
Yup, you read that right, it’s that time of year again, the time to get yourself ready for this year’s edition of our annual developer’s conference, Unite 2010!

是的,您没看错,又是一年的时候了,该准备好迎接今年的年度开发者大会Unite 2010了!

加拿大魁北克蒙特利尔 (Unite 2010
November 10-12, 2010
Montreal, Quebec Canada)

Once again, Unite 2010 will bring artists, programmers, designers, researchers, publishers, and other Unity enthusiasts from around the world together for three intense days of learning and networking. The conference will be held on November 10-12, 2010 at the Marché Bonsecours in Montreal, Canada. A detailed agenda is on the way, but tickets are on sale now! Early Bird pricing lasts until September 10th and during that time tickets are only $300, after the Early Bird pricing expires tickets will be $400. If you’re just that eager then go for it and buy your tickets to Unite 2010 today!

Unite 2010再次将来自世界各地的艺术家,程序员,设计师,研究人员,出版商和其他Unity爱好者聚集在一起,进行为期三天的学习和交流。 会议将于2010年11月10日至12日在加拿大蒙特利尔的MarchéBonsecours举行。 详细的议事日程正在进行中,但门票现已开始销售! Early Bird的价格一直持续到9月10日,在此期间,票价仅为$ 300,而Early Bird的价格到期后,票价将为$ 400。 如果您只是那样的渴望,那就去买今天的Unite 2010门票吧!

Purchase Tickets


If you’re at all like me then you’re out there wanting more information, a lot more information! Well, we don’t have everything sorted just yet but I can point you to the early information that we do have. First let me point you to the press release that we put out just this morning that announced Unite 2010 with some important information and a few great quotes:

如果你在所有喜欢我,然后你在那里想要更多的信息, 大量的详细信息! 好吧,我们还没有对所有内容进行分类,但是我可以向您指出我们所拥有的早期信息。 首先,让我向您指出我们今天早晨发布的新闻稿,该新闻稿宣布了Unite 2010 ,其中包含一些重要信息和一些引号:

Unity Technologies Announces Unite 2010, It’s 4th Annual Developer Conference

Unity Technologies宣布Unite 2010,这是第四届年度开发者大会

After reading the press release you should hop on over to our website for additional information about the conference:


Unite 2010: Save The Date


Our website has information about Unite 2010, including information about where the conference is being held and travel information to help get you there. Our website also touches on the conference agenda which is still in development, but with that comes the opportunity for members of the community (that’s you!) to submit your own presentation proposals as we have an open call for speakers!

我们的网站上有关于Unite 2010的信息,包括有关举行会议地点的信息以及帮助您到达那里的旅行信息。 我们的网站还涉及仍在发展中的会议议程,但随之而来的是社区成员(就是您!)有机会提出自己的演示文稿,因为我们有公开征集发言人的机会!

Unite 2010: Call for Speakers


I have no doubts in my mind, Unite 2010 is going to be another incredible week during which we’ll get to hang out together, to Unite to share our passion for Unity. Be there!

我毫不怀疑, Unite 2010将是又一个不可思议的一周,在此期间我们将一起出去玩,与Unite分享我们对Unity的热情。 在那里!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2010/07/14/save-the-date-unite-2010/


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