










7.clock():捕捉从程序开始运行到clock()被调用时所耗费的时间。这个时间单位是clock tick,即“时钟打点”。



#include<time.h>clock_t start,stop;
double duration;
int main()
{//不在测试范围内的准备工作写在clock()调用之前start=clock();//开始计时MyFunction();//把被测函数加在这里stop=clock();duration=((double)(stop-start))/CLK_TCK;//其他不再被测范围的处理写在后面,例如输出duration的值return 0;

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typedef struct Node{int data;//这里默认的是int型,如需其他类型那个可直接修改struct Node *next;//指向Node型变量的指针

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 typedef struct BTNode{int data;struct BTNode *lchild;struct BTNode *rchild;}BTNode;

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(2)最基本的字符串匹配算法:暴力求解(Brute Force):时间复杂度O(m*n)












(9)对于模式串的位置j,考察Patternj-1=P0P1...Pj-2Pj-1,查找字符串Patternj-1最大相等k前缀和k后缀。注:计算next[j]时,考察的字符串是模式串的前j-1个字符,与pattern[j]无关。即:查找慢走条件的最大的k,是得P0P1...Pk-2Pk-1 =Pj-kPj-k+1...Pj-2Pj-1 。


(I)对于模式串的位置j,有next[j]=k,即:P0P1...Pk-2Pk-1 =Pj-kPj-k+1...Pj-2Pj-1 












int index(Str str,Str substr)
{int i=0,j=0,k=i;while(i<str.length&&j<substr.length){if(str.ch[i]==substr.ch[j]){++i;++j;}else{j=0;i=++k;//匹配失败,i从主串下一位置开始,k种记录了上一次的启示位置
        }}if(j==substr.length)return k;else return -1;
int KMP(Str str,Str substr,int next[])
{int i=0,j=0;while(i<str.length&&j<substr.length){if(str.ch[i]==substr.ch[j]){++i;++j;}else{j=next[i];if(j==-1){j=0;++i;}}}if(j==substr.length)return i-substr.length;else return -1;
void getnext(Str sbustr,int next[])
{int i=0;j=-1;next[0]=-1;while(i<substr.length){if(j==-1||substr.ch[i]==sbustr.ch[j]){++i;++j;next[i]=j;}elsej=next[j];}

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#define MAXNUM 10//希尔排序void shellSort(int array[],int n,int t){int a,dk;for(a=1;a<=t;a++){dk=(int)(pow(2,t-a+1)-1);//计算增量 int i,j,temp;for(i=dk;i<n;i++)//分别向每组的有序区域进行插入
            }    }} void main(){void shellSort(int array[],int n,int t);//t为排序的趟数int array[MAXNUM],i;for(i=0;i<MAXNUM;i++)scanf("%d",&array[i]);shellSort(array,MAXNUM,(int)(log(MAXNUM+1)/log(2)));//排序趟数应为long2(n+1)的整数部分for(i=0;i<MAXNUM;i++)printf("%d ",array[i]);printf("\n"); }

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>#define MAXNUM 10
/* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */void maopaoInsert(int R[],int n)
{int i,j,temp;for(j=0;j<n-1;j++)//总共需要排序的次数
    {for(i=0;i<n-1-j;i++)//此趟需要排序的个数,也就是从0 .....n-1-j。进行比较
            {temp=R[i];R[i]=R[i+1];R[i+1]=temp;}}}} void main(){int array[MAXNUM],i;for(i=0;i<MAXNUM;i++)scanf("%d",&array[i]);maopaoInsert(array,MAXNUM);//排序趟数应为long2(n+1)的整数部分for(i=0;i<MAXNUM;i++)printf("%d ",array[i]);printf("\n"); }

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>#define MAXNUM 10void kuaisuSort(int a[],int left,int right)
    {return; } int i=left;int j=right;int key=a[left];//以a[left]为轴中心while(i<j)//控制在当组内寻找一遍
        } a[i]=a[j];// 找到一个这样的数后就把他赋给前面的被拿走的i的值(如果第一次循环且key是a[left],那么就是key) while(i<j&&key>=a[i])//这是i在当组内向前寻找,同上,不过注意与key的大小关系停止循环和上面相反,因为排序思想就是把数组网两边礽,所以左右两边的数大小与key的关系相反
        {i++;}a[j]=a[i];}      a[i]=key;//当在当组内找完一遍以后就把中间数key回归kuaisuSort(a,left,i-1);//最后用同样的方式把对分出来的左边的小组进行同上的做法kuaisuSort(a,i+1,right);//最后用同样的方式把对分出来的右边的小组进行同上的做法 //当然最后可能会出现很多分左右,直到每一组的i=j为止。
void main(){int array[MAXNUM],i;for(i=0;i<MAXNUM;i++)scanf("%d",&array[i]);kuaisuSort(array, 0,MAXNUM-1); for(i=0;i<MAXNUM;i++)printf("%d ",array[i]);printf("\n"); }

