# Server
redis_version:3.0.7  redis_version: Redis 服务器版本
redis_git_sha1:00000000  redis_git_sha1: Git SHA1
redis_git_dirty:0  redis_git_dirty: Git dirty flag
redis_mode:standalone  redis_mode:单机or集群
os:Linux 2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64 x86_64  os: Redis 服务器的宿主操作系统
arch_bits:64  arch_bits: 架构(32 或 64 位)
multiplexing_api:epoll  multiplexing_api: Redis 所使用的事件处理机制
gcc_version:4.4.7  gcc_version: 编译 Redis 时所使用的 GCC 版本
process_id:6206 process_id: 服务器进程的 PID
run_id:4632606198da81ebf80b7e29a352bd58f9d3a6f1  run_id: Redis 服务器的随机标识符(用于 Sentinel 和集群)
tcp_port:6379  tcp_port: TCP/IP 监听端口
uptime_in_seconds:199  uptime_in_seconds: 自 Redis 服务器启动以来,经过的秒数
uptime_in_days:0  uptime_in_days: 自 Redis 服务器启动以来,经过的天数
lru_clock:10160707   lru_clock: 以分钟为单位进行自增的时钟,用于 LRU 管理
config_file:/data/redis/redis6379/redis6379.conf  config_file:redis配置文件

# Clients
connected_clients:2  connected_clients: 已连接客户端的数量(不包括通过从属服务器连接的客户端)
client_longest_output_list:0  client_longest_output_list: 当前连接的客户端当中,最长的输出列表
client_biggest_input_buf:0  client_biggest_input_buf: 当前连接的客户端当中,最大输入缓存
blocked_clients:0  blocked_clients: 正在等待阻塞命令(BLPOP、BRPOP、BRPOPLPUSH)的客户端的数量

# Memory
used_memory:1908784   used_memory: 由 Redis 分配器分配的内存总量,以字节(byte)为单位
used_memory_human:1.82M   used_memory_human: 以人类可读的格式返回 Redis 分配的内存总量
used_memory_rss:2289664   used_memory_rss: 从操作系统的角度,返回 Redis 已分配的内存总量(俗称常驻集大小)。这个值和 top 、 ps 等命令的输出一致。
used_memory_peak:1923848   used_memory_peak: Redis 的内存消耗峰值(以字节为单位)
used_memory_peak_human:1.83M   used_memory_peak_human: 以人类可读的格式返回 Redis 的内存消耗峰值
used_memory_lua:36864   used_memory_lua: Lua 引擎所使用的内存大小(以字节为单位)
mem_fragmentation_ratio:1.20   mem_fragmentation_ratio: used_memory_rss 和 used_memory 之间的比率
mem_allocator:jemalloc-3.6.0   mem_allocator: 在编译时指定的, Redis 所使用的内存分配器。可以是 libc 、 jemalloc 或者 tcmalloc 。
在理想情况下, used_memory_rss 的值应该只比 used_memory 稍微高一点儿。
当 rss > used ,且两者的值相差较大时,表示存在(内部或外部的)内存碎片。
内存碎片的比率可以通过 mem_fragmentation_ratio 的值看出。
当 used > rss 时,表示 Redis 的部分内存被操作系统换出到交换空间了,在这种情况下,操作可能会产生明显的延迟。
当 Redis 释放内存时,分配器可能会,也可能不会,将内存返还给操作系统。
如果 Redis 释放了内存,却没有将内存返还给操作系统,那么 used_memory 的值可能和操作系统显示的 Redis 内存占用并不一致。
查看 used_memory_peak 的值可以验证这种情况是否发生。

