
作者简介 :刘爱贵,研究方向为网络存储、数据挖掘和分布式计算;毕业于中科院,目前从事存储软件研发工作。 Email: Aigui.Liu@gmail.com
注: 作者学识和经验水平有限,如有错误或不当之处,敬请批评指正。



Tar, winrar, winzip是最为常见的数据打包工具软件,它们把文件集体封装成一个单独的数据包,从而方便数据的分布、传输、归档以及持久保存等目的。这类工具通常都支持数据压缩技术,从而有效减少数据的存储空间,常用压缩算法有Huffman编码、Z77/z78、LZW等。压缩算法的原理是通过对数据的重新编码,高频率数据片段采用较短的编码,低频率数据片段采用较长的编码,从而获得全局的上数据量较小的文件表示。


   dedup按照消重的粒度可以分为文件级和数据块级。文件级的dedup技术也称为单一实例存储(SIS, Single Instance Store),数据块级的重复数据删除,其消重粒度更小,可以达到4-24KB之间。显然,数据块级的可以提供更高的数据消重率,因此目前主流的dedup产品都是数据块级的。重复数据删除原理如下图所示。将文件都分割成数据块(可以是定长或变长的数据块),采用MD5或SHA1等Hash算法(可以同时使用两种或以上hash算法,或CRC校验等,以获得非常小概率的数据碰撞发生)为数据块计算FingerPrint。具有相同FP指纹的数据块即可认为是相同的数据块,存储系统中仅需要保留一份。这样,一个物理文件在存储系统中就对应一个逻辑表示,由一组FP组成的元数据。当进行读取文件时,先读取逻辑文件,然后根据FP序列,从存储系统中取出相应数据块,还原物理文件副本。




Unique block data

File metadata

数据包由三部分组成:文件头(header)、唯一数据块集(unique block data)和逻辑文件元数据(file metadata)。其中,header为一个结构体,定义了数据块大小、唯一数据块数量、数据块ID大小、包中文件数量、元数据在包中的位置等元信息。文件头后紧接就存储着所有唯一的数据块,大小和数量由文件头中元信息指示。在数据块之后,就是数据包中文件的逻辑表示元数据,由多个实体组成,结构如下所示,一个实体表示一个文件。解包时根据文件的元数据,逐一提取数据块,还原出当初的物理文件。

Entry header


Entry data

Last block data



基于上面的数据布局,就可以实现支持重复数据删除的数据打包方法。本人在Linux系统上实现了一个原型,实现中使用了hashtable来记录和查询唯一数据块信息,使用MD5算法计算数据块指纹,并使用zlib中的z77压缩算法对删除了重复数据后的数据包进行压缩。hashtable, MD5, z77算法和实现,这里不作介绍,有兴趣的读者可以参考相关资源。下面给出dedup.h, dedup.c undedup.c源码文件。目前实现的原型还相对比较粗糙。

/* dedup.h */

#ifndef _DEDUP_H
#define _DEDUP_H
#include "md5.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "hashtable.h"
#include "libz.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* * deduplication file data layout* --------------------------------------------------* |  header  |  unique block data |  file metadata |* --------------------------------------------------** file metedata entry layout* -----------------------------------------------------------------* |  entry header  |  pathname  |  entry data  |  last block data |* -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
typedef unsigned int block_id_t;
#define BLOCK_SIZE  4096     /* 4K Bytes */
#define BACKET_SIZE     10240
#define MAX_PATH_LEN    255
#define BLOCK_ID_SIZE   (sizeof(block_id_t))
/* deduplication package header */
#define DEDUP_MAGIC_NUM 0x1329149
typedef struct _dedup_package_header {unsigned int block_size;unsigned int block_num;unsigned int blockid_size;unsigned int magic_num;unsigned int file_num;unsigned long long metadata_offset;
} dedup_package_header;
#define DEDUP_PKGHDR_SIZE   (sizeof(dedup_package_header))
/* deduplication metadata entry header */
typedef struct _dedup_entry_header {unsigned int path_len;unsigned int block_num;unsigned int entry_size;unsigned int last_block_size;int mode;
} dedup_entry_header;
#define DEDUP_ENTRYHDR_SIZE (sizeof(dedup_entry_header))
#ifdef __cplusplus