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>#define MAXNUM 10
/* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */void jiandanxuanzeSort(int R[],int n)
{int i,j,min;int minR;//储存最小的数组 int temp;for(i=0;i<n;i++){minR=R[i];////假设R[i]为本轮最小值 min=i;//将 最小值下标存储在min中 for(j=i+1;j<n;j++)//从i到n查找最小值
            {minR=R[j];//那么把R[j]赋值给minR行调换 min=j;}}//将寻找到的最小值R[min]与本轮的R[i]对换 temp=R[i];R[i]=R[min];R[min]=temp;}
}void main(){int array[MAXNUM],i;for(i=0;i<MAXNUM;i++)scanf("%d",&array[i]);jiandanxuanzeSort(array,MAXNUM); for(i=0;i<MAXNUM;i++)printf("%d ",array[i]);printf("\n"); }

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int gcd(int v1,int v2)
{while(v2){int temp=v2;v2=v1%v2;v1=temp; }    return v1;

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#include <iostream>using namespace std;void swap(int *px, int *py)
{int temp;temp=*px;*px=*py;*py=temp;
}int main()
{int a,b;a = 1;b = 10;cout << "传指针的方法: " << endl;cout << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl;//拷贝的指针(地址) swap(&a,&b);cout << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl;return 0;

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#include <iostream>#define SWAP(x,y,t) ((t)=(x),(x)=(y),(y)=(t))
using namespace std;int main()
{int a, b, temp;a = 1;b = 10;cout << "使用宏定义函数: " << endl;cout << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl;SWAP(a,b,temp);cout << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl;return 0;

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#include <iostream>using namespace std;//引用就是别名
void swap(int &a,int &b)
{int temp;temp=a;a=b;b=temp;}
int main()
{int a,b;a = 1;b = 10;cout << "传引用: " << endl;cout << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl;swap(a,b);cout << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl;return 0;

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(4)C++标准库 swap

#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main()
{int a, b;a = 1;b = 10;cout << "使用std::swap函数: " << endl;cout << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl;std::swap(a,b);cout << "a = " << a << ", b = " << b << endl;return 0;

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#include <iostream>using namespace std;#define MAX_VERTS 20 //保存最多的顶点数 //顶点
class Vertex
{public:Vertex(char lab){Label=lab;    } private:char Label;};//图  邻接矩阵 (对称)
class Graph
{public:Graph();~Graph();void addVertex(char lab);//增加顶点 void addEdge(int start,int end);//增加边void printMatrix();//打印矩阵 private:Vertex* vertexList[MAX_VERTS];//数组(保存最多的定点数) int nVerts;//实际上的顶点数 int adjMat[MAX_VERTS][MAX_VERTS]; //邻接矩阵
} ;//构造函数,有效点为0,初始化矩阵
{nVerts=0;for(int i=0;i<MAX_VERTS;i++){for(int j=0;j<MAX_VERTS;j++){adjMat[i][j]=0;}    }} //增加点 void Graph::addVertex(char lab){vertexList[nVerts++]=new Vertex(lab);}// 增加边 (对称)
void Graph::addEdge(int start,int end){adjMat[start][end]=1;adjMat[end][start]=1;}//打印 void Graph::printMatrix(){for(int i=0;i<nVerts;i++){for(int j=0;j<nVerts;j++){cout<<adjMat[i][j]<<" ";}cout<<endl;}}//析构函数 Graph::~Graph(){for(int i=0;i<nVerts;i++){delete vertexList[i];}}
int main()
{Graph a;a.addVertex('A');//下标 0 a.addVertex('B');//下标 1a.addVertex('C');//下标 2 a.addVertex('D');//下标 3 a.addVertex('E');//下标 4
    a.addEdge(0,1);//连线 A-B a.addEdge(0,3);//连线 A-D a.addEdge(1,0);//连线 B-A a.addEdge(1,4);//连线 B-E a.addEdge(2,4);//连线 C-Ea.addEdge(3,0);//连线 D-Aa.addEdge(3,4);//连线 D-Ea.addEdge(4,1);//连线 E-B a.addEdge(4,2);//连线 E-C a.addEdge(4,3);//连线 E-D
    a.printMatrix(); return 0;

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#include <iostream>
#include <list>using namespace std;class Vertex
public:char Label;Vertex(char lab) { Label = lab; }
};ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Vertex& v)
{cout << v.Label;return out;
}template<class T>
class Graph
public:Graph(const int vertices) : n(vertices){VertexList = new T*[n];HeadNodes = new list<int>[n];nVerts = 0;}~Graph(){delete[] VertexList;delete[] HeadNodes;}void addVertex(T* v);void addEdge(int start, int end);void printVertice();void printAdjList();
private:T** VertexList;list<int>* HeadNodes;int n;int nVerts;
};template<class T>
void Graph<T>::addVertex(T* v)
{VertexList[nVerts++] = v;
}template<class T>
void Graph<T>::addEdge(int start, int end)
}template<class T>
void Graph<T>::printVertice()
{for(int i=0; i<nVerts; i++)cout << *VertexList[i] << " ";cout << endl;
}template<class T>
void Graph<T>::printAdjList()
{for(int i=0; i<nVerts; i++){cout << i << " -> ";for(list<int>::iterator iter = HeadNodes[i].begin(); iter != HeadNodes[i].end(); ++iter)cout << *iter << " -> ";cout << "end" << endl;}
}int main()
{//Graph<char> g(5);//char a = 'A';//char b = 'B';//char c = 'C';//char d = 'D';//char e = 'E';Graph<Vertex> g(5);Vertex a('A');Vertex b('B');Vertex c('C');Vertex d('D');Vertex e('E');g.addVertex(&a);g.addVertex(&b);g.addVertex(&c);g.addVertex(&d);g.addVertex(&e);g.printVertice();g.addEdge(0,1);g.addEdge(0,3);g.addEdge(1,0);g.addEdge(1,4);g.addEdge(2,4);g.addEdge(3,0);g.addEdge(3,4);g.addEdge(4,1);g.addEdge(4,2);g.addEdge(4,3);g.printAdjList();system("pause");return 0;

