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Our country state-owned coal enterprise market marketing strategy haydiscusses


The 21st century, the coal still was the important energy whichcannot be substituted, because the our country fat coal few oils, thedisposable energy cannot change in the quite long time by the coalprimarily pattern. The coal also is affects the economy and the policythe biggest profession, in view of the fast changing market economyenvironment, the state-owned coal enterprise must along with have tochange, adopts suits own market strategy, can in the competitionneutrality to the invincible position.

This article structure arrangement altogether divides into four parts,the first part first begins from the coal market characteristic, theanalysis had pointed out the state-owned coal enterprise does themarket marketing work the necessity.

The second part begins from the coal profession survey, this part ofaltogether three links, have separately analyzed the domestic andforeign coals profession development survey, through to our countrycoal profession market marketing environment analysis, has pointed outthe domestic coal profession existence question.

The third part is the marketing strategy formulation, take the frontanalysis as the foundation, to the state-owned coal enterprise'sproduct according to the use, the price and the service carried onsubdivided, has formulated the marketing total strategy and themarketing strategy combination.

The fourth part was for guarantee the marketing strategy to be ablethe smooth implementation and obtains the safeguard system which thesuccess needed, this article introduced two links with emphasis:"Brand promotion and promotion" and "customer relations management".

This article systematically has constructed the state-owned coalenterprise market marketing strategy frame, has provided the examplefor the coal profession marketing strategy formulation, has the verystrong application value.



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