/* dedup.c */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "dedup.h"
/* unique block number in package */
static unsigned int g_unique_block_nr = 0;
/* regular file number in package */
static unsigned int g_regular_file_nr = 0;
/* block length */
static unsigned int g_block_size = BLOCK_SIZE;
/* hashtable backet number */
static unsigned int g_htab_backet_nr = BACKET_SIZE;
void show_md5(unsigned char md5_checksum[16])
{int i;for (i = 0; i < 16; i++){printf("%02x", md5_checksum[i]);}
void show_pkg_header(dedup_package_header dedup_pkg_hdr)
{printf("block_size = %d/n", dedup_pkg_hdr.block_size);printf("block_num = %d/n", dedup_pkg_hdr.block_num);printf("blockid_size = %d/n", dedup_pkg_hdr.blockid_size);printf("magic_num = 0x%x/n", dedup_pkg_hdr.magic_num);printf("file_num = %d/n", dedup_pkg_hdr.file_num);printf("metadata_offset = %lld/n", dedup_pkg_hdr.metadata_offset);
int dedup_regfile(char *fullpath, int prepos, int fd_bdata, int fd_mdata, hashtable *htable, int debug)
{int fd;char *buf = NULL;unsigned int rwsize, pos;unsigned char md5_checksum[16 + 1] = {0};unsigned int *metadata = NULL;unsigned int block_num = 0;struct stat statbuf;dedup_entry_header dedup_entry_hdr;if (-1 == (fd = open(fullpath, O_RDONLY))){perror("open regulae file");return errno;}if (-1 == fstat(fd, &statbuf)){perror("fstat regular file");goto _DEDUP_REGFILE_EXIT;}block_num = statbuf.st_size / g_block_size;metadata = (unsigned int *)malloc(BLOCK_ID_SIZE * block_num);if (metadata == NULL){perror("malloc metadata for regfile");goto _DEDUP_REGFILE_EXIT;}buf = (char *)malloc(g_block_size);if (buf == NULL){perror("malloc buf for regfile");goto _DEDUP_REGFILE_EXIT;}pos = 0;while (rwsize = read(fd, buf, g_block_size)) {/* if the last block */if (rwsize != g_block_size)break;/* calculate md5 */md5(buf, rwsize, md5_checksum);/* check hashtable with hashkey */unsigned int *bindex = (block_id_t *)hash_value((void *)md5_checksum, htable);if (bindex == NULL){bindex = (unsigned int *)malloc(BLOCK_ID_SIZE);if (NULL == bindex){perror("malloc in dedup_regfile");break;}/* insert hash entry and write unique block into bdata*/*bindex = g_unique_block_nr;hash_insert((void *)strdup(md5_checksum), (void *)bindex, htable);write(fd_bdata, buf, rwsize);g_unique_block_nr++;}metadata[pos] = *bindex;memset(buf, 0, g_block_size);memset(md5_checksum, 0, 16 + 1);pos++;}/* write metadata into mdata */dedup_entry_hdr.path_len = strlen(fullpath) - prepos;dedup_entry_hdr.block_num = block_num;dedup_entry_hdr.entry_size = BLOCK_ID_SIZE;dedup_entry_hdr.last_block_size = rwsize;dedup_entry_hdr.mode = statbuf.st_mode;write(fd_mdata, &dedup_entry_hdr, sizeof(dedup_entry_header));write(fd_mdata, fullpath + prepos, dedup_entry_hdr.path_len);write(fd_mdata, metadata, BLOCK_ID_SIZE * block_num);write(fd_mdata, buf, rwsize);g_regular_file_nr++;
_DEDUP_REGFILE_EXIT:close(fd);if (metadata) free(metadata);if (buf) free(buf);return 0;
int dedup_dir(char *fullpath, int prepos, int fd_bdata, int fd_mdata, hashtable *htable, int debug)
{DIR *dp;struct dirent *dirp;struct stat statbuf;char subpath[MAX_PATH_LEN] = {0};if (NULL == (dp = opendir(fullpath))){return errno;}while ((dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL){if (strcmp(dirp->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp(dirp->d_name, "..") == 0)continue;sprintf(subpath, "%s/%s", fullpath, dirp->d_name);if (0 == lstat(subpath, &statbuf)){if (debug)printf("%s/n", subpath);if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) dedup_regfile(subpath, prepos, fd_bdata, fd_mdata, htable,debug);else if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))dedup_dir(subpath, prepos, fd_bdata, fd_mdata, htable, debug);}}closedir(dp);return 0;
int dedup_package(int path_nr, char **src_paths, char *dest_file, int debug)
