


namespace framework
{class StrategyId
public:StrategyId() {}StrategyId(const std::string& value) : value_(value) {}StrategyId(const char* value) : value_(value) {}operator std::string() const { return value_; }std::string str_value() const { return value_; }void str_value(const std::string& value) { value_ = value; }bool empty() const { return value_.empty(); }const char* c_str() const { return value_.c_str(); }bool operator==(const std::string& other) const { return other == value_; }bool operator==(const char* other) const { return other == value_; }size_t length() const { return value_.length(); }private:std::string value_;
};class StrategyInstId
public:StrategyInstId() {}StrategyInstId(const std::string& value) : value_(value) {}StrategyInstId(const char* value) : value_(value) {}operator std::string() const { return value_; }std::string str_value() const { return value_; }void str_value(const std::string& value) { value_ = value; }bool empty() const { return value_.empty(); }const char* c_str() const { return value_.c_str(); }bool operator==(const std::string& other) const { return other == value_; }bool operator==(const char* other) const { return other == value_; }size_t length() const { return value_.length(); }private:std::string value_;

在本实例代码中,因为使用了fmtlib/fmt类库和daniele77/cli,还需要做相应的函数重载。另外,为了支持两种ID作为std::unordered_map的哈希键值(hash key),也需要自定义Key类型重载。我把这些代码放在了额外的"instance-inl.h"中。

#pragma oncenamespace fmt
namespace v6
{template <>
struct formatter<framework::StrategyId> : fmt::formatter<std::string>
{auto format(const framework::StrategyId& s, fmt::format_context& ctx){return fmt::formatter<std::string>::format(s.str_value(), ctx);}
};template <>
struct formatter<framework::StrategyInstId> : fmt::formatter<std::string>
{auto format(const framework::StrategyInstId& s, fmt::format_context& ctx){return fmt::formatter<std::string>::format(s.str_value(), ctx);}
};} // namespace v6
} // namespace fmtnamespace std
extern GWSDK_API ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const framework::StrategyId& v);
extern GWSDK_API ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const framework::StrategyInstId& v);
extern GWSDK_API istream& operator>>(istream& is, framework::StrategyId& v);
extern GWSDK_API istream& operator>>(istream& is, framework::StrategyInstId& v);template <> struct hash<framework::StrategyId>
{std::size_t operator()(const framework::StrategyId& k) const{using std::hash;using std::size_t;using std::string;// Compute individual hash values for first,// second and third and combine them using XOR// and bit shifting:return hash<string>()(k.str_value());}
template <> struct hash<framework::StrategyInstId>
{std::size_t operator()(const framework::StrategyInstId& k) const{using std::hash;using std::size_t;using std::string;// Compute individual hash values for first,// second and third and combine them using XOR// and bit shifting:return hash<string>()(k.str_value());}
};} // namespace std#include "cli/cli.h"namespace cli
template <> struct TypeDesc<framework::StrategyId>
{static const char* Name() { return "<framework::StrategyId>"; }
template <> struct TypeDesc<framework::StrategyInstId>
{static const char* Name() { return "<framework::StrategyInstId>"; }

我在实现OpenOrderCTP的时候使用了这些代码技术。OpenOrderCTP是上海期货交易所CTP API接口的二次封装,在普通机器上内部时延<30微妙,它实现委托状态和成交的严格排序与缓存、重演,实现了事务级别的原子交易功能,实现了复杂订单、多个委托打包自动重发的功能,还可以省心支持对接CTP之外的其他证券交易柜台,如LTS、QMT、UFT、TradeX等。如需技术支持和咨询,请联系微信号: funrun2019(下方扫码)。


The string class has the following basic functionalities:

  1. Constructor with no arguments: This allocates the storage for the string object in the heap and assign the value as a NULL character.
  2. Constructor with only one argument : It accepts a pointer to a character or we can say if we pass an array of characters, accepts the pointer to the first character in the array then the constructor of the String class allocates the storage on the heap memory of the same size as of the passed array and copies the contents of the array to that allocated memory in heap. It copies the contents using the strcpy() function declared in cstring library.
    Before doing the above operation it checks that if the argument passed is a NULL pointer then it behaves as a constructor with no arguments.
  3. Copy Constructor: It is called when any object created of the same type from an already created object then it performs a deep copy. It allocates new space on the heap for the object that is to be created and copies the contents of the passed object(that is passed as a reference).
  4. Move Constructor: It is typically called when an object is initialized(by direct-initialization or copy-initialization) from rvalue of the same type. It accepts a reference to an rvalue of an object of the type of custom string class.

