Spectral karyotyping (SKY) --- A procedure that uses the fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique to stain each of the 24 human chromosomes distinctively.

图谱核型分析(SKY):用荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术,对 24条人类染色体进行各自染色。

Splicing --- The splicing out of introns and splicing together of exons in the generation of mature mRNA from the primary transcript.


Sporadic --- In medical genetics, a disease that is not the result of inheritance of a disease-causing allele from a parent. Often the result of a new germline or somatic mutation.


Stem cell --- A type of cell capable both of self-renewal and of proliferation and differentiation.


Stop codon --- See termination codon.

终止密码子:参见termination codon。

Stratification --- The situation in which a population contains a number of subgroups whose members have not freely and randomly mated with the members of other subgroups.


Structural gene --- A gene coding for any RNA or protein product.


Structural protein --- A protein that serves a structural role in the body, such as collagen.


Submetacentric --- A type of chromosome with arms of different lengths.


Synapsis --- Close pairing of homologous chromosomes in prophase of the first meiotic division.


Syndrome --- A characteristic pattern of anomalies, presumed to be causally related.


Synpolydactyly --- A birth defect of the hands and feet characterized by extra digits and the fusion of adjoining digits.


Synteny --- The physical presence together on the same chromosome of two or more gene loci, whether or not they are close enough together for linkage to be demonstrated.


Tag SNPs --- A select, minimal subset of all the SNPs in a genomic region, chosen because they are in linkage disequilibrium with one another in the population. Tag SNPs are useful because they form a minimum set of SNPs whose alleles constitute haplotypes capable of representing all the common haplotypes in that region. See HapMap.


Tandem repeats --- Two or more copies of the same (or similar) DNA sequence arranged in a direct head-to-tail succession along a chromosome.


TATA box --- A consensus sequence in the promoter region of many genes that is located about 25 base pairs upstream from the start site of transcription and that determines the start site.


T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) --- Genetically coded receptor on the surface of T lymphocytes that specifically recognizes antigen molecules.


Telomerase --- A ribonucleoprotein reverse transcriptase that uses its own RNA template to add species-specific hexamers (such as TTAGGG in humans) to telomeres.


Telomere --- The end of each chromosome arm. Human telomeres end with tandem copies of the sequence (TTAGGG)n, which is required for the proper replication of chromosome ends.


Telophase --- The stage of cell division that begins when the daughter chromosomes reach the poles of the dividing cell and that lasts until the two daughter cells take on the appearance of interphase cells.


Teratogen --- An agent that produces congenital malformations or increases their incidence.


Termination codon --- One of the three codons (UAG, UAA, and UGA) that terminate synthesis of a polypeptide. Also called a stop codon. (See Table 3-1.)

终止密码子:终止多肽链合成的密码子(UAG、UAA和UGA)。英文又称stop codon,详见表3-1.

Tertiary structure --- Three-dimensional configuration.


Trans --- Refers to the relationship between two sequences located across from each other on the two homologous chromosomes, or to interactions between a protein and a chromosome locus. Literally means “across from.” Contrast with cis.


Transcription --- The synthesis of a single-stranded RNA molecule from a DNA template in the cell nucleus, catalyzed by RNA polymerase.


Transcription factor --- One of a large class of proteins that regulate transcription by forming large complexes with other transcription factors and RNA polymerase; these complexes then bind to regulatory regions of genes either to promote or to inhibit transcription.


Transfer RNA (tRNA) --- See RNA.


Transformation --- An in vitro phenomenon in which certain cell lines, such as cancer cells, are able to grow indefinitely in culture. More generally, the process in vivo by which a normal cell in a tissue becomes a cancerous cell.


Transition mutation --- Substitution of one purine for another purine or one pyrimidine for another pyrimidine.


Translation --- The synthesis of a polypeptide from its mRNA template.


Translocation --- The transfer of a segment of one chromosome to another chromosome. If two nonhomologous chromosomes exchange pieces, the translocation is reciprocal. See also Robertsonian translocation.


Transversion --- A mutation caused by substitution of a purine for a pyrimidine or vice versa.


Triploid --- A cell with three copies of each chromosome, or an individual made up of such cells.


Trisomy --- The state of having three representatives of a given chromosome instead of the usual pair, as in trisomy 21 (Down syndrome).


tRNA --- Transfer RNA; see RNA.

tRNA :转移RNA。参见RNA。

Tumor-suppressor gene --- A normal gene involved in the regulation of cell proliferation. Recessive mutations can lead to tumor development, as in the retinoblastoma gene or the p53 gene. Contrast with oncogene.


Two-hit model --- The hypothesis that some forms of cancer can be initiated when both alleles of a tumor-suppressor gene become inactivated in the same cell.


Ultrasonography --- A technique in which high-frequency sound waves are used to examine internal body structures; useful in prenatal diagnosis.


Uniparental disomy --- The presence in the karyotype of two copies of a specific chromosome, both inherited from one parent, with no representative of that chromosome from the other parent. If both homologues of the parental pair are present, the situation is heterodisomy; if one parental homologue is present in duplicate, the situation is isodisomy. See Prader-Willi syndrome and Angelman syndrome in the text.


Unstable repeat expansion disorders --- Diseases that occur when a gene contains tandemly repeating units of a few nucleotides and the number of such units increases beyond a threshold and interferes with the expression or function of that gene. Most commonly, the nucleotide unit involved in the expansion contains three nucleotides (triplet repeat expansion), as with CAG in Huntington disease or CGG in fragile X syndrome.

不稳定重复扩增疾病:基因中包括几个核苷酸的串联重复单元,单元重复次数增加到阈值以上,影响基因功能,从而致病。以三核苷酸单元为常见(三联体重复扩增),如Huntington 舞蹈症的CAG、脆性X综合征的CGG。

Vector --- In molecular genetics, the DNA molecule into which a gene or DNA fragment has been cloned, capable of replicating in a specific host and thereby replicating the cloned DNA segment as well. Vectors include plasmids, bacteriophage lambda, cosmids, and both bacterial and yeast artificial chromosomes.


VNTR (variable number of tandem repeats) --- A type of DNA polymorphism created by a tandem arrangement of multiple copies of short DNA sequences. Highly polymorphic, used in linkage studies and in DNA “fingerprinting” for paternity testing and forensic medicine.


Western blotting --- A technique analogous to Southern blotting, used for detection of proteins, usually by immunological methods.


Wild-type --- A term used to indicate the normal allele (often symbolized as +?) or the normal phenotype.


X;autosome translocation --- Reciprocal translocation between an X chromosome and an autosome.


X inactivation --- Inactivation of genes on one X chromosome in somatic cells of female mammals, occurring early in embryonic life, at about the time of implantation. See lyonization.


X linkage --- The distinctive inheritance pattern of alleles at loci on the X chromosome that do not undergo recombination (crossing over) during male meiosis.


Y linkage --- Genes on the Y chromosome, or traits determined by such genes, are Y-linked.


Zinc finger proteins --- One class of transcription factor proteins containing loop-shaped tandem repeating segments that bind zinc atoms.


Zygosity --- The number of zygotes from which a multiple birth is derived. For example, twins may be either monozygotic (MZ) or dizygotic (DZ). To determine whether a certain pair of twins is MZ or DZ is to determine their zygosity.


Zygote --- A fertilized ovum.


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