{int fd, fd_bdata, fd_mdata, ret = 0;struct stat statbuf;hashtable *htable = NULL;dedup_package_header dedup_pkg_hdr;char **paths = src_paths;int i, rwsize, prepos;char buf[1024 * 1024] = {0};if (-1 == (fd = open(dest_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0755))){perror("open dest file");ret = errno;goto _DEDUP_PKG_EXIT;}htable = create_hashtable(g_htab_backet_nr);if (NULL == htable){perror("create_hashtable");ret = errno;goto _DEDUP_PKG_EXIT;}fd_bdata = open("./.bdata", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0777);fd_mdata = open("./.mdata", O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0777);if (-1 == fd_bdata || -1 == fd_mdata){perror("open bdata or mdata");ret = errno;goto _DEDUP_PKG_EXIT;}g_unique_block_nr = 0;g_regular_file_nr = 0;for (i = 0; i < path_nr; i++){if (lstat(paths[i], &statbuf) < 0){perror("lstat source path");ret = errno;goto _DEDUP_PKG_EXIT;}if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) || S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)){if (debug)printf("%s/n", paths[i]);/* get filename position in pathname */  prepos = strlen(paths[i]) - 1;if (strcmp(paths[i], "/") != 0 && *(paths[i] + prepos) == '/'){*(paths[i] + prepos--) = '/0';}while(*(paths[i] + prepos) != '/' && prepos >= 0) prepos--;prepos++;if (S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode))dedup_regfile(paths[i], prepos, fd_bdata, fd_mdata, htable, debug);elsededup_dir(paths[i], prepos, fd_bdata, fd_mdata, htable, debug);} else {if (debug)printf("%s is not regular file or directory./n", paths[i]);}}/* fill up dedup package header */dedup_pkg_hdr.block_size = g_block_size;dedup_pkg_hdr.block_num = g_unique_block_nr;dedup_pkg_hdr.blockid_size = BLOCK_ID_SIZE;dedup_pkg_hdr.magic_num = DEDUP_MAGIC_NUM;dedup_pkg_hdr.file_num = g_regular_file_nr; dedup_pkg_hdr.metadata_offset = DEDUP_PKGHDR_SIZE + g_block_size * g_unique_block_nr;write(fd, &dedup_pkg_hdr, DEDUP_PKGHDR_SIZE);/* fill up dedup package unique blocks*/lseek(fd_bdata, 0, SEEK_SET);while(rwsize = read(fd_bdata, buf, 1024 * 1024)){write(fd, buf, rwsize);memset(buf, 0, 1024 * 1024);}/* fill up dedup package metadata */lseek(fd_mdata, 0, SEEK_SET);while(rwsize = read(fd_mdata, buf, 1024 * 1024)){write(fd, buf, rwsize);memset(buf, 0, 1024 * 1024);}if (debug)show_pkg_header(dedup_pkg_hdr);
_DEDUP_PKG_EXIT:close(fd);close(fd_bdata);close(fd_mdata);unlink("./.bdata");unlink("./.mdata");hash_free(htable);return ret;
void usage()
{printf("Usage:  dedup [OPTION...] <target file> <source files ...>/n");printf("/nPackage files with deduplicaton technique./n");printf("Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too./n");printf("  -z, --compress   filter the archive through compress/n");printf("  -b, --block      block size for deduplication, default is 4096/n");printf("  -t, --hashtable  hashtable backet number, default is 10240/n");printf("  -d, --debug      print debug messages/n");printf("  -h, --help       give this help list/n");printf("/nReport bugs to <Aigui.Liu@gmail.com>./n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{char tmp_file[] = "./.dedup/0";int bz = 0, bhelp = 0, bdebug = 0;int ret = -1, c;struct option longopts[] ={{"compress", 0, &bz, 'z'},{"block", 1, 0, 'b'},{"hashtable", 1, 0, 't'},{"debug", 0, &bdebug, 'd'},{"help", 0, &bhelp, 'h'},{0, 0, 0, 0}};/* parse options */while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "zb:t:dh", longopts, NULL)) != EOF){switch(c) {case 'z':bz = 1;break;case 'b':g_block_size = atoi(optarg);break;case 't':g_htab_backet_nr = atoi(optarg);break;case 'd':bdebug = 1;break;case 'h':case '?':default:bhelp = 1;break;}}if (bhelp == 1 || (argc - optind) < 2){usage();return 0;}if (bz){/* dedup and compress */ret = dedup_package(argc - optind -1 , argv + optind + 1, tmp_file, bdebug);if (ret == 0){ret = zlib_compress_file(tmp_file, argv[optind]);unlink(tmp_file);}} else {/* dedup only */ret = dedup_package(argc - optind - 1, argv + optind + 1, argv[optind], bdebug);}return ret;