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(3)深度优先搜索(DFS) 使用堆栈


#include <iostream>
#include<stack>#define MAX_VERTS    20using namespace std;class Vertex
public:Vertex(char lab) { Label = lab; wasVisited=false;//新构造的顶点没有访问过
public:bool wasVisited; char Label;
};class Graph
public:Graph();~Graph();void addVertex(char lab);void addEdge(int start, int end);void printMatrix();void showVertex(int v);//显示顶点 void DFS();//深度优先搜索
private:Vertex* vertexList[MAX_VERTS];int nVerts;int adjMat[MAX_VERTS][MAX_VERTS];int getAdjUnvisitedVertex(int v); //获得临接的下一个且没有访问的顶点
};void Graph::DFS()
{stack<int> gStack;vertexList[0]->wasVisited=true;//顶点 showVertex(0);gStack.push(0);//顶点放入到堆栈 int v;while(gStack.size()>0){v=getAdjUnvisitedVertex(gStack.top());//总是以堆栈中最上一个为准 if(v==-1)// 如果没有,则返回
        {vertexList[v]->wasVisited=true;showVertex(v);gStack.push(v); //找到放入到堆栈中
        }}cout<<endl;for(int j=0;j<nVerts;j++)//设置false 可以多次进行搜索 vertexList[j]->wasVisited=false;
int Graph::getAdjUnvisitedVertex(int v)
{for(int j=0;j<nVerts;j++)if((adjMat[v][j]==1)&&(vertexList[j]->wasVisited==false))return j;return -1;
void Graph::showVertex(int v)
{cout<<vertexList[v]->Label<<" ";
{nVerts = 0;for(int i=0; i<MAX_VERTS; i++)for(int j=0; j<MAX_VERTS; j++)adjMat[i][j] = 0;
}void Graph::addVertex(char lab)
{vertexList[nVerts++] = new Vertex(lab);
}void Graph::addEdge(int start, int end)
{adjMat[start][end] = 1;adjMat[end][start] = 1;
}void Graph::printMatrix()
{for(int i=0; i<nVerts; i++){for(int j=0; j<nVerts; j++)cout << adjMat[i][j] << " ";cout << endl;}
{for(int i=0; i<nVerts; i++)delete vertexList[i];
}int main()
{Graph g;g.addVertex('A');// 0g.addVertex('B');// 1g.addVertex('C');// 2g.addVertex('D');// 3g.addVertex('E');// 4
g.addEdge(0,1); // A-Bg.addEdge(0,3); // A-Dg.addEdge(1,0); // B-Ag.addEdge(1,4); // B-Eg.addEdge(2,4); // C-Eg.addEdge(3,0); // D-Ag.addEdge(3,4); // D-Eg.addEdge(4,1); //E-B g.addEdge(4,2);//E-Cg.addEdge(4,3);//E-D
g.printMatrix();cout << "深度优先搜索的结果: ";g.DFS();system("pause");return 0;

