

  1. 链表是有序的列表。
  2. 链表是以节点的方式来存储,是链式存储,它在内存中并不是一定是连续的。
  3. 每个节点包含 data 域:存储数据, next 域:指向下一个节点。
  4. 链表分带头节点的链表和没有头节点的链表,根据实际的需求来确定。
  5. 链表优点:数据的删除、插入简单;缺点:数据查找慢




单链表(带头结点) 逻辑结构示意图如下:



/*** 数据节点*/
class HeroNode {public int no;public String name;public String zi;public HeroNode next;public HeroNode(int no, String name, String zi) {this.no = no;this.name = name;this.zi = zi;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "HeroNode{" + "no=" + no + ", name='" + name + '\'' + ", zi='" + zi + '\'' + '}';}


/*** 模拟链表类*/
class LinkedList {//创建链表时就创建头,且不可修改public final HeroNode head = new HeroNode(0, "", "");


public void add(HeroNode heroNode) {HeroNode temp = head;//当节点没有下一个节点时退出循环while (true) {if (temp.next == null) {break;}temp = temp.next;}//循环结束时temp就是最后一个节点temp.next = heroNode;


public void addByNo(HeroNode heroNode) {//临时节点HeroNode temp = head;//记录上一个节点HeroNode upNode = null;while (true) {//判断是否有相同编号,有就添加失败if (temp.no == heroNode.no) {throw new RuntimeException("链表已有编号相同的数据");}//插入节点编号小于循环目前节点,将节点插入到当前节点前面if (temp.no > heroNode.no) {//插入节点,下一个节点顺移upNode.next = heroNode;heroNode.next = temp;break;}//循环到最后一个节点都没有找到插入点,直接插入到最后。if (temp.next == null) {temp.next = heroNode;break;}//更新临时节点upNode = temp;temp = temp.next;}


public void edit(HeroNode heroNode) {if (heroNode.no == 0) {throw new RuntimeException("0为链表头不支持修改");}//临时节点HeroNode temp = head;//记录上一个节点HeroNode upNode = null;while (true) {//未找到修改编号if (temp.next == null) {throw new RuntimeException("未找到可修改的节点");}//遍历找到编号一致的节点if (temp.no == heroNode.no) {//替换节点和上节点heroNode.next = temp.next;upNode.next = heroNode;break;}//更新临时节点upNode = temp;temp = temp.next;}


public void delete(int no) {if (no == 0) {throw new RuntimeException("0为链表头无法删除");}//临时节点HeroNode temp = head;//记录上一个节点HeroNode upNode = null;while (true) {//找到删除节点编号if (temp.no == no) {//上节点指向下节点upNode.next = temp.next;break;}//未找到修改编号if (temp.next == null) {throw new RuntimeException("未找到可删除的节点");}//更新临时节点upNode = temp;temp = temp.next;}


public int count() {//临时节点HeroNode temp = head;int count = 0;while (true) {if (temp.next == null) {break;}temp = temp.next;count++;}return count;


public HeroNode getBackwardsNode(int n) {if (n <= 0) {throw new RuntimeException("倒数必须>0");}//临时节点HeroNode temp = head;//获取链表总节点int total = count();if (n > total) {throw new RuntimeException("超出链表长度");}for (int i = 0; i <= (total - n); i++) {temp = temp.next;}return temp;


public LinkedList reversal() {//创建反转链表LinkedList reversal = new LinkedList();HeroNode reversalTemp = reversal.head;//获取原链表节点个数int count = count();//循环添加链表节点到reversalfor (int i = count; i > 0; i--) {HeroNode temp = head;int index = 0;while (true) {if (index == i) {reversalTemp.next = temp;break;}temp = temp.next;index++;}reversalTemp = reversalTemp.next;}//最后一个节点没有后续节点reversalTemp.next = null;return reversal;


public void invertedPrintFor() {//临时HeroNode temp = head;//获取链表节点个数int count = count();for (int i = count; i > 0; i--) {int index = 0;while (true) {if (index == i) {System.out.println(temp);temp = head;break;}temp = temp.next;index++;}}


public void invertedPrintStack() {//临时链表,头节点不参与加入循环HeroNode temp = head.next;//创建栈对象Stack<HeroNode> stack = new Stack<>();//链表元素添加到栈while (true) {stack.add(temp);if (temp.next == null) {break;}temp = temp.next;}//循环输出栈内的元素,以达到从尾到头的效果while (stack.size() != 0) {HeroNode heroNode = stack.pop();System.out.println(heroNode);}


public void forLinkedList() {if (head.next == null) {System.out.println("链表为空");}HeroNode temp = head;while (true) {if (temp.next == null) {break;}temp = temp.next;System.out.println(temp);}