Below is the implementation of the above methods using custom string class Mystring:





// C++ program to illustrate the

// above discussed functionality

#include <cstring>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


// Custom string class

class Mystring {


    // Initialise the char array

    char* str;



    // No arguments Constructor



    // Constructor with 1 arguments

    Mystring(char* val);


    // Copy Constructor

    Mystring(const Mystring& source);


    // Move Constructor

    Mystring(Mystring&& source);


    // Destructor

    ~Mystring() { delete str; }



// Function to illustrate Constructor

// with no arguments


    : str{ nullptr }


    str = new char[1];

    str[0] = '\0';



// Function to illustrate Constructor

// with one arguments

Mystring::Mystring(char* val)


    if (val == nullptr) {

        str = new char[1];

        str[0] = '\0';



    else {


        str = new char[strlen(val) + 1];


        // Copy character of val[]

        // using strcpy

        strcpy(str, val);


        cout << "The string passed is: "

             << str << endl;




// Function to illustrate

// Copy Constructor

Mystring::Mystring(const Mystring& source)


    str = new char[strlen(source.str) + 1];

    strcpy(str, source.str);



// Function to illustrate

// Move Constructor

Mystring::Mystring(Mystring&& source)


    str = source.str;

    source.str = nullptr;



// Driver Code

int main()


    // Constructor with no arguments

    Mystring a;


    // Convert string literal to

    // char array

    char temp[] = "Hello";


    // Constructor with one argument

    Mystring b{ temp };


    // Copy constructor

    Mystring c{ a };


    char temp1[] = "World";


    // One arg constructor called,

    // then the move constructor

    Mystring d{ Mystring{ temp } };

    return 0;



The string passed is: Hello
The string passed is: Hello

Some more functionalities of string class:

  1. pop_back(): Removes the last element from the Mystring object.
  2. push_back(char ch): Accepts a character as an argument and adds it to the end of the Mystring object.
  3. length(): Returns the length of the mystring.
  4. copy(): It copies the mystring object to a character array from a given position(pos) and a specific length(len).
  5. swap(): It swaps the two Mystring objects.
  6. Concatenate two strings using overloading the ‘+’ operator: Allows us to concatenate two strings.

Below is the program to illustrate the above-discussed functionality:





// C++ program to illustrate the

// above functionalities

#include <cstring>

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


// Class Mystring

class Mystring {


    // Prototype for stream insertion

    friend ostream&


        ostream& os,

        const Mystring& obj);


    // Prototype for stream extraction

    friend istream& operator>>(

        istream& is,

        Mystring& obj);


    // Prototype for '+'

    // operator overloading

    friend Mystring operator+(

        const Mystring& lhs,

        const Mystring& rhs);

    char* str;



    // No arguments constructor



    // pop_back() function

    void pop_bk();


    // push_back() function

    void push_bk(char a);


    // To get the length

    int get_length();


    // Function to copy the string

    // of length len from position pos

    void cpy(char s[], int len, int pos);


    // Swap strings function

    void swp(Mystring& rhs);


    // Constructor with 1 arguments

    Mystring(char* val);


    // Copy Constructor

    Mystring(const Mystring& source);


    // Move Constructor

    Mystring(Mystring&& source);


    // Overloading the assignment

    // operator

    Mystring& operator=(

        const Mystring& rhs);


    // Destructor

    ~Mystring() { delete str; }



// Overloading the assignment operator

Mystring& Mystring::operator=(

    const Mystring& rhs)


    if (this == &rhs)

        return *this;

    delete[] str;

    str = new char[strlen(rhs.str) + 1];

    strcpy(str, rhs.str);

    return *this;