/* undedup.c */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "dedup.h"
/* block length */
static unsigned int g_block_size = BLOCK_SIZE;
void show_pkg_header(dedup_package_header dedup_pkg_hdr)
{printf("block_size = %d/n", dedup_pkg_hdr.block_size);printf("block_num = %d/n", dedup_pkg_hdr.block_num);printf("blockid_size = %d/n", dedup_pkg_hdr.blockid_size);printf("magic_num = 0x%x/n", dedup_pkg_hdr.magic_num);printf("file_num = %d/n", dedup_pkg_hdr.file_num);printf("metadata_offset = %lld/n", dedup_pkg_hdr.metadata_offset);
int prepare_target_file(char *pathname, char *basepath, int mode)
{char fullpath[MAX_PATH_LEN] = {0};char path[MAX_PATH_LEN] = {0};char *p = NULL;int pos = 0, fd;sprintf(fullpath, "%s/%s", basepath, pathname);p = fullpath;while (*p != '/0'){path[pos++] = *p;if (*p == '/')mkdir(path, 0755);p++;} fd = open(fullpath, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, mode);return fd;
int undedup_regfile(int fd, dedup_entry_header dedup_entry_hdr, char *dest_dir, int debug)
{char pathname[MAX_PATH_LEN] = {0};block_id_t *metadata = NULL;unsigned int block_num = 0;char *buf = NULL;char *last_block_buf = NULL;long long offset, i;int fd_dest, ret = 0;metadata = (block_id_t *) malloc(BLOCK_ID_SIZE * dedup_entry_hdr.block_num);if (NULL == metadata)return errno;buf = (char *)malloc(g_block_size);last_block_buf = (char *)malloc(g_block_size);if (NULL == buf || NULL == last_block_buf){ret = errno;goto _UNDEDUP_REGFILE_EXIT;}read(fd, pathname, dedup_entry_hdr.path_len);read(fd, metadata, BLOCK_ID_SIZE * dedup_entry_hdr.block_num);read(fd, last_block_buf, dedup_entry_hdr.last_block_size);fd_dest = prepare_target_file(pathname, dest_dir, dedup_entry_hdr.mode);if (fd_dest == -1){ret = errno;goto _UNDEDUP_REGFILE_EXIT;}if (debug)printf("%s/%s/n", dest_dir, pathname);/* write regular block */block_num = dedup_entry_hdr.block_num;for(i = 0; i < block_num; ++i){offset = DEDUP_PKGHDR_SIZE + metadata[i] * g_block_size;lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET);read(fd, buf, g_block_size);write(fd_dest, buf, g_block_size);}/* write last block */write(fd_dest, last_block_buf, dedup_entry_hdr.last_block_size);close(fd_dest);
_UNDEDUP_REGFILE_EXIT:if (metadata) free(metadata);if (buf) free(buf);if (last_block_buf) free(last_block_buf);return ret;
int undedup_package(char *src_file, char *dest_dir, int debug)
{int fd, i, ret = 0;dedup_package_header dedup_pkg_hdr;dedup_entry_header dedup_entry_hdr;unsigned long long offset;if (-1 == (fd = open(src_file, O_RDONLY))){perror("open source file");return errno;}if (read(fd, &dedup_pkg_hdr, DEDUP_PKGHDR_SIZE) != DEDUP_PKGHDR_SIZE){perror("read dedup_package_header");ret = errno;goto _UNDEDUP_PKG_EXIT;}if (debug)show_pkg_header(dedup_pkg_hdr);offset = dedup_pkg_hdr.metadata_offset;for (i = 0; i < dedup_pkg_hdr.file_num; ++i){if (lseek(fd, offset, SEEK_SET) == -1){ret = errno;break;}if (read(fd, &dedup_entry_hdr, DEDUP_ENTRYHDR_SIZE) != DEDUP_ENTRYHDR_SIZE){ret = errno;break;}ret = undedup_regfile(fd, dedup_entry_hdr, dest_dir, debug);if (ret != 0)break;offset += DEDUP_ENTRYHDR_SIZE;offset += dedup_entry_hdr.path_len;offset += dedup_entry_hdr.block_num * dedup_entry_hdr.entry_size;offset += dedup_entry_hdr.last_block_size;}
_UNDEDUP_PKG_EXIT:close(fd);return ret;
void usage()
{printf("Usage:  undedup [OPTION...] <source file>/n");printf("/nUnpackage files with deduplicaton technique./n");printf("Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too./n");printf("  -z, --uncompress  filter the archive through uncompress/n");printf("  -c, --directory   change to directory, default is PWD/n");printf("  -d, --debug       print debug messages/n");printf("  -h, --help        give this help list/n");printf("/nReport bugs to <Aigui.Liu@gmail.com>./n");
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{char tmp_file[] = "./.dedup/0";char path[MAX_PATH_LEN] = "./0";int bz = 0, bhelp = 0, bdebug = 0;int ret = -1, c;struct option longopts[] ={{"compress", 0, &bz, 'z'},{"directory", 1, 0, 'c'},{"debug", 0, &bdebug, 'd'},{"help", 0, &bhelp, 'h'},{0, 0, 0, 0}};while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "zc:dh", longopts, NULL)) != EOF){switch(c){case 'z':bz = 1;break;case 'c':sprintf(path, "%s", optarg);break;case 'd':bdebug = 1;break;case 'h':case '?':default:bhelp = 1;break;}}if (bhelp == 1 || (argc - optind) < 1){usage();return 0;}if (bz){/* uncompress and undedup */ret = zlib_decompress_file(argv[optind], tmp_file);if (ret == 0){ret = undedup_package(tmp_file, path, bdebug);unlink(tmp_file);}}else{/* only undedup */ret = undedup_package(argv[optind], path, bdebug);}return ret;

