If you own an iPod you might not be happy with how big and bloated iTunes is and want an alternative. Today we look at using MediaMonkey Standard as an alternative for managing your iPod and audio collection.

如果您拥有iPod,则可能对iTunes的体积和and肿程度不满意,并希望使用它。 今天,我们考虑使用MediaMonkey Standard作为管理iPod和音频收藏的替代方法。

The Standard version of MediaMonkey is free for Windows users, is light on system resources, but packs a lot of power for managing your music and iPod. After we installed MediaMonkey and plugged in our iPod Touch 3rd Gen running iOS 4.0.2, it recognized it right away and were able to easily transfer our music collection to it.

Windows用户可以免费使用MediaMonkey的标准版,它可以节省系统资源,但具有管理音乐和iPod的强大功能。 在我们安装MediaMonkey并插入运行iOS 4.0.2的iPod Touch 3rd Gen之后,它立即识别了它并能够轻松地将我们的音乐收藏转移到其中。

安装和设置MediaMonkey (Install & Setup MediaMonkey)

Installation is straight-forward following the install wizard. When selecting the file type associations, make sure to check iTunes file types.

安装过程遵循安装向导的要求。 选择文件类型关联时,请确保检查iTunes文件类型。

After installation MediaMonkey starts, you’re presented with a welcome message and the opportunity to purchase the Gold version. Click OK to the message and we can start getting things setup. Or if you want to get the Gold version it’s $34.99 for a lifetime license and you’ll get the following options over the Standard version…

安装MediaMonkey开始后,会向您显示欢迎消息,并有机会购买Gold版本。 单击确定以显示消息,我们可以开始进行设置。 或者,如果您想获得黄金版,则终身许可证的价格为$ 34.99,并且比标准版有以下选择……

  • File Monitor to automatically update the Library文件监视器自动更新库
  • Integrated CD/DVD Burner at 48x speed集成CD / DVD刻录机,速度为48倍
  • Support for Multiple Collections支持多个馆藏
  • On-the-fly audio conversion即时音频转换
  • Advanced search and auto playlists高级搜索和自动播放列表
  • Unlimited MP3 encoding无限的MP3编码
  • Virtual CD虚拟CD
  • High-speed conversion and leveling on multi-core systems 多核系统上的高速转换和平衡

By default it will scan your Music folder which should already include iTunes content if you have it installed.


It will also offer to import all of the data from WMP and iTunes…click OK.


After your content (including purchased) is imported you will see it all in the MediaMonkey Library.

导入内容(包括购买的内容)后 ,您将在MediaMonkey库中看到所有内容。

All of our iTunes audio content was imported sans Videos and the iOS Apps. We had our iTunes U lectures, Podcasts, and of course our Music.

我们所有的iTunes音频内容都导入了sans Videos和iOS Apps。 我们举办了iTunes U讲座,播客,当然还有音乐。

You can add or rescan tracks to the Library at anytime from the File menu.


MediaMonkey中的播放列表 (Playlists in MediaMonkey)

The playlists feature functions like you would expect from a music player. There are some included by default, you can create your own, and remove the ones you don’t use.

播放列表功能具有音乐播放器所期望的功能。 默认情况下有一些,您可以创建自己的,并删除不使用的。

You can remove a Playlist by doing a right-click then Remove, or by simply highlighting a playlist and hitting the Delete key.


将iPod与MediaMonkey一起使用 (Use Your iPod with MediaMonkey)

The first time we plugged in our iPod Touch running iOS 4.0.2 it was automatically recognized, out of the box with no additional plugins required which is very cool.

首次插入运行iOS 4.0.2的iPod Touch时,它自动被识别,无需额外的插件,这非常酷。

You will also be able to see all of the music on your iPod.


Now you can go through your Library and drag and drop whatever songs you want to your iPod.


Or you can highlight the audio you want on your iPod, right-click and Send to iPod.


There are a lot of neat customizations you can do with your iPod. Right-click on it and select Configure Device.

您可以使用iPod进行许多巧妙的自定义设置。 右键单击它,然后选择配置设备

This opens up the Device Profile window where you have several different options to choose from including Auto-Sync which makes managing the music library easy.


There are several other options you can use to configure how your iPod works with MediaMonkey too. Although some like Auto-Conversion are only available in the Gold version.

您还可以使用其他几个选项来配置iPod与MediaMonkey一起工作的方式。 尽管有些类似自动转换的功能仅在黄金版中可用。

从家庭网络位置访问音乐 (Access Music from Home Network Locations)

One of the cool features of MediaMonkey is the ability to access music no matter where it lives on your home network. For example, here we have a lot of MP3s, FLAC files, and Audio Books on our Windows Home Server. You can easily navigate to the music files on your home server and add them to your Library.

MediaMonkey的一项很酷的功能是无论您在家庭网络中的任何位置都可以访问音乐。 例如,在这里,我们的Windows Home Server上有很多MP3,FLAC文件和有声读物。 您可以轻松导航到家庭服务器上的音乐文件,然后将它们添加到媒体库中。

It also comes with a couple skins by default and you can download others from their site and from the community.


If you aren’t happy with iTunes 9 and think iTunes 10 was a less than stellar upgrade, it might be time to look for alternatives. MediaMonkey provides a lot of options, and plays a large amount of music file formats. If you want an alternative that will allow you to manage your iPod out of the box, MediaMonkey Standard is free and works well.

如果您对iTunes 9感到不满意,并认为iTunes 10升级不够出色,那么可能是时候寻找替代方案了。 MediaMonkey提供了很多选项,并播放大量的音乐文件格式。 如果您希望使用其他方法可以开箱即用地管理iPod,MediaMonkey Standard是免费的,并且效果很好。

There are also some cool addons and plugins available out there in the MediaMonkey community that we’ll be taking a look at in future, including ways to better manage your iPod, so stay tuned for that.


What about your guys? Leave us a comment and tell us your favorite ways to use MediaMonkey.

那你们呢? 给我们留下评论,并告诉我们您最喜欢的MediaMonkey使用方式。

Download MediaMonkey


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/28077/manage-your-ipod-with-mediamonkey-as-an-alternative-to-itunes-for-windows/


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