理德雷克·比尔克特(Derek Birkett),幻影馆的本·伦姆斯登(Ben Lumsden)和我们在Unity的Marcos Sanchez之间的头脑风暴。

The team was soon joined by studio Twisted Oak who has worked on the 2015 Bjork VR album. The Imaginarium team also previously collaborated on the motion capture of Bjork’s performance for Warren du Preez, Nick Thornton Jones amazing new piece ‘Notget’ and Andrew Huang’s work on ‘Family’. Soon, the combined efforts of these production teams started to make it look like the motion captured live streamed press conference just may be possible.

很快,工作室 Twisted Oak 加入了该团队,该工作室 曾参与2015 Bjork VR专辑的制作。 Imaginarium团队之前还合作了比约克(Bjork)为沃伦·迪·普雷斯(Warren du Preez),尼克·桑顿·琼斯(Nick Thornton Jones)令人惊叹的新曲《 Notget》和安德鲁·黄(Andrew Huang)在《家庭》中的作品的动作捕捉。 不久,这些制作团队的共同努力开始使看起​​来像是通过现场直播的新闻发布会录制运动成为可能。

Twisted Oak’s Devin Horsman and team had developed a superb Unity project, which included a Rig of Bjork’s avatar, a fantastical creation, built in conjunction with the artist Andrew Thomas Huang. The plan was to bring this avatar to life as Bjork spoke with journalists in the audience.

Twisted Oak的Devin Horsman和团队开发了一个出色的Unity项目,其中包括与艺术家Andrew Thomas Huang共同建造的Bjork化身的装备。 计划是在Bjork与听众中的记者交谈时使这个化身栩栩如生。

The rigged model has over 85,000 triangles. Its 120 bones inside Unity moved in realtime in response to the motion capture data provided by Bjork from 1900 km away. The avatar uses the Unity standard shader for the materials and opacity, cloth and wind systems for the dynamic tendrils.

装配模型具有超过85,000个三角形。 它响应1900公里以外的比约克(Bjork)提供的运动捕捉数据,在Unity内部的120根骨骼实时移动。 化身使用Unity标准着色器来制作材质,使用不透明度,使用布料和风力系统来绘制动态卷须。

In Iceland the Xsens MVN suit passed movement from 17 tracking points via the MVN Link client which streamed locally at 240Hz into Motion Builder, the Autodesk animation tool. This in turn sent bone transform information over Internet Protocol to another Motion Builder install at Somerset house in London. The bone transforms then retargeted onto a humanoid avatar. Finally, the new bone transforms locally streamed into the Unity editor, to drive the motion of Bjork’s fantastical avatar in real-time.

在冰岛, Xsens MVN 套装通过MVN Link客户端从17个跟踪点传递了运动,该客户端在本地以240Hz的速度流向Autodesk动画工具Motion Builder。 反过来,这又通过Internet协议将骨骼变换信息发送给了位于伦敦萨默塞特郡另一家Motion Builder的装置。 然后将骨骼变形重新定位到人形化身上。 最后,新的骨骼将在本地流传输到Unity编辑器中,以实时驱动Bjork梦幻般的化身运动。

Audio from Bjork to be streamed over IP and relayed to us in London.


With just a few hours to go on the evening before the live event, we battled internet connections, projector alignment (in German) and fought over chairs. Still, as Gavin Williams from Imaginarium joined the team, we managed a successful test. The Unity Streaming plugin written by Robin relayed some pre-canned movement data into the Unity Avatar. It worked perfectly – Hurrah! Then Bjork arrived and suited up in Reykjavik and promptly endured our demands for over two hours with the utmost patience and cool as we ran a series of successful movement tests and not-so-successful audio tests. We remotely set up a second MoBu/Unity Node in Iceland for Bjork to receive visual feedback.

现场直播前一天晚上只有几个小时,我们与互联网连接,投影仪校准(德语)进行了斗争,并在椅子上进行了争夺。 尽管如此,随着Imaginarium的Gavin Williams加入团队,我们成功进行了测试。 罗宾(Robin)编写 的 Unity Streaming插件将一些罐头运动数据转发到Unity头像中。 它运行得非常完美– Hurrah! 随后,比约克到达并适应了雷克雅未克,并在我们成功进行了一系列成功的运动测试和未成功的音频测试的过程中,以最大的耐心和冷静忍受了两个多小时的需求。 我们在冰岛远程设置了第二个MoBu / Unity节点,供Bjork接收视觉反馈。

On the big day we started early to allow time for a switch in VOIP client and any last minute alterations. We received a set of changes to the project overnight and also needed to script a set of switchable cameras in Unity, to change perspective throughout the talk. We set to work merging the changes and scripting keypad input cameras before installing a totally new Audio solution. I was still talking to Bjork and directing some movement tests when the press started coming in.

在重要的一天,我们提早开始,以便有时间切换VOIP客户端并进行最后的更改。 我们在一夜之间收到了对该项目的一组更改,还需要在Unity中编写一组可切换摄像机的脚本,以在整个演讲过程中改变视角。 在安装全新的音频解决方案之前,我们准备合并更改并编写键盘输入摄像机脚本。 当印刷机开始进来时,我仍在与Bjork交谈,并指导一些运动测试。

…and suddenly we were live with Bjork in HD, 4 metres wide with no latency over 1900 kilometres away, in the world’s first motion captured press conference We switched cameras dynamically as Bjork relayed her experiences making her latest album and introduced the exhibition. The audience saw Bjork’s avatar look, mirror, react, just as if she were there. We punched the air in collective relief as history was made before we even knew it.

…然后突然间,我们与世界上第一个动作捕捉新闻发布会的高清比约克(Bjork)生活在一起,宽约4米,在1900公里之外没有任何延迟。当比约克(Bjork)传递她制作最新专辑的经验并介绍了展览时,我们动态地切换了相机。 观众看到了比约克的化身,像镜子一样,做出了React,就像她在那儿一样。 随着历史的发展,我们甚至还不知道该如何进行集体救济。

A live motion capture stream like this represents a major leap forward for Unity. You can see how in the not so distant future — once the computing power catches up — we’ll be able to bring this same real-time rendering application to VR, where individuals can be placed at the center of real, live performances and entertainment experiences, from concerts to speeches and sports events, via VR.

这样的实时运动捕捉流代表Unity的一大飞跃。 您将看到在不远的将来如何—一旦计算能力赶上来了—我们将能够将相同的实时渲染应用程序带入VR,在那里人们可以被置于真实,现场表演和娱乐的中心通过VR从音乐会到演讲和体育赛事的各种体验。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2016/10/18/bjork-unity-the-makings-of-live-mocap-press-conference/


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