
1 问题描述



编码实现using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using log4net;
using Org.LLRP.LTK.LLRPV1;
using Org.LLRP.LTK.LLRPV1.DataType;
using Org.LLRP.LTK.LLRPV1.Impinj;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using com.dn.Edgenode.Plugins.Data;
using com.dn.Edgenode.Plugins.Rfid.Impinj;
using com.dn.Edgenode.Plugins.Rfid.Impinj.Config;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;namespace com.dn.
{internal class TagFilter : Filter<NormalizedData>{private static ILog log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("com.dn.Edgenode.Log.Engine.Plugin");private Dictionary<string, DateTime> tagGroupTimeDic = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>();public object device { get; set; }public override Func<NormalizedData, bool> Condition{get{return FilterEpcByConf;}set{throw new NotImplementedException();}}private bool FilterEpcByConf(NormalizedData dataSource){bool re = false;ReaderSite rs = this.device as ReaderSite;string epc = dataSource.Data["Epc"].ToString();#region Fiter by Regex ruleif (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rs.ReaderCfg.filter.rule.Value) && !rs.ReaderCfg.filter.rule.operation.Equals(null)){if (Regex.IsMatch(epc, rs.ReaderCfg.filter.rule.Value)){if (rs.ReaderCfg.filter.rule.operation == readerCfgFilterRuleOperation.Submit){//do nothing// continue Fiter by Time.}else if (rs.ReaderCfg.filter.rule.operation == readerCfgFilterRuleOperation.None){//Ignored Fiter by Timereturn false;}}}#endregion#region Fiter by TimereaderCfgTagGroup tagsArray = rs.ReaderCfg.tagGroups.Where(p => p.tag.Contains(epc)).FirstOrDefault();//epc not in config or this tag's tagGroup is disanable ,Submit dataif (tagsArray == null || tagsArray.Enabled == false || tagsArray.tag == null || tagsArray.tag.Length == 0){re = true;}else{DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now;if (!tagGroupTimeDic.ContainsKey(epc)){//Submit datare = true;}else{DateTime epcTime = tagGroupTimeDic[epc];//find max time, it is the last time of reading the any of tags in the group.foreach (string epcItem in tagsArray.tag){if (tagGroupTimeDic.ContainsKey(epcItem)){epcTime = tagGroupTimeDic[epcItem] > epcTime ? tagGroupTimeDic[epcItem] : epcTime;}}//check timeif (dtNow.Subtract(epcTime).TotalMilliseconds > tagsArray.readingTimeout){re = true;// the timespan is greater than reading timeout, it means the group of tags has left the reader before already.// so, remove all.(so the act will be as the same as the firs seen of them for the reader.)foreach (string epcItem in tagsArray.tag){if (tagGroupTimeDic.ContainsKey(epcItem)){tagGroupTimeDic.Remove(epcItem);}}}else{//do nothingre = false;}}// add/update the reading time.tagGroupTimeDic[epc] = dtNow;}if (!re){log.InfoFormat("EPC Ignored: {0}", epc);}#endregionreturn re;}}



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