// Overloading the plus operator

Mystring operator+(const Mystring& lhs,

                   const Mystring& rhs)


    int length = strlen(lhs.str)

                 + strlen(rhs.str);


    char* buff = new char[length + 1];


    // Copy the strings to buff[]

    strcpy(buff, lhs.str);

    strcat(buff, rhs.str);


    // String temp

    Mystring temp{ buff };


    // delete the buff[]

    delete[] buff;


    // Return the concatenated string

    return temp;


// Overloading the stream

// extraction operator

istream& operator>>(istream& is,

                    Mystring& obj)


    char* buff = new char[1000];

    is >> buff;

    obj = Mystring{ buff };

    delete[] buff;

    return is;



// Overloading the stream

// insertion operator

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,

                    const Mystring& obj)


    os << obj.str;

    return os;



// Function for swapping string

void Mystring::swp(Mystring& rhs)


    Mystring temp{ rhs };

    rhs = *this;

    *this = temp;



// Function to copy the string

void Mystring::cpy(char s[], int len,

                   int pos)


    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {

        s[i] = str[pos + i];


    s[len] = '\0';



// Function to implement push_bk

void Mystring::push_bk(char a)


    // Find length of string

    int length = strlen(str);


    char* buff = new char[length + 2];


    // Copy character from str

    // to buff[]

    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {

        buff[i] = str[i];


    buff[length] = a;

    buff[length + 1] = '\0';


    // Assign the new string with

    // char a to string str

    *this = Mystring{ buff };


    // Delete the temp buff[]

    delete[] buff;



// Function to implement pop_bk

void Mystring::pop_bk()


    int length = strlen(str);

    char* buff = new char[length];


    // Copy character from str

    // to buff[]

    for (int i = 0; i < length - 1; i++)

        buff[i] = str[i];

    buff[length] = '\0';


    // Assign the new string with

    // char a to string str

    *this = Mystring{ buff };


    // delete the buff[]

    delete[] buff;



// Function to implement get_length

int Mystring::get_length()


    return strlen(str);



// Function to illustrate Constructor

// with no arguments


    : str{ nullptr }


    str = new char[1];

    str[0] = '\0';



// Function to illustrate Constructor

// with one arguments

Mystring::Mystring(char* val)


    if (val == nullptr) {

        str = new char[1];

        str[0] = '\0';



    else {


        str = new char[strlen(val) + 1];


        // Copy character of val[]

        // using strcpy

        strcpy(str, val);




// Function to illustrate

// Copy Constructor

Mystring::Mystring(const Mystring& source)


    str = new char[strlen(source.str) + 1];

    strcpy(str, source.str);



// Function to illustrate

// Move Constructor

Mystring::Mystring(Mystring&& source)


    str = source.str;

    source.str = nullptr;



// Driver Code

int main()


    // Constructor with no arguments

    Mystring a;


    // Convert string literal to

    // char array

    char temp[] = "Hello";


    // Constructor with one argument

    Mystring b{ temp };


    // Copy constructor

    Mystring c{ a };


    char temp1[] = "World";


    // One arg constructor called,

    // then the move constructor

    Mystring d{ Mystring{ temp } };


    // Remove last character from

    // Mystring b



    // Print string b

    cout << "Mystring b: "

         << b << endl;


    // Append last character from

    // Mystring b



    // Print string b

    cout << "Mystring b: "

         << b << endl;


    // Print length of string b

    cout << "Length of Mystring b: "

         << b << endl;


    char arr[80];


    // Copy string b chars from

    // length 0 to 3

    b.cpy(arr, 3, 0);


    // Print string arr

    cout << "arr is: "

         << arr << endl;


    // Swap d and b



    // Print d and b

    cout << d << " "

         << b << endl;


    // Concatenate b and b with

    // overloading '+' operator

    d = b + b;


    // Print string d

    cout << "string d: "

         << d << endl;


    return 0;



Mystring b: Hell
Mystring b: Hello
Length of Mystring b: Hello
arr is: Hel
Hello Hello
string d: HelloHello

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