本文翻译自:What is the equivalent of Java static methods in Kotlin?

There is no static keyword in Kotlin. Kotlin中没有static关键字。

What is the best way to represent a static Java method in Kotlin? 用Kotlin表示static Java方法的最佳方法是什么?




You place the function in the "companion object". 您将功能放置在“伴侣对象”中。

So the java code like this: 所以像这样的java代码:

class Foo {public static int a() { return 1; }

will become 会变成

class Foo {companion object {fun a() : Int = 1}

You can then use it from inside Kotlin code as 然后,您可以从Kotlin代码内部使用它,如下所示:


But from within Java code, you would need to call it as 但是从Java代码中,您需要将其称为


(Which also works from within Kotlin.) (这也来自Kotlin。)

If you don't like having to specify the Companion bit you can either add a @JvmStatic annotation or name your companion class. 如果您不想指定Companion位,则可以添加@JvmStatic批注或命名您的伴侣类。

From the docs : 从文档 :

Companion Objects 伴侣对象

An object declaration inside a class can be marked with the companion keyword: 类内的对象声明可以用伴随关键字标记:

 class MyClass { companion object Factory { fun create(): MyClass = MyClass() } } 

Members of the companion object can be called by using simply the class name as the qualifier: 可以通过仅使用类名作为限定符来调用伴随对象的成员:

 val instance = MyClass.create() 

... ...

However, on the JVM you can have members of companion objects generated as real static methods and fields, if you use the @JvmStatic annotation. 但是,在JVM上,如果使用@JvmStatic批注,则可以将伴随对象的成员生成为实际的静态方法和字段。 See the Java interoperability section for more details. 有关更多详细信息,请参见Java互操作性部分。

Adding the @JvmStatic annotation looks like this 添加@JvmStatic注释如下所示

class Foo {companion object {@JvmStaticfun a() : Int = 1;}

and then it will exist as a real Java static function, accessible from both Java and Kotlin as Foo.a() . 然后它将作为一个真正的Java静态函数存在,可以从Java和Kotlin中以Foo.a()

If it is just disliked for the Companion name, then you can also provide an explicit name for the companion object looks like this: 如果只是不喜欢Companion名称,那么您还可以为伴随对象提供一个明确的名称,如下所示:

class Foo {companion object Blah {fun a() : Int = 1;}

which will let you call it from Kotlin in the same way, but from java like Foo.Blah.a() (which will also work in Kotlin). 它可以让您以相同的方式从Kotlin调用它,但可以从Foo.Blah.a()类的Java中调用它(在Kotlin中也可以使用)。


A. Old Java Way : A.旧的Java方式:

  1. Declare a companion object to enclose a static method / variable 声明一个companion object以包含一个静态方法/变量

     class Foo{ companion object { fun foo() = println("Foo") val bar ="bar" } } 
  2. Use : 采用 :

     Foo.foo() // Outputs Foo println(Foo.bar) // Outputs bar 

B. New Kotlin way B.新科特林方式

  1. Declare directly on file without class on a .kt file. 直接声明文件, 而不声明.kt文件的

     fun foo() = println("Foo") val bar ="bar" 
  2. Use the methods/variables with their names . methods/variables与它们的名称一起使用 。 ( After importing them ) 导入后

    Use : 采用 :

     foo() // Outputs Foo println(bar) // Outputs bar 


Docs recommends to solve most of the needs for static functions with package-level functions . Docs建议使用包级功能解决静态功能的大多数需求。 They are simply declared outside a class in a source code file. 它们只是在源代码文件中的类外部声明。 The package of a file can be specified at the beginning of a file with the package keyword. 可以使用package关键字在文件的开头指定文件的软件包。

Declaration 宣言

package foofun bar() = {}

Usage 用法

import foo.bar

Alternatively 或者

import foo.*

You can now call the function with: 您现在可以使用以下命令调用该函数:


or if you do not use the import keyword: 或者,如果您不使用import关键字:


If you do not specify the package the function will be accessible from the root. 如果不指定软件包,则可以从根目录访问该功能。

If you only have experience with java, this might seem a little strange. 如果您只有Java经验,这似乎有些奇怪。 The reason is that kotlin is not a strictly object-oriented language. 原因是kotlin不是严格的面向对象语言。 You could say it supports methods outside of classes. 您可以说它支持类之外的方法。


Write them directly to files. 将它们直接写入文件。

In Java (ugly): 在Java中(丑陋):

package xxx;
class XxxUtils {public static final Yyy xxx(Xxx xxx) { return xxx.xxx(); }

In Kotlin: 在科特林:

package xxx
fun xxx(xxx: Xxx): Yyy = xxx.xxx()

Those two pieces of codes are equaled after compilation (even the compiled file name, the file:JvmName is used to control the compiled file name, which should be put just before the package name declaration). 编译后,这两段代码相等(甚至是已编译的文件名, file:JvmName用于控制已编译的文件名,应将其放在包名声明之前)。


You need to pass companion object for static method because kotlin don't have static keyword - Members of the companion object can be called by using simply the class name as the qualifier: 您需要为静态方法传递伴随对象,因为kotlin没有static关键字-可以通过仅使用类名作为限定符来调用伴随对象的成员:

package xxxclass ClassName {companion object {fun helloWord(str: String): String {return stringValue}}}


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