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(4)广度优先搜索(BFS) 使用队列


#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
#include<queue> #define MAX_VERTS    20using namespace std;class Vertex
public:Vertex(char lab) { Label = lab; wasVisited = false;}
public:bool wasVisited;char Label;
};class Graph
public:Graph();~Graph();void addVertex(char lab);void addEdge(int start, int end);void printMatrix();void showVertex(int v);void DFS();void BFS();//广度优先
private:Vertex* vertexList[MAX_VERTS];int nVerts;int adjMat[MAX_VERTS][MAX_VERTS];int getAdjUnvisitedVertex(int v);
};void Graph::DFS()
{stack<int> gStack;vertexList[0]->wasVisited = true;showVertex(0);gStack.push(0);int v;while(gStack.size() > 0){v = getAdjUnvisitedVertex(gStack.top());if(v == -1)gStack.pop();else{vertexList[v]->wasVisited = true;showVertex(v);gStack.push(v);}}cout << endl;for(int j=0; j<nVerts; j++)vertexList[j]->wasVisited = false;
}void Graph::BFS()
{queue<int>gQueue;vertexList[0]->wasVisited=true; //设置顶点为访问过了,showVertex(0);gQueue.push(0);//把顶点放入到队列中 int vert1,vert2;while(gQueue.size()>0){vert1=gQueue.front();//把队列中顶点拿出来 gQueue.pop();//队列顶点删除 vert2=getAdjUnvisitedVertex(vert1);//邻接且没有访问过的 while(vert2!=-1)//有 邻接且没有访问过的
        {vertexList[vert2]->wasVisited=true;showVertex(vert2);gQueue.push(vert2);//放入到队列中 vert2=getAdjUnvisitedVertex(vert1);//继续寻找vert1中其他符合条件的//(因为getAdjUnvisitedVertex这个函数只是保证找到符合条件就返回)
        }} cout<<endl;for(int j=0; j<nVerts; j++)vertexList[j]->wasVisited = false;}
int Graph::getAdjUnvisitedVertex(int v)
{for(int j=0; j<nVerts; j++)if((adjMat[v][j] == 1) && (vertexList[j]->wasVisited == false))return j;return -1;
}void Graph::showVertex(int v)
{cout << vertexList[v]->Label << " ";
{nVerts = 0;for(int i=0; i<MAX_VERTS; i++)for(int j=0; j<MAX_VERTS; j++)adjMat[i][j] = 0;
}void Graph::addVertex(char lab)
{vertexList[nVerts++] = new Vertex(lab);
}void Graph::addEdge(int start, int end)
{adjMat[start][end] = 1;adjMat[end][start] = 1;
}void Graph::printMatrix()
{for(int i=0; i<nVerts; i++){for(int j=0; j<nVerts; j++)cout << adjMat[i][j] << " ";cout << endl;}
{for(int i=0; i<nVerts; i++)delete vertexList[i];
}int main()
{Graph g;g.addVertex('A');// 0g.addVertex('B');// 1g.addVertex('C');// 2g.addVertex('D');// 3g.addVertex('E');// 4
g.addEdge(0,1); // A-Bg.addEdge(0,3); // A-Dg.addEdge(1,0); // B-Ag.addEdge(1,4); // B-Eg.addEdge(2,4); // C-Eg.addEdge(3,0); // D-Ag.addEdge(3,4); // D-Eg.addEdge(4,1); // E-B g.addEdge(4,2); // E-Cg.addEdge(4,3); // E-D
g.printMatrix();cout << "深度优先搜索的结果: ";g.DFS();cout << "广度优先搜索的结果: ";g.BFS();cout <<endl;system("pause");return 0;

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(I) 修改节点的颜色



#include <set>
#include <map>using namespace std;int main()
{//C++标准库容器(数据结构):红黑树set<int>            a;multiset<int>        b;map<int,int>        c;multimap<int,int>    d;a.insert(50);a.insert(40);a.insert(30);return 0;

