
  1. Clean工程

  2. 按住option键,再次Clean(Clean Build Folder...)

  3. 进入Window -> Organizer,在上面的Tab中选择Project,在左侧选中当前的工程,在右侧把Derived Data删除

  4. 报has been modified since the precompiled header错误的时候会显示很长的错误信息,其中有个包含DerivedData目录的路径,把路径指向的文件删掉

  5. 关闭Xcode,直接把 /Library/Developer/Xcode/ 目录删掉,然后启动Xcode自动重建此目录。如果你配置了自定义的快捷键,建议先把 /Users/你的用户名/Library/Developer /Xcode/UserData/KeyBindings 目录下你自定义的KeyBindings文件备份,之后再复制过来


has been modified since the precompiled header相关推荐

  1. 如何解决…has been modified since the precompiled header… was built的问题

    如何解决-has been modified since the precompiled header- was built 的问题 xcode5.1在程序中报错: File '/Applicatio ...

  2. iOS开发xcode报错:xxxxxxhas been modified since the precompiled header was built

    最近做iOS开发,老是遇到这种问题,正好我有两个版本的Xcode,换了另一个,就正常了,所以也一直没解决. 今天又遇到这个问题,就查了一下资料,找到了解决办法,在次记录一下方便查找,就是在Xcode中 ...

  3. Cannot open precompiled header file:'Debug/password.pch' No such file or directory

    今天在VC6.0中咕哝个程序,遇到如下提示: Cannot open precompiled header file:'Debug/password.pch' No such file or dire ...

  4. fatal error C1010:unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header directive报错的解决办法

    1情况说明: 当遇到添加.c文件时,不管加不加预编译头文件时,都会报f:\xpj\21enai\sm4.c(345) : fatal error C1010: unexpected end of fi ...

  5. 关于编译错误 fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file

        今天编译一个比较大的工程时,总是遇到这样的编译错误,想必凡是用过VC6.0做过比较大的程序或者做过MFC开发的朋友都遇到过.错误提示如下,fatal error C1083:Cannot op ...

  6. 编译错误 fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header directive

    VC6.0在编译的时候出现这种错误 fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header dir ...

  7. (转)fatal error C1853: precompiled header file is from a previous version of the compiler, or the pre

    预编译头文件来自编译器的早期版本,或者预编译头为C++而在C中使用它(或相反) 当Visual C++项目启用了预编译头(Precompiled header)功能时,如果项目中同时混合有.c和.cp ...

  8. Cannot open precompiled header file: 'Debug/shuju1.pch': No such file or directory

    Q1: Cannot open precompiled header file: 'Debug/shuju1.pch': No such file or directory solution: 是预编 ...

  9. unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled header directive解决方法

    在project->setting->c/c++ ->category里选 precompiled header然后在下面选not using precompiled header


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