/*** 数据节点*/
class HeroNode {public int no;public String name;public String zi;public HeroNode up;public HeroNode next;public HeroNode(int no, String name, String zi) {this.no = no;this.name = name;this.zi = zi;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "HeroNode{" + "no=" + no + ", name='" + name + '\'' + ", zi='" + zi + '\'' + '}';}


class LinkedList {//创建链表时就创建头,且不可修改public final HeroNode head = new HeroNode(0, "", "");


public void forLinkedList() {if (head.next == null) {System.out.println("链表为空");}HeroNode temp = head;while (true) {if (temp.next == null) {break;}temp = temp.next;System.out.println(temp);}


public void add(HeroNode heroNode) {HeroNode temp = head;while (true) {if (temp.next == null) {temp.next = heroNode;heroNode.up = temp;break;}temp = temp.next;}


public void addByNo(HeroNode heroNode) {HeroNode temp = head.next;while (true) {if (temp.no == heroNode.no) {throw new RuntimeException("已有编号相同的节点");}if (temp.no > heroNode.no) {//替换上一个节点信息HeroNode up = temp.up;up.next = heroNode;heroNode.up = up;heroNode.next = temp;break;}if (temp.next == null) {temp.next = heroNode;heroNode.up = temp;break;}temp = temp.next;}


public void update(HeroNode heroNode) {HeroNode temp = head.next;while (true) {if (temp.next == null) {throw new RuntimeException("未找到修改的节点");}if (temp.no == heroNode.no) {temp.name = heroNode.name;temp.zi = heroNode.zi;break;}}


public void delete(int no) {HeroNode temp = head.next;while (true) {if (temp.no == no) {HeroNode up = temp.up;HeroNode next = temp.next;up.next = next;if (next!=null){next.up = up;}break;}if (temp.next == null) {throw new RuntimeException("未找到删除的节点");}temp = temp.next;}



public class OneLinkedList {public static void main(String[] args) {//创建链表LinkedList list = new LinkedList();//创建节点HeroNode heroNode1 = new HeroNode(1, "刘备", "玄德");HeroNode heroNode2 = new HeroNode(2, "关羽", "云长");HeroNode heroNode3 = new HeroNode(3, "张飞", "翼德");HeroNode heroNode4 = new HeroNode(4, "赵云", "子龙");HeroNode heroNode5 = new HeroNode(5, "马超", "孟起");//添加节点到链表末尾list.add(heroNode1);list.add(heroNode2);list.add(heroNode3);list.add(heroNode4);list.add(heroNode5);//循环节点list.forLinkedList();System.out.println("----------------------------");
//        list.addByNo(new HeroNode(6, "赵云", "子龙"));
//        list.edit(new HeroNode(0, "赵飞", "字符"));
//        list.delete(0);
//        list.forLinkedList();
//        System.out.println(list.count());
//        HeroNode backwardsNode = list.getBackwardsNode(0);
//        list.reversal().forLinkedList();
//        list.invertedPrintFor();list.invertedPrintStack();}
}/*** 模拟链表类*/
class LinkedList {//创建链表时就创建头,且不可修改public final HeroNode head = new HeroNode(0, "", "");/*** 添加节点到最后一个位置*/public void add(HeroNode heroNode) {HeroNode temp = head;//当节点没有下一个节点时退出循环while (true) {if (temp.next == null) {break;}temp = temp.next;}//循环结束时temp就是最后一个节点temp.next = heroNode;}/*** 按编号添加节点*/public void addByNo(HeroNode heroNode) {//临时节点HeroNode temp = head;//记录上一个节点HeroNode upNode = null;while (true) {//判断是否有相同编号,有就添加失败if (temp.no == heroNode.no) {throw new RuntimeException("链表已有编号相同的数据");}//插入节点编号小于循环目前节点,将节点插入到当前节点前面if (temp.no > heroNode.no) {//插入节点,下一个节点顺移upNode.next = heroNode;heroNode.next = temp;break;}//循环到最后一个节点都没有找到插入点,直接插入到最后。if (temp.next == null) {temp.next = heroNode;break;}//更新临时节点upNode = temp;temp = temp.next;}}/*** 修改节点*/public void edit(HeroNode heroNode) {if (heroNode.no == 0) {throw new RuntimeException("0为链表头不支持修改");}//临时节点HeroNode temp = head;//记录上一个节点HeroNode upNode = null;while (true) {//未找到修改编号if (temp.next == null) {throw new RuntimeException("未找到可修改的节点");}//遍历找到编号一致的节点if (temp.no == heroNode.no) {//替换节点和上节点heroNode.next = temp.next;upNode.next = heroNode;break;}//更新临时节点upNode = temp;temp = temp.next;}}/*** 删除节点*/public void delete(int no) {if (no == 0) {throw new RuntimeException("0为链表头无法删除");}//临时节点HeroNode temp = head;//记录上一个节点HeroNode upNode = null;while (true) {//找到删除节点编号if (temp.no == no) {//上节点指向下节点upNode.next = temp.next;break;}//未找到修改编号if (temp.next == null) {throw new RuntimeException("未找到可删除的节点");}//更新临时节点upNode = temp;temp = temp.next;}}/*** 获取链表中节点个数*/public int count() {//临时节点HeroNode temp = head;int count = 0;while (true) {if (temp.next == null) {break;}temp = temp.next;count++;}return count;}/*** 获取链表倒数第N个节点** @param n 倒数第N个* @return*/public HeroNode getBackwardsNode(int n) {if (n <= 0) {throw new RuntimeException("倒数必须>0");}//临时节点HeroNode temp = head;//获取链表总节点int total = count();if (n > total) {throw new RuntimeException("超出链表长度");}for (int i = 0; i <= (total - n); i++) {temp = temp.next;}return temp;}/*** 链表反转*/public LinkedList reversal() {//创建反转链表LinkedList reversal = new LinkedList();HeroNode reversalTemp = reversal.head;//获取原链表节点个数int count = count();//循环添加链表节点到reversalfor (int i = count; i > 0; i--) {HeroNode temp = head;int index = 0;while (true) {if (index == i) {reversalTemp.next = temp;break;}temp = temp.next;index++;}reversalTemp = reversalTemp.next;}//最后一个节点没有后续节点reversalTemp.next = null;return reversal;}/*** 从尾到头打印链表(遍历)*/public void invertedPrintFor() {//临时HeroNode temp = head;//获取链表节点个数int count = count();for (int i = count; i > 0; i--) {int index = 0;while (true) {if (index == i) {System.out.println(temp);temp = head;break;}temp = temp.next;index++;}}}/*** 从尾到头打印链表(栈)*/public void invertedPrintStack() {//临时链表,头节点不参与加入循环HeroNode temp = head.next;//创建栈对象Stack<HeroNode> stack = new Stack<>();//链表元素添加到栈while (true) {stack.add(temp);if (temp.next == null) {break;}temp = temp.next;}//循环输出栈内的元素,以达到从尾到头的效果while (stack.size() != 0) {HeroNode heroNode = stack.pop();System.out.println(heroNode);}}/*** 遍历链表*/public void forLinkedList() {if (head.next == null) {System.out.println("链表为空");}HeroNode temp = head;while (true) {if (temp.next == null) {break;}temp = temp.next;System.out.println(temp);}}
}/*** 数据节点*/
class HeroNode {public int no;//名称public String name;public String zi;public HeroNode next;public HeroNode(int no, String name, String zi) {this.no = no;this.name = name;this.zi = zi;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "HeroNode{" + "no=" + no + ", name='" + name + '\'' + ", zi='" + zi + '\'' + '}';}