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#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
// 2006-01.29 fixed memory leaks// eliminate need to qualify standard library with std::
using namespace std;// ===============================================================
// skip down a little to line this up with the other side
// ===============================================================
// requires forward declaration to resolve cycle between NodeVisitor and RedBlackTree
template<class T> class RedBlackTree;// use an abstract class for the node visitor. it is templatized to match the templated RedBlackTree declaration
template<class T> class NodeVisitor {
public:// need a virtual destructor for the concrete classesvirtual ~NodeVisitor() {}// ise a pure virtual function so a concrete class must implement// the proper signaturevirtual void visit(const RedBlackTree<T> *node,int depth) = 0;
};// =============================================
// >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> RED BLACK TREE STARTS HERE
// =============================================
// in line with the STL conventions, this template uses 'by-value' semantics for the contained
// object. This means that the 'T' object will need to have the correct constructor and copy assignment
// semantics or it won't work. primitive types are OK but object instances would have to be
// put together correctly.
template<class T> class RedBlackTree {private:    /*Red/Black tree implementation based on Algorithms in C++, SedgewickIntroduction To Algorithms Cormen, Thomas H. / Leiserson, Charl es E . / Rivest, Ronald L . The MIT Press 07/1990NOTE : LOOK AT END OF FILE TO SEE DIFFERENCES IN TRAVERSAL IDIOMS    */// yes, i could use an enum but since i want to print the values, using an enum is more// trouble than it is worth.static const int red   = 0;static const int black = 1;// use a common instance variable naming convention 'm_'. others use a single leading '_'int               m_color;T                 m_val;RedBlackTree      *m_left;RedBlackTree     *m_right;RedBlackTree(RedBlackTree *b) {m_val      = b->m_val;m_left     = b->m_left;m_right    = b->m_right;m_color    = red;}void copy(RedBlackTree *x) {m_val     = x->m_val;m_left    = x->m_left;m_right   = x->m_right;m_color   = x->m_color;// UPDATE 2006-01-28// node pointed to by 'x' is no longer needed, delete it. // first make sure the delete won't descend into other nodesx->m_left  = 0;x->m_right = 0;delete x;}RedBlackTree *RBinsertLeft(T k,int sw) {RedBlackTree *l;RedBlackTree *b;l = m_left;if (l == 0) {m_left = b = new RedBlackTree(k);}else {b = l->RBinsert(k,sw);}return b;}RedBlackTree *RBinsertRight(T k,int sw) {RedBlackTree *r;RedBlackTree *b;r = m_right;if (r == 0) {m_right = b = new RedBlackTree(k);}else {b = r->RBinsert(k,sw);}return b;}RedBlackTree *rotLeft(){RedBlackTree *x;RedBlackTree *me;if (m_right == 0) return 0;// make the changes in a copy of current node __self// on return, the caller will copy in 'me' to current nodeme          = new RedBlackTree(this);x           = me->m_right;me->m_right = x->m_left;x->m_left   = me;return   x;}RedBlackTree *rotRight(){RedBlackTree *x;RedBlackTree *me;if (m_left == 0) return 0;// make the changes in a copy of current node __self// on return, the caller will copy in 'me' to current nodeme          = new RedBlackTree(this);x           = me->m_left;me->m_left  = x->m_right;x->m_right  = me;return x;}RedBlackTree *RBinsert(T k,int sw) {RedBlackTree *b = 0;RedBlackTree *x;RedBlackTree *l;RedBlackTree *ll;RedBlackTree *r;RedBlackTree *rr;// if current node is a 4 node, split it by flipping its colors// if both children of this node are red, change this one to red// and the children to blackl = m_left;r = m_right;if ((l != 0)&&(l->m_color==red)&&(r != 0)&&(r->m_color==red)) {m_color = red;l->m_color = black;r->m_color = black;}// go left or right depending on key relationshipif (k < m_val) {// recursively insertb = RBinsertLeft(k,0);// on the way back up check if a rotation is needed// if search path has two red links with same orientation// do a single rotation and flip the color bitsl = m_left;if ((m_color == red)&&(l != 0)&&(l->m_color == red)&&(sw == 1)) {x = rotRight();if (x != 0) {// copy returned node to 'this'
                    copy(x);}}// flip the color bitsl = m_left;if (l != 0) {ll = l->m_left;if (ll != 0) {if ((l->m_color == red)&&(ll->m_color == red)) {x = rotRight();if (x != 0) {copy(x);}m_color = black;r = m_right;if (r != 0) {r->m_color = red;}}}}}else {b = RBinsertRight(k,1);// on the way back up check if a rotation is needed// if search path has two red links with same orientation// do a single rotation and flip the color bitsr = m_right;if ((m_color == red)&&(r != 0)&&(r->m_color == red)&&(sw == 0)) {x = rotLeft();if (x != 0) {// copy returned node to 'this'
                    copy(x);}}// flip the color bitsr = m_right;if (r != 0) {rr = r->m_right;if (rr != 0) {if ((r->m_color == red)&&(rr->m_color == red)) {x = rotLeft();if (x != 0) {// copy returned node to 'this'
