
Friday, May 11, 2007

Successful at success

You will definitely succeed at something today. What exactly will it be?

Whatever you most sincerely believe and expect, you will succeed in creating. Whatever you focus your thoughts and energy upon cannot help but become real for you.

There is no doubt that you will succeed today at making a difference in the world. The question is, what difference will you choose to make?

Perhaps the choices you have made in the past have not brought you any degree of satisfaction of fulfillment. But that doesn't mean you must settle for a life that's dismal and unfulfilling.

Because you are free and able right now to set new priorities, to make different, more positive choices. Instead of being successful at failure, you can choose to be successful at success.

Every moment of every day, you succeed at creating the reality in which you live. Choose now to use that power in a positive, meaningful, fulfilling way.

-- Ralph Marston

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