package dataStructure.linkedList;
import java.util.Stack;public class TwoLinkedList {public static void main(String[] args) {LinkedList list = new LinkedList();list.add(new HeroNode(1, "曹操", "孟德"));list.add(new HeroNode(2, "刘备", "玄德"));list.add(new HeroNode(4, "张飞", "翼德"));list.addByNo(new HeroNode(3, "关羽", "云长"));list.addByNo(new HeroNode(5, "赵云", "子龙"));list.update(new HeroNode(1, "马超", "孟起"));list.delete(5);list.forLinkedList();}
}/*** 模拟链表类*/
class LinkedList {//创建链表时就创建头,且不可修改public final HeroNode head = new HeroNode(0, "", "");/*** 遍历链表*/public void forLinkedList() {if (head.next == null) {System.out.println("链表为空");}HeroNode temp = head;while (true) {if (temp.next == null) {break;}temp = temp.next;System.out.println(temp);}}/*** 添加节点到最后一个位置*/public void add(HeroNode heroNode) {HeroNode temp = head;while (true) {if (temp.next == null) {temp.next = heroNode;heroNode.up = temp;break;}temp = temp.next;}}/*** 根据编号添加节点*/public void addByNo(HeroNode heroNode) {HeroNode temp = head.next;while (true) {if (temp.no == heroNode.no) {throw new RuntimeException("已有编号相同的节点");}if (temp.no > heroNode.no) {//替换上一个节点信息HeroNode up = temp.up;up.next = heroNode;heroNode.up = up;heroNode.next = temp;break;}if (temp.next == null) {temp.next = heroNode;heroNode.up = temp;break;}temp = temp.next;}}/*** 修改节点*/public void update(HeroNode heroNode) {HeroNode temp = head.next;while (true) {if (temp.next == null) {throw new RuntimeException("未找到修改的节点");}if (temp.no == heroNode.no) {temp.name = heroNode.name;temp.zi = heroNode.zi;break;}}}/*** 删除节点*/public void delete(int no) {HeroNode temp = head.next;while (true) {if (temp.no == no) {HeroNode up = temp.up;HeroNode next = temp.next;up.next = next;if (next!=null){next.up = up;}break;}if (temp.next == null) {throw new RuntimeException("未找到删除的节点");}temp = temp.next;}}
}/*** 数据节点*/
class HeroNode {public int no;public String name;public String zi;public HeroNode up;public HeroNode next;public HeroNode(int no, String name, String zi) {this.no = no;this.name = name;this.zi = zi;}@Overridepublic String toString() {return "HeroNode{" + "no=" + no + ", name='" + name + '\'' + ", zi='" + zi + '\'' + '}';}




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