xilinx 14.1和matlab2012a



>在Load_system中21位于E:\ Xilinx \ 14.1 \ ISE_DS \ ISE \ sysgen \ bin \ nt64 \ sl_customization.p> sl_customization at 18 in sl_refresh_customizations> call_all at 157 in sl_refresh_customizations at 80 in slcustomize at 4 in simulinkrc at 39警告:


>在Load_system中21位于E:\ Xilinx \ 14.1 \ ISE_DS \ ISE \ sysgen \ bin \ nt64 \ sl_customization.p> sl_customization at 18 in sl_refresh_customizations> call_all at 157 in sl_refresh_customizations at 80 in slcustomize at 4 in simulinkrc at 39警告:



当我添加xilinx blockset中包含的块时,它也无法运行且无法编辑。






i have used xilinx 14.1 and matlab2012a

when i opened a system generator it shows the error in matlab command window as below:

Warning: xbsIndex.mdl, line 7: Error evaluating 'PreLoadFcn' callback of

block_diagram 'xbsIndex'.

> In load_system at 21

In E:\Xilinx\14.1\ISE_DS\ISE\sysgen\bin\nt64\sl_customization.p>sl_customization at 18

In sl_refresh_customizations>call_all at 157

In sl_refresh_customizations at 80

In slcustomize at 4

In simulinkrc at 39

Warning: Undefined variable "com" or class


> In load_system at 21

In E:\Xilinx\14.1\ISE_DS\ISE\sysgen\bin\nt64\sl_customization.p>sl_customization at 18

In sl_refresh_customizations>call_all at 157

In sl_refresh_customizations at 80

In slcustomize at 4

In simulinkrc at 39

Warning: xbsIndex_r4.mdl, line 7: Error evaluating 'PreLoadFcn' callback

of block_diagram 'xbsIndex_r4'.

Warning: Undefined variable "com" or class


also when i add the block included in xilinx blockset it can't run and it can't be edited.

It shows the error message as

please give solution as soon as possible


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