                            copy(x);}m_color = black;l = m_left;if (l != 0) {l->m_color = red;}}}}}            return b;}// ==================================================
// ==================================================
public:// construct with an initial value
    RedBlackTree(T x) {m_val      = x;m_left     = 0;m_right    = 0;m_color    = red;}~RedBlackTree() {if (m_left != 0) {delete m_left;}if (m_right != 0) {delete m_right;}}// return a string representation string str() const {stringstream s(stringstream::out);// m_val (type T) must have the proper ostream insertion operator// or this implementation won't works << "[" << m_val << "," << m_color << "]";return s.str();}// 'const' means this method doesn't change the object stateT val() const {return m_val;}// 'const' means this method doesn't change the object stateint color() const {return m_color;}// 'const' means this method doesn't change the object state// and it returns a pointer to a const node that the caller// cannot change, only inspectconst RedBlackTree *find(const T &key) const {const RedBlackTree *result = 0;if (key == m_val) {result = this;}else if (key < m_val) {if (m_left != 0) {result = m_left->find(key);}}else {if (m_right != 0) {result = m_right->find(key);}}return result;}// 'const' means this method doesn't change the object state// and the visitor is not allowed to change the object state.// that may not be what is desired but is used here to // illustrate something you can do in C++ that you can't do// in the other languages and that illustrates the bias towards// extensive static type checkingvoid inorder(NodeVisitor<T> *visitor,int depth) const {if (m_left != 0) {m_left->inorder(visitor,depth+1);}visitor->visit(this,depth);if (m_right != 0) {m_right->inorder(visitor,depth+1);}}RedBlackTree *insert(T k) {RedBlackTree *b;b = RBinsert(k,0);m_color = black;return b;}
};// define a concrete class for the node visitor
class IntNodeVisitor : public NodeVisitor<int> {
public:virtual ~IntNodeVisitor() {}// the node is 'const' so the visitor can't change it, only look at itvirtual void visit(const RedBlackTree<int> *node,int depth) {if (node->val() != 0) {cout << "(" << node->val() << ":" << node->color() << ":" << depth << "), ";}}
};// ==================================
// test program
// ==================================
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {int nodelist[] = {11,4,8,14,17,6,9,7,16,15,13,5,19,18,12,10,3,20,1};NodeVisitor<int> *v;// anonymous class implementing the NodeVisitor interfacev = new IntNodeVisitor;// insert all the data into the treeRedBlackTree<int> *root = new RedBlackTree<int>(2);root->insert(11);root->insert(4);root->insert(8);root->insert(14);root->insert(17);root->insert(6);//显示红黑树里的数据root->inorder(v,0);return 0;// need to do an ugly calculation to figure out length of the nodelist array// if i used a collection object instead of an array, then I couldn't have// done static initialization. so its a tradeofffor(int i=0;i<(sizeof(nodelist)/sizeof(nodelist[0]));i++) {root->insert(nodelist[i]);}// print the headercout << "C++      = ";    // visit all the nodes in orderroot->inorder(v,0);// print a newlinecout << endl;// find the specified element and print its valueconst RedBlackTree<int> *x = root->find(16);cout << x->str() << endl;// no garbage collection, need to explicitly deletedelete root; // will recursively delete all the nodesdelete v;
}// ===================================================================
// UPDATE 2006-01-29
// there are memory leaks that need to be fixed.
// 1. the algorithm leaks nodes after a rotate
//  two possible fixes :
//  find where the leaks occur and do the needed deletes
//      in this case the 'copy' method handles
//              deleting unused nodes
//      use an appropriate smart pointer to handle deleteing
// 2. the tree is not properly disposed of when the program completes
//     In the STL tradition a delete of the tree should
//     delete all tree resources but not the contained data. the application
//     should handle deleting the contained data elements, if needed, prior
//     to deleting the tree. In this case a recursive delete of the
//     nodes works gets rid of the tree resources
// these issue show that one of the big difficulties in C++ is to
// handle disposing of data after you are done with it. that is indeed a
// source of many C++ program errors of the type that are related more to
// dealing with the complexity of the language rather than the solving
// the problem. In this code the leaks are probably fixed but there is always
// a lingering doubt "Did I get all the leaks?"
// Thats a problem with C++, its hard to be certain.
// a modern approach is to use smart pointers to simulate garbage
// collection. the Boost library referenced counted smart pointers
// will be included in the next standard revision of the C++ library
// so they are used here to handle all the cases.
// ===================================================================