/* dedup usage */
Usage:  dedup [OPTION...] <target file> <source files ...>

Package files with deduplicaton technique.

-z, --compress   filter the archive through compress
  -b, --block      block size for deduplication, default is 4096
  -t, --hashtable  hashtable backet number, default is 10240
  -d, --debug      print debug messages
  -h, --help       give this help list

/* undedup usage */
Usage:  undedup [OPTION...] <source file>

Unpackage files with deduplicaton technique.

-z, --uncompress  filter the archive through uncompress
  -c, --directory   change to directory, default is PWD
  -d, --debug       print debug messages
  -h, --help        give this help list




File size



382392320 (365MB)

tar cvf linux-2.6.32.tar linux-2.6.32/


380381944 (363M)

dedup linux-2.6.32.tar.dd linux-2.6.32.tar


357325910 (341MB)

dedup linux-2.6.32.dd linux-2.6.32/


84322110 (81MB)

gzip -c linux-2.6.32.tar > linux-2.6.32.tar.gz


83978234 (81MB)

gzip -c linux-2.6.32.tar.dd > linux-2.6.32.tar.dd.gz


83674306 (80MB)

gzip -c linux-2.6.32.dd > linux-2.6.32.dd.gz





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  5. Oracle 基础 —SQL语句优化的途径
  6. nodejs python 通信_Nodejs环境实现socket通信过程解析
  7. javascript java html_JS入门篇(二):在html中如何使用Javascript
  8. 互联网秒杀业务架构设计
  9. mysql 安装no key_No package mysql-server available错误解决(centos mysql安装教程)
  10. python : sha256 、ripemd160
  11. BigGAN论文解读
  12. EasyCaptcha图形验证码工具
  13. AUTOSAR Functional Safety
  14. 读《洞穴奇案》——功利主义与法的精神
  15. 全志T507核心板常见问题解析
  17. PROFIBUS远程IO在加工车间的应用
  18. 用wegame启动lol显示服务器维护,wegame启动不了英雄联盟(wegame点启动又弹回界面)...
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  20. 计算机常见故障以及维修方法


  1. MyBatis框架 思维导图(一)
  2. 线程中断interrupt
  3. 【Altium designer】Ctrl+M测量的尺寸数据无法清除
  4. Dapp开发教程二一 Asch Dapp Asset
  5. 使用mybatis-plus产生java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Table ‘数据库.xxx表‘ doesn‘t exist(坑以踩)
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  10. 说话之道十二————完结篇