# Persistence
loading:0   loading:是否正在 load of a dump file 的标记
rdb_changes_since_last_save:0   rdb_changes_since_last_save:自从上次save后rdb change的数量
rdb_bgsave_in_progress:0   rdb_bgsave_in_progress:是否正常进行bgsave
rdb_last_save_time:1469778323   rdb_last_save_time:上次save的unix时间戳
rdb_last_bgsave_status:ok   rdb_last_bgsave_status:rdb上次bgsave的状态
rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec:0   rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec:上次bgsave的持续时间(s)
rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec:-1   rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec:正在bgsave的持续时间(s)
aof_enabled:1   aof_enabled:启用AOF
aof_rewrite_in_progress:0   aof_rewrite_in_progress:AOF rewrite operation是否正在进行
aof_rewrite_scheduled:0   aof_rewrite_scheduled:Flag indicating an AOF rewrite operation will be scheduled once the on-going RDB save is complete.
aof_last_rewrite_time_sec:-1  aof_last_rewrite_time_sec:上次AOF rewrite持续时间
aof_current_rewrite_time_sec:-1   aof_current_rewrite_time_sec:正在进行的AOF rewrite持续时间
aof_last_bgrewrite_status:ok   aof_last_bgrewrite_status:上次AOF rewrite状态
aof_current_size:1021   aof_current_size:AOF当前大小
aof_base_size:1021   aof_base_size:AOF file size on latest startup or rewrite
aof_pending_rewrite:0   aof_pending_rewrite: Flag indicating an AOF rewrite operation will be scheduled once the on-going RDB save is complete.
aof_buffer_length:0   aof_buffer_length: Size of the AOF buffer
aof_rewrite_buffer_length:0      aof_rewrite_buffer_length: Size of the AOF rewrite buffer
aof_pending_bio_fsync:0   aof_pending_bio_fsync: Number of fsync pending jobs in background I/O queue
aof_delayed_fsync:0    aof_delayed_fsync: Delayed fsync counter

If a load operation is on-going, these additional fields will be added:
loading_start_time: Epoch-based timestamp of the start of the load operation
loading_total_bytes: Total file size
loading_loaded_bytes: Number of bytes already loaded
loading_loaded_perc: Same value expressed as a percentage
loading_eta_seconds: ETA in seconds for the load to be complete

# Stats
total_connections_received:5   total_connections_received: Total number of connections accepted by the server
total_commands_processed:192   total_commands_processed: Total number of commands processed by the server
instantaneous_ops_per_sec:1   instantaneous_ops_per_sec: Number of commands processed per second
rejected_connections:0   rejected_connections: Number of connections rejected because of maxclients limit
expired_keys:0   expired_keys: Total number of key expiration events
evicted_keys:0   evicted_keys: Number of evicted keys due to maxmemory limit
keyspace_hits:0   keyspace_hits: Number of successful lookup of keys in the main dictionary
keyspace_misses:0   keyspace_misses: Number of failed lookup of keys in the main dictionary
pubsub_channels:0   pubsub_channels: Global number of pub/sub channels with client subscriptions
pubsub_patterns:0   pubsub_patterns: Global number of pub/sub pattern with client subscriptions
latest_fork_usec:141   latest_fork_usec: Duration of the latest fork operation in microseconds

# Replication

If the instance is a slave, these additional fields are provided:
master_host: Host or IP address of the master
master_port: Master listening TCP port
master_link_status: Status of the link (up/down)
master_last_io_seconds_ago: Number of seconds since the last interaction with master
master_sync_in_progress: Indicate the master is syncing to the slave
If a SYNC operation is on-going, these additional fields are provided:
master_sync_left_bytes: Number of bytes left before syncing is complete
master_sync_last_io_seconds_ago: Number of seconds since last transfer I/O during a SYNC operation
If the link between master and slave is down, an additional field is provided:
master_link_down_since_seconds: Number of seconds since the link is down

used_cpu_sys:0.04   used_cpu_sys: System CPU consumed by the Redis server
used_cpu_user:0.16   used_cpu_user:User CPU consumed by the Redis server
used_cpu_sys_children:0.00   used_cpu_sys_children: System CPU consumed by the background processes
used_cpu_user_children:0.00   used_cpu_user_children: User CPU consumed by the background processes

# Cluster

# Keyspace


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