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#define RED_BLACK_TREE_H_#include "Wrapper.h"
#include "Except.h"// Red-black tree class.
// CONSTRUCTION: with negative infinity object
// ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS*********************
// void insert( x )       --> Insert x
// void remove( x )       --> Remove x (unimplemented)
// Comparable find( x )   --> Return item that matches x
// Comparable findMin( )  --> Return smallest item
// Comparable findMax( )  --> Return largest item
// bool isEmpty( )        --> Return true if empty; else false
// void makeEmpty( )      --> Remove all items
// ******************ERRORS********************************
// Throws exceptions as warranted.
template <class Comparable>
class RedBlackTree;template <class Comparable>
class RedBlackNode;template <class Comparable>
class RedBlackTree
{public:RedBlackTree( const Comparable & negInf );RedBlackTree( const RedBlackTree & rhs );~RedBlackTree( );Cref<Comparable> findMin( ) const;Cref<Comparable> findMax( ) const;Cref<Comparable> find( const Comparable & x ) const;bool isEmpty( ) const;void makeEmpty( );void insert( const Comparable & x );void remove( const Comparable & x );enum { RED, BLACK };const RedBlackTree & operator=( const RedBlackTree & rhs );typedef RedBlackNode<Comparable> Node;private:Node *header;   // The tree header (contains negInf)Node *nullNode;// Used in insert routine and its helpers (logically static)Node *current;Node *parent;Node *grand;Node *great;// Usual recursive stuffvoid reclaimMemory( Node *t ) const;RedBlackNode<Comparable> * clone( Node * t ) const;// Red-black tree manipulationsvoid handleReorient( const Comparable & item );RedBlackNode<Comparable> * rotate( const Comparable & item,Node *parent ) const;void rotateWithLeftChild( Node * & k2 ) const;void rotateWithRightChild( Node * & k1 ) const;
};template <class Comparable>
class RedBlackNode
{Comparable    element;RedBlackNode *left;RedBlackNode *right;int           color;RedBlackNode( const Comparable & theElement = Comparable( ),RedBlackNode *lt = NULL, RedBlackNode *rt = NULL,int c = RedBlackTree<Comparable>::BLACK ): element( theElement ), left( lt ), right( rt ), color( c ) { }friend class RedBlackTree<Comparable>;
};// Construct the tree.
// negInf is a value less than or equal to all others.
template <class Comparable>
RedBlackTree<Comparable>::RedBlackTree( const Comparable & negInf )
{nullNode    = new Node;nullNode->left = nullNode->right = nullNode;header      = new Node( negInf );header->left = header->right = nullNode;
}// Copy constructor.
template <class Comparable>
RedBlackTree<Comparable>::RedBlackTree( const RedBlackTree<Comparable> & rhs )
{nullNode    = new Node;nullNode->left = nullNode->right = nullNode;header      = new Node( rhs.header->element );header->left = header->right = nullNode;*this = rhs;
}// Destroy the tree.
template <class Comparable>
RedBlackTree<Comparable>::~RedBlackTree( )
{makeEmpty( );delete nullNode;delete header;
}// Insert item x into the tree.
// Throws DuplicateItemException if x is already present.
template <class Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::insert( const Comparable & x )
{current = parent = grand = header;nullNode->element = x;while( current->element != x ){great = grand; grand = parent; parent = current;current = x < current->element ? current->left : current->right;// Check if two red children; fix if soif( current->left->color == RED && current->right->color == RED )handleReorient( x );}// Insertion fails if already presentif( current != nullNode )throw DuplicateItemException( );current = new Node( x, nullNode, nullNode );// Attach to parentif( x < parent->element )parent->left = current;elseparent->right = current;handleReorient( x );
}// Remove item x from the tree.
// Not implemented in this version.
template <class Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::remove( const Comparable & x )
{cout << "Sorry, remove unimplemented; " << x <<" still present" << endl;
}// Find the smallest item  the tree.
// Return the smallest item wrapped in a Cref object.
template <class Comparable>
Cref<Comparable> RedBlackTree<Comparable>::findMin( ) const
{if( isEmpty( ) )return Cref<Comparable>( );Node *itr = header->right;while( itr->left != nullNode )itr = itr->left;return Cref<Comparable>( itr->element );
}// Find the largest item in the tree.
// Return the largest item wrapped in a Cref object.
template <class Comparable>
Cref<Comparable> RedBlackTree<Comparable>::findMax( ) const
{if( isEmpty( ) )return Cref<Comparable>( );Node *itr = header->right;while( itr->right != nullNode )itr = itr->right;return Cref<Comparable>( itr->element );
}// Find item x in the tree.
// Return the matching item wrapped in a Cref object.
template <class Comparable>
Cref<Comparable> RedBlackTree<Comparable>::find( const Comparable & x ) const
{nullNode->element = x;Node *curr = header->right;for( ; ; ){if( x < curr->element )curr = curr->left;else if( curr->element < x )curr = curr->right;else if( curr != nullNode )return Cref<Comparable>( curr->element );elsereturn Cref<Comparable>( );}
}// Make the tree logically empty.
template <class Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::makeEmpty( )
{reclaimMemory( header->right );header->right = nullNode;
}// Test if the tree is logically empty.
// Return true if empty, false otherwise.
template <class Comparable>
bool RedBlackTree<Comparable>::isEmpty( ) const
{return header->right == nullNode;
}// Deep copy.
template <class Comparable>
const RedBlackTree<Comparable> &
RedBlackTree<Comparable>::operator=( const RedBlackTree<Comparable> & rhs )
{if( this != &rhs ){makeEmpty( );header->right = clone( rhs.header->right );}return *this;
}// Internal method to clone subtree.
template <class Comparable>
RedBlackNode<Comparable> *
RedBlackTree<Comparable>::clone( Node * t ) const
{if( t == t->left )  // Cannot test against nullNode!!!return nullNode;elsereturn new RedBlackNode<Comparable>( t->element, clone( t->left ),clone( t->right ), t->color );
}// Internal routine that is called during an insertion
// if a node has two red children. Performs flip and rotations.
// item is the item being inserted.
template <class Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::handleReorient( const Comparable & item )
{// Do the color flipcurrent->color = RED;current->left->color = BLACK;current->right->color = BLACK;if( parent->color == RED )      // Have to rotate
    {grand->color = RED;if( item < grand->element != item < parent->element )parent = rotate( item, grand ); // Start dbl rotatecurrent = rotate( item, great );current->color = BLACK;}header->right->color = BLACK;   // Make root black
}// Internal routine that performs a single or double rotation.
// Because the result is attached to the parent, there are four cases.
// Called by handleReorient.
// item is the item in handleReorient.
// parent is the parent of the root of the rotated subtree.
// Return the root of the rotated subtree.
template <class Comparable>
RedBlackNode<Comparable> *
RedBlackTree<Comparable>::rotate( const Comparable & item,Node *theParent ) const
{if( item < theParent->element ){item < theParent->left->element ?rotateWithLeftChild( theParent->left )  :  // LLrotateWithRightChild( theParent->left ) ;  // LRreturn theParent->left;}else{item < theParent->right->element ?rotateWithLeftChild( theParent->right ) :  // RLrotateWithRightChild( theParent->right );  // RRreturn theParent->right;}
}// Rotate binary tree node with left child.
template <class Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::
rotateWithLeftChild( Node * & k2 ) const
{Node *k1 = k2->left;k2->left = k1->right;k1->right = k2;k2 = k1;
}// Rotate binary tree node with right child.
template <class Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::
rotateWithRightChild( Node * & k1 ) const
{Node *k2 = k1->right;k1->right = k2->left;k2->left = k1;k1 = k2;
}// Internal method to reclaim internal nodes in subtree t.
template <class Comparable>
void RedBlackTree<Comparable>::reclaimMemory( Node *t ) const
{if( t != t->left ){reclaimMemory( t->left );reclaimMemory( t->right );delete t;}

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#include <iostream>using namespace std;void BubbleSort(int list[], int n);int main()
{int a[] = {2,4,6,8,0,1,3,5,7,9};BubbleSort(a,10);for(int k=0; k<10; k++)cout << a[k] << " ";cout << endl;return 0;
}void BubbleSort(int list[], int n)
{for(int i=0; i<n-1; i++){for(int j=0; j<n-i-1;j++){if(list[j] > list[j+1])std::swap(list[j],list[j+1]);}}

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#include <iostream>using namespace std;void SelectSort(int *a, const int n);int main()
{int x[] = {1,3,5,7,9,0,2,4,6,8};SelectSort(x,10);for(int k=0; k<10; k++)cout << x[k] << endl;return 0;
}void SelectSort(int *list, const int n)
{//           i<nfor(int i=0; i<n-1; i++){int min = i; //min就是毛巾,毛巾是数组的下标for(int j=i+1; j<n; j++){if(list[j] < list[min])min = j;}swap(list[i],list[min]);}

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 v#include <iostream>using namespace std;int BinarySearch(int *a, const int x, const int n);
int BinSearch(int *a, const int x, const int n);int main()
{int x[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};int 结果;int num;num = 6;结果 = BinSearch(x, num, 10);if(结果 < 0)cout << "没找到! " << endl;elsecout << "在x[" << 结果 << "]找到" << num << endl;return 0;
}int BinSearch(int *a, const int x, const int n)
{int left = 0, right = n-1;while(left<=right){int middle = (left + right)/2;if(x < a[middle]) right = middle-1;else if(x > a[middle]) left=middle+1;else return middle;}return -1;
}int BinarySearch(int *a, const int x, const int n)
{int low, high, mid;low = 0, high = n-1;while(low<=high){mid = (low + high) / 2;if(a[mid] == x)return mid;else if(a[mid] < x)low = mid+1;else if(a[mid] > x)high = mid - 1;}return -1;

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#include <iostream>using namespace std;int BinarySearch_I(int *a, const int x, const int n);
int BinarySearch_R(int *a, const int x, const int left, const int right);int main()
{int m[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};int 结果;int num = 7;if((结果 = BinarySearch_R(m,num,0,8))<0){cout << "递归算法: 没找到!" << endl;}else{cout << "递归算法: 在m[" << 结果 << "]找到" << num << endl;}if((结果 = BinarySearch_I(m,num,9))<0){cout << "迭代算法: 没找到!" << endl;}else{cout << "迭代算法: 在m[" << 结果 << "]找到" << num << endl;}return 0;
}int BinarySearch_I(int *a, const int x, const int n)
{int left = 0, right = n-1;while(left <= right){int middle = (left+right)/2;if(x<a[middle]) right = middle-1;else if(x>a[middle]) left = middle + 1;else return middle;}return -1;
}int BinarySearch_R(int *a, const int x, const int left, const int right)
{if(left<=right){int middle = (left+right)/2;if(x<a[middle]) return BinarySearch_R(a,x,left,middle-1);else if(x>a[middle]) return BinarySearch_R(a,x,middle+1,right);else return middle;}return -1;

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#include <iostream>using namespace std;
void Permutations(char *p,const int k,const int m)
{//k的变换, Permutations(p,k+1,m)中的k+1赋值给了k if(k==m)//已经到了最后一个,不需要递归
    {cout<<"ddddddddddddd"<<endl;for(int i=0;i<=m;i++)cout<<p[i];cout<<endl; } else{for(int i=k;i<=m;i++ ){swap(p[k],p[i]);//调换开头 abc,让 a,b,c依次开头 Permutations(p,k+1,m);//加入确定了 a  继续让bc依次递归 swap(p[k],p[i]);//还原
            } }
}int main()
{char s[]="abc";Permutations(s,0,2); return 0;

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#include <iostream>using namespace std;template<class T>
void QuickSort(T *a, const int left, const int right)
{if(left<right){//选枢轴int i = left;int j = right+1; //为什么要加一?int pivot = a[left];//划分算法do{do i++; while(a[i]<pivot);do j--; while(a[j]>pivot);if(i<j) swap(a[i],a[j]);}while(i<j);swap(a[left],a[j]);QuickSort(a,left,j-1);QuickSort(a,j+1,right);}
}int main()
{int k[] = {8,6,4,2,0,1,3,5,7,9,99};QuickSort(k,0,9);for(int i=0; i<10; i++)cout << k[i] << endl;return 0;

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#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>typedef struct node
{int data;//存储了排列的序号。struct node *next;
node *create(int n)
{node *p = NULL, *head;head = (node*)malloc(sizeof (node ));p = head;node *s;int i = 1;if( 0 != n ){//尾后插入法while( i <= n ){s = (node *)malloc(sizeof (node));s->data = i++;    // 为循环链表初始化,第一个结点为1,第二个结点为2。p->next = s;p = s;}s->next = head->next;//最后一个节点指向第一个节点(不是头节点)
    }free(head);//删除头节点return s->next ;//返回第一个节点
}int main()
{int n = 41;int m = 3;int i;node *p = create(n);node *temp;m %= n;   // m在这里是等于3while (p != p->next )//链表剩下最后一个
    {for (i = 1; i < m-1; i++)//找到第一个节点
        {p = p->next ;//p指向第二节点
        }printf("%d->", p->next->data );//打印第三个节点的数值
temp = p->next ;                //删除第m个节点p->next = temp->next ;free(temp);p = p->next ;//p是第四个节点
    }printf("%d\n", p->data );//打印最